Igor Pro 7.05 Released
Created on August 22 at 02:25 pm - by: admin
A new release of Igor Pro 7 is now available for all platforms. A list of notable changes for this release is included below. Go to the Downloads page or select the Help→Updates for Igor Pro menu item within Igor Pro 7 to get the latest release. If you've reported an issue to us and we've told you it's been fixed, the fix will be included in this release, even if it's not mentioned below.
Macintosh users: When you drag the Igor Pro 7 Folder from the new installer into your Applications folder, the OS may ask you whether you want to merge the folders or replace the existing folder. You should select "Replace".
Notable Changes in Igor Pro 7.05
Please see the Igor Pro 7.05 Beta 1 release announcement for a list of changes made prior to release of the beta. In addition, the following changes were made after the last beta was released:
- Aliases or shortcuts to experiment files dragged onto the command window are now properly resolved to the referenced file, and open successfully.
- Command sequences using Execute/P/Q and PauseForUser no longer leave the Macros menu showing only "Abort Macro Execution".
- Macintosh: Fixed behavior introduced in 7.05B01 that led to problems with data placed on the clipboard by Igor when used in other applications. For example, copying numeric data from a table and pasting into Excel 2016 resulted in Excel treating the first cell as a text value, not a numeric value.
- Macintosh: Fixed incorrect setting of S_value output variable in ExecuteScriptText when the script failed and gave an error message. This particular bug was introduced by a related ExecuteScriptText fix in 7.05B01.
- Windows: Re-selecting the most recent file or experiment no longer fails.
- It was possible to create a picture with no name by passing $"" or with a liberal name by passing $<string containing liberal name> to DrawPICT as the picture name. These should not have been allowed and are now errors.



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