Save Table Copy - Help
//for example savealltables ("_none_"," ")
// "_none_" is used since the files are inside the current data folder
Function savealltables(pathName, fileName)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path.
String fileName
String tableName
Variable index
index = 0
tableName = WinName(index, 2)
if (strlen(tableName) == 0)
SaveTableCopy/P=$pathName/W=$tableName/T=1/A=1 as fileName
index += 1
// "_none_" is used since the files are inside the current data folder
Function savealltables(pathName, fileName)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path.
String fileName
String tableName
Variable index
index = 0
tableName = WinName(index, 2)
if (strlen(tableName) == 0)
SaveTableCopy/P=$pathName/W=$tableName/T=1/A=1 as fileName
index += 1
When I run this procedure it creates a blank txt file. What am I doing wrong? The only way I can get the results in the file is if I create a new table within Igor containing all of the results, then running the save procedure. However, if I have to create the table using Windows>NewTable I might as well save it out using File>SaveTableCopy. I am trying to streamline the steps as much as possible since I am dealing with large batches of files.
Any help would be appreciated.
I get the feeling that you want to save the contents of all of the waves in the current data folder to a file. For that you need to create a list of wave names and then save it using Save/J. /J means "delimited text". Here is a crack (untested) at what I think you want to do:
String pathName
String fileName
// Create semicolon-separated list of all waves in current data folder
String list = ""
Variable numWaves = CountObjects(":", 1)
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numWaves; i+=1)
String name = GetIndexedObjName(":", 1, i)
list += name + ";"
// Save waves as tab-delimited text
Save/J/B/P=$pathName/O list as fileName
February 3, 2009 at 07:09 pm - Permalink