PopupWaveSelector problem after update from IGOR 6.22A to 6.32A


Since the update to IGOR 6.32A, my procedures using the PopupWaveSelector generate an error on use.
Consider the following code (as minimal an example I could manage):

#pragma rtGlobals=3     // Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
#include <PopupWaveSelector>
Function myPanel()
    make /O /T /N=(2,2) listBoxMx = ""
    make /O /T colTitles = {"SomeWave","SomeInfo"}
    make /O/N=(2,2) listBoxMx_sel
    DoWindow /K the_Panel
    NewPanel /W=(1,1,300,300) as "example panel"
    DoWindow /C the_Panel
    ListBox myListBox,pos={1,1},size={299,299},frame = 2,mode = 5
    ListBox myListBox, listWave = listBoxMx
    ListBox myListBox, selWave = listBoxMx_sel
    ListBox myListBox, titleWave = colTitles
    MakeListboxCellIntoWSPopup("the_Panel", "myListBox", 0, 0, listBoxMx, listBoxMx_sel) //converts one listbox cell into a popup wave selector

When I execute myPanel() and try to use the listbox cell I converted into a popup wave selector, IGOR says:

Button error: "'myListBox' is not a 'Button' control"

and redirects me to the line
    Button $(popInfo.hostButton), win=$hostWindow, userData(popupWSInfo)=infoStr

in PopupWaveSelector.ipf.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Am I doing something wrong in the setup of the popup wave selector or does the code in PopupWaveSelector.ipf need an update for IGOR 6.32A?

Looking forward for your input!
Replace the offending line with:

ModifyControl $popInfo.hostButton, win=$hostWindow,userdata(popupWSInfo)=infoStr

This has been updated in our source control and will be fixed in the next release. Apologies.

Nate Hyde
Nate Hyde