Problem with quicktime movie cropping data graphs

I am using a program written by a colleague, which creates movies of bleaching time traces. It works fine on his computer (a mac), but it has problems on my PC. Namely, the graph contains three traces and the bottom trace gets cropped in the quicktime movie viewer.

I have changed my monitor display settings, changed the window size in the view menu inside quicktime, and I even went into the code and increased the height of the graph being cropped. The final solution just made the movie window taller, but it still crops.

Is this a known problem or is there a specific command I can try searching for or implementing in order to fix it? Sorry I cant be more specific, the code is rather extensive and confusing.

The function which is specifically creating the movie is this one:

function trajectoriesMovieSing( inputTRace, fileName , partInfo, addInfoW )
    wave inputTRace, partInfo, addInfoW
    string fileName
    variable loopVar = 0
    make/o/n = ( dimSIze( inputTRace, 0 )) crop1, crop2, crop3
    // show the graph
    dowindow/k graph1
    display/n=graph1 /hide = 1 crop1
    appendtograph/w = graph1 /l=left1 crop2
    appendtograph/w = graph1 /l=left2 crop3
    // adjust axes
    ModifyGraph /w = graph1 grid(left)=1,grid(left1)=1,grid(left2)=1,axisEnab(left)={0,0.32};
    ModifyGraph /w = graph1 axisEnab(left1)={0.33,0.65},axisEnab(left2)={0.66,0.98};
    ModifyGraph /w = graph1 freePos(left1)={0,bottom},freePos(left2)={0,bottom}
    ModifyGraph /w = graph1 gridRGB(left)=(0,0,0),gridRGB(left1)=(0,0,0),gridRGB(left2)=(0,0,0)
    modifyGRaph/w= graph1 width=900,height=900, fSize=12  
    Label/w= graph1 left "intensity (a.u.)"; Label/w= graph1 bottom "time (s)"
    wavestats/q inputTRace
    SetAxis/w = graph1 left V_min,V_max
    SetAxis/w = graph1 left1 V_min,V_max
    SetAxis/w = graph1 left2 V_min,V_max
    newMovie/P = Path4/F = 60/Z  as fileName
        crop1[ ] = inputTRace[ p ][ loopVar ]
        crop2[ ] = inputTRace[ p ][ loopVar + 1 ]
        crop3[ ] = inputTRace[ p ][ loopVar + 2 ]
        // adjust axis
        wavestats/q crop1
        SetAxis/w = graph1 left V_min,V_max
        wavestats/q crop2
        SetAxis/w = graph1 left1 V_min,V_max
        wavestats/q crop3
        SetAxis/w = graph1 left2 V_min,V_max
        textBox/w= graph1/n =text1/k
        textBox/w = graph1/n = text1/a = MT /f = 0 /E "# : "+num2str( loopVar )+" xC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar ][ %xCP ] )+" yC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar ][ %yCP ] )+" z0: "+num2str( addInfoW[ loopVar ] )
        AppendText /W = graph1 /N = text1 "# : "+num2str( loopVar + 1 )+" xC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar + 1 ][ %xCP ] )+" yC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar + 1 ][ %yCP ] )+" z0: "+num2str( addInfoW[ loopVar + 1 ] )
        AppendText /W = graph1 /N = text1 "# : "+num2str( loopVar + 2 )+" xC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar + 2 ][ %xCP ] )+" yC: "+num2str( partInfo[ loopVar + 2 ][ %yCP ] )+" z0: "+num2str( addInfoW[ loopVar + 2 ] )
        loopVAr += 3
        if( loopVAr + 2 >= dimSIze( inputTRace, 1 ) )
    while( 1 )
    doWindow/k graph1

I just ran it again using the width=0 height=0 automatic settings, this fixes the cropping issue but unfortunately the traces are very poorly displaced, with too little vertical spread and axis overlapping.

Also, how do you do spoiler tags on this board? Tried to hide that code but hide and spoiler dont seem to work inside the tag symbols.

EDIT: After googling a bit, seems cropping is a problem with the latest quicktime version, so I tried downgrading to QT-7 which was the latest supposedly stable version without the trouble. It didnt fix the problem, so I cant blame crApple just yet..