An issue in Global fit 2.ipf
I have 4 sets of data to fit together. The first three sets are fitted with Func. 1 (N1 parameters) and the fourth set is fitted with Func. 2 (N2 parameters). N1 > N2. I want to call the function Func1 before calling the function Func2. In the "Global fits 2", it creates a wave "ScartchCoefs" to store the fitting parameters for each dataset. This wave has the fixed data points (here, N1) determined during initialization. However the wave "MasterCoef" has only (3*N1 + N2) points. Igor Pro gives the aforementioned warning messages when assigning the fitting parameters for the fourth set of data.
One solution is to make "ScartchCoefs" waves for each functions so that it can has the same number of data points as the number of the fitting parameters of the called fitting function.
Wave inpw, inyw, inxw
Wave DataSetPointer = root:Packages:NewGlobalFit:DataSetPointer
Wave CoefDataSetLinkage = root:Packages:NewGlobalFit:CoefDataSetLinkage
Wave/T FitFuncList = root:Packages:NewGlobalFit:FitFuncList
Variable CoefDataSetLinkageIndex, i
Variable numSets = DimSize(CoefDataSetLinkage, 0)
for (i = 0; i < NumSets; i += 1)
Variable firstP = CoefDataSetLinkage[i][FirstPointCol]
Variable lastP = CoefDataSetLinkage[i][LastPointCol]
variable npara=CoefDataSetLinkage[i][NumFuncCoefsCol]
Make/O/D/N=(npara) root:Packages:NewGlobalFit:ScratchCoefs
Wave SC=root:Packages:NewGlobalFit:ScratchCoefs
CoefDataSetLinkageIndex = DataSetPointer[firstP]
FUNCREF GFFitAllAtOnceTemplate theFitFunc = $(FitFuncList[CoefDataSetLinkage[CoefDataSetLinkageIndex][FuncPointerCol]])
SC = inpw[CoefDataSetLinkage[CoefDataSetLinkageIndex][FirstCoefCol+p]]
Duplicate/O/R=[firstP,lastP] inxw, TempXW, TempYW
TempXW = inxw[p+firstP]
SC = inpw[CoefDataSetLinkage[i][p+FirstCoefCol]]
theFitFunc(SC, TempYW, TempXW)
inyw[firstP, lastP] = TempYW[p-firstP]
January 3, 2011 at 01:04 pm - Permalink
I discovered this bug a couple of months ago. I think John Weeks has changed the Global Fit 2.ipf code for future IGOR releases.
January 3, 2011 at 02:54 pm - Permalink
And if you send a request to, I can send you a copy of the latest bug-fixed version of Global Fit 2.ipf.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 3, 2011 at 03:49 pm - Permalink