Weird wavestats bug..

Ok this is driving me batty, I keep getting: WaveStats error: "expected wave name" despite the fact that the function runs (otherwise) flawlessly with all the correct output. If wavestats was truly not working, this would crash my program big time.

short version:

function function1(thresh)
variable thresh
wave wave1,wave2,wave3,wave4,wave5 //preexisting waves in the current experiment
do some stuff
function2(wave1,wave3) // edits wave1 based on information in wave3
do some more stuff
give me nice graphs thanks Igor
wave wave1,wave3
wavestats wave1
variable num = V_npntns
wavestats wave3
variable num2 = V_npnts// <-- this is the line that gets highlighted in the debugger, the syntax is identical to the lines above.
do some stuff to wave1 based on num and num2

The actual code is here:
#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
function Joint_Hist(thresh)
variable thresh
wave frame, seq_length, intensitych1, intensitych2,ca_conc,amplitudech1,amplitudech2
duplicate/o frame f_key
duplicate/o intensitych1 int_1
duplicate/o intensitych2 int_2
duplicate/o int_2 density
density /= int_1
matrixop/o density = replace(density, NaN, 0)
int_1 = sqrt(intensitych1)
sort int_1,int_1,int_2,f_key,density
wave x_wave = int_1
wave y_wave = f_key
wavestats/q/m=1 y_wave
variable y_dim_max = ceil(V_max)
variable y_dim_min = floor(V_min)
print "y_max is" ,y_dim_max
print "y_min is", y_dim_min
variable y_bins = y_dim_max - y_dim_min + 1
//print y_bins
variable num = V_npnts
wavestats/q/m=1 x_wave
variable x_dim_max = ceil(V_max)
print  "x_max is",x_dim_max
variable x_dim_min = floor(V_min)
print "x_min is", x_dim_min
variable num_bins = 20 // edit this to play with bin resolution
//print num_bins
variable x_delta = (x_dim_max - x_dim_min) / num_bins
print "x_delta is",x_delta
//Build final output waves
make/o/d/n=(num_bins,y_bins) size_hist
make/o/d/n=(num_bins,y_bins,2) density_hist
make/o/d/n=(num_bins,y_bins) density_values
make/o/d/n=(0,3) reject_points 
//print "num =",num
//variable thresh = 10  //V_avg + 3*V_sdev
//print "threshold density is",thresh
variable i,j,n
variable x_pos, y_pos
variable max_depth = 0
variable max_errors = 0
for (i=0;i<num;i+=1)
    //print i
    for (j=0;j<num_bins;j+=1)
        if (x_wave[i] - x_dim_min >= (j*x_delta) && x_wave[i] - x_dim_min < (j+1)*x_delta)
            //add a second if-loop to kick out bad data
            if (density[i]<= thresh)
                x_pos = j
                y_pos = y_wave[i] - y_dim_min
                n = size_hist[x_pos][y_pos] // dont iterate n, it corrects the iterate from zero problem
                size_hist[x_pos][y_pos]+= 1
                //check number of binned points and increase matrix depth if needed
                if (n > max_depth)
                    insertpoints/m=2 (max_depth + 1), 1, density_values
                    max_depth +=1
            density_values[x_pos][y_pos][n] = density[i]        
                max_errors +=1
                insertpoints (max_errors),1, reject_points
                reject_points[max_errors-1][0] = i
                reject_points[max_errors-1][1] = density[i]
                reject_points[max_errors-1][2] = frame[i]
// move thru the data matrix and fill in the final histogram
for (i=0;i<num_bins ; i+=1)
    for(j=0;j<y_bins ;j+=1)
        //print "(i , j) =", i,",",j
        n = size_hist[i][j] -1 // if number of counts = 0, the next line duplicates the entire wave.  but the whole wave will be zeros so that is ok.  for now.
        //duplicate/o/r=[i,i][j,j][0,n] density_values temp_wave
        duplicate/o/r=[i,i][j,j][0,max_depth-1] density_values temp_wave
        redimension/n=(max_depth) temp_wave
        wavestats/r=[0,n]/q temp_wave
        density_hist[i][j][0] = V_avg
        density_hist[i][j][1] = V_sdev
newimage/N=density_graph density_hist 
SetAxis/W=density_graph/A left
ModifyImage/w=density_graph density_hist ctab= {*,*,Grays,1}
newimage/N=size_graph size_hist
setaxis/W=size_graph/a left
modifyimage/w=size_graph size_hist ctab= {*,*,Grays,1}

and the sub function that gets called with the error
#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
function Join_Frames(frames,seq_lengths)
wave frames, seq_lengths
wavestats/q/m=1 frames
variable i, j 
variable num = V_npnts
wavestats/q/m=1 seq_lengths
variable total_seq = V_npnts  // <-- this line gets pointed out in debugger
variable a, b
for (i=0;i<total_seq;i+=1)
    b= sum(seq_lengths,0,i) - 1
    for (j=0;j<num;j+=1)
        if (frames[j] >= a && frames[j] <=b)
            frames[j] = i
    a = b + 1
I haven't looked through the code in detail but do you need wavestats (e.g. do you expect NAN's/INF's) or could you just use numpnts(seq_lengths). Would that throw an error, too? Otherwise you're not using anything, are you?

Yeah you are right, I will just try to rewrite the variable statement to use the numpnts function instead, but I would really like to understand why I am getting this error, when by all means available to me, I do not see that I should. I have similiar error messages popping up in some of my other programs, I have a feeling it is the same source.

EDIT: not only did numpnts fix the problem, it caused the program to run MUCH faster (basically instantaneously versus 20 to 30 seconds). This is strange, as the wavestats statements were only called twice, not in a loop, and I even used the /m=1 parameter to limit the statistics produced...
When you were having the problem with WaveStats, did seq_lengths exist in the current data folder? A run through the debugger is almost always enlightening... I can speak from experience on that.
Yeah, I run a function in the current experiment that creates seq_length and just dumps it into :root I assume. I havent messed around with folders at all yet, so everything just goes right on my 'desktop', but the wave is there in the data browser..

Then I run the joint_hist function, which is told that seq_length is a wave, and passes it accordingly to join_frames. Join_frames actually does its job correctly here (or I would know immediately from the output, but ive also tested with print statements), but I still get the error message after the program is done running. Which as I mentioned above, takes a significantly longer amount of time to do so.

I did run it thru the data bugger, but I am brand spanking new to that machine, so other than pointing out the line it says is troublesome, I have no idea what it is telling me yet..

EDIT: On second thought, I think I am forgetting to load seq_length, and am instead using a copy of the treated wave, such that join_frames is probably failing but it doesnt matter since ive already got the data i need. OOPS. Thanks for the headsup, I spent two hours trying to solve this so far. *embarrassed*
Use the "Debug on Error" and "NVAR, SVAR, WAVE Checking" features of the debugger for this kind of problem.

When doing development these should be turned on all the time.
DisplayHelpTopic "The Debugger"

Yes, thanks. I will definitely learn how to use this thing and now. Been good so far for the most part, but that was just waste of time yesterday.