Print Folders and Files Recursively

// PrintFoldersAndFiles(pathName, extension, recurse, level) // Shows how to recursively find all files in a folder and subfolders. // pathName is the name of an Igor symbolic path that you created using NewPath or the Misc->New Path menu item. // extension is a file name extension like ".txt" or "????" for all files. // recurse is 1 to recurse or 0 to list just the top-level folder. // level is the recursion level - pass 0 when calling PrintFoldersAndFiles. Function PrintFoldersAndFiles(pathName, extension, recurse, level) String pathName // Name of symbolic path in which to look for folders and files. String extension // File name extension (e.g., ".txt") or "????" for all files. Variable recurse // True to recurse (do it for subfolders too). Variable level // Recursion level. Pass 0 for the top level. Variable folderIndex, fileIndex String prefix // Build a prefix (a number of tabs to indicate the folder level by indentation) prefix = "" folderIndex = 0 do if (folderIndex >= level) break endif prefix += "\t" // Indent one more tab folderIndex += 1 while(1) // Print folder String path PathInfo $pathName // Sets S_path path = S_path Printf "%s%s\r", prefix, path // Print files fileIndex = 0 do String fileName fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, fileIndex, extension) if (strlen(fileName) == 0) break endif Printf "%s\t%s%s\r", prefix, path, fileName fileIndex += 1 while(1) if (recurse) // Do we want to go into subfolder? folderIndex = 0 do path = IndexedDir($pathName, folderIndex, 1) if (strlen(path) == 0) break // No more folders endif String subFolderPathName = "tempPrintFoldersPath_" + num2istr(level+1) // Now we get the path to the new parent folder String subFolderPath subFolderPath = path NewPath/Q/O $subFolderPathName, subFolderPath PrintFoldersAndFiles(subFolderPathName, extension, recurse, level+1) KillPath/Z $subFolderPathName folderIndex += 1 while(1) endif End



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I'm trying to use the procedure above to load excel files from different subdirectories from my PC. However, I cannot place a running index somewhere in the code such that it increases by one for each file that's loaded. How can I do that?
October 27, 2020 at 08:18 am - Permalink
If I understand your question, the only simple way to do this is to create a global variable initialized to 0 in your top-level function and increment it in PrintFoldersAndFiles where the fileIndex variable is incremented.
A cleaner but more complicated solution is to add a pass-by-reference parameter and increment it in PrintFoldersAndFiles where the fileIndex variable is incremented. This is cleaner because it avoids the use of a global variable.
For details on pass-by-reference parameters, execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "Pass-By-Reference"
October 27, 2020 at 10:23 am - Permalink