I want to make an axis with the numbers directly adjacent to the left or right of the tic marks on the X axis. I can't seem to find any setting like this. I have attached a screenshot example of what the axis looks like in another program.
I found no way to laterally offset tick labels and align them as shown, so there is no simple setting to do this. You could fake it of course by using the text tool to label each tick manually or with a small script. I have attached an example of this. Of course, using the text tool is way less flexible than normal axis label, but if you write a small script for this you could easily update the tick labels to adapt for changing tick positions. Otherwise, I guess you will have to wait until WM adds support for lateral tick label offsets.
// Erase any previous axis drawn by this function DrawAction/W=$gname getgroup=SpecialTickGroup, delete
// start a named group so that it can be erased SetDrawEnv/W=$gname gstart, gname=SpecialTickGroup
// "axrel" coordinates are 0-1 coordinates that span the rectangle // inside the axes SetDrawEnv/W=$gname xcoord=axrel, ycoord=axrel // The axis line DrawLine/W=$gname0,1,1,1 for(i = 0; i< nticks; i++) Variable value = tickvals[i]
// Draw a tick line: Using xcoord=bottom so that we can specify // the tick positions in data values // The hard-coded values 1.01 and 1.1 should be adjustable input options! SetDrawEnv/W=$gname xcoord=bottom, ycoord=axrel DrawLine/W=$gname value, 1.01, value, 1.1
// Draw the tick labels, rotated by 90. That should be an option. // The hard-coded 0.8 and 1.1 should be options SetDrawEnv/W=$gname textrot = 90, xcoord=bottom, ycoord=axrel DrawText/W=$gname0.8*value, 1.1, tickLabels[i] endfor SetDrawEnv/W=$gname gstop end
It takes a graph name string which can be "" to use the top graph window, a numeric wave full of axis values where you want the ticks, and a text wave full of corresponding labels.
The drawing is done using the ProgFront draw layer. It makes a named group drawing object so that it can erase any previous drawing done by a previous invocation of the function.
Ways in which this is deficient:
It should take an input that sets the offset between the tick and tick label
It should take an input that sets the length of the tick lines
It should take an input that specifies which axis to use (note that the X coordinates here are set to "bottom" to use the bottom axis)
I found no way to laterally offset tick labels and align them as shown, so there is no simple setting to do this. You could fake it of course by using the text tool to label each tick manually or with a small script. I have attached an example of this. Of course, using the text tool is way less flexible than normal axis label, but if you write a small script for this you could easily update the tick labels to adapt for changing tick positions. Otherwise, I guess you will have to wait until WM adds support for lateral tick label offsets.
September 27, 2021 at 11:38 am - Permalink
Here is a *very* bare-bones Igor function that will do something like that:
Variable nticks = numpnts(tickvals)
Variable i
if (strlen(gname) == 0)
gname = WinName(0,1)
SetDrawLayer progfront
// Erase any previous axis drawn by this function
DrawAction/W=$gname getgroup=SpecialTickGroup, delete
// start a named group so that it can be erased
SetDrawEnv/W=$gname gstart, gname=SpecialTickGroup
// "axrel" coordinates are 0-1 coordinates that span the rectangle
// inside the axes
SetDrawEnv/W=$gname xcoord=axrel, ycoord=axrel
// The axis line
DrawLine/W=$gname 0,1,1,1
for (i = 0; i < nticks; i++)
Variable value = tickvals[i]
// Draw a tick line: Using xcoord=bottom so that we can specify
// the tick positions in data values
// The hard-coded values 1.01 and 1.1 should be adjustable input options!
SetDrawEnv/W=$gname xcoord=bottom, ycoord=axrel
DrawLine/W=$gname value, 1.01, value, 1.1
// Draw the tick labels, rotated by 90. That should be an option.
// The hard-coded 0.8 and 1.1 should be options
SetDrawEnv/W=$gname textrot = 90, xcoord=bottom, ycoord=axrel
DrawText/W=$gname 0.8*value, 1.1, tickLabels[i]
SetDrawEnv/W=$gname gstop
It takes a graph name string which can be "" to use the top graph window, a numeric wave full of axis values where you want the ticks, and a text wave full of corresponding labels.
The drawing is done using the ProgFront draw layer. It makes a named group drawing object so that it can erase any previous drawing done by a previous invocation of the function.
Ways in which this is deficient:
It should take an input that sets the offset between the tick and tick label
It should take an input that sets the length of the tick lines
It should take an input that specifies which axis to use (note that the X coordinates here are set to "bottom" to use the bottom axis)
September 27, 2021 at 12:54 pm - Permalink
I probably should post my test experiment file, too.
September 27, 2021 at 12:55 pm - Permalink
Thank you all, I really appreciate it! I'll give it a go.
September 27, 2021 at 01:36 pm - Permalink