loading multi/single waves file txt
When I load it on igor, I usually write on the command line
Loadwave / g
Display wavex (x = number of the wave)
Is there a procedure to load at once only multiple wave, selecting them from the root directory (ex only 3 file or 4 file ecc) ?
And then create the graph with a second command (display wavex) ?
In my analisys , every time I run the single command on each file (loadwave / g), the waves are loaded and saved as wave0, wave1, wave2 ..... and I wish the automatic procedure names remain that way, it would be possible?
June 29, 2016 at 09:57 am - Permalink
DisplayHelpTopic "Loading All of the Files in a Folder"
Here are other examples which you can start from and modify. This requires some programming experience:
June 29, 2016 at 10:54 am - Permalink