Igro Pro NIDAQ viewing
I'm building a laboratory for electrophysiology using NIDAQ Igor Pro software. I've been checking the different ways of viewing a signal on-line, namey in real-time. Now I'm watching the signal using "Wave Scan" in mode "Repeated". I'm watching the signals inside a window of a chosen length, for instance 10 seconds, and then, after this time, the signals goes back to the beginning of the window and starts again to draw. I'd like to watch the signals as in real oscilloscope, that means, in a continuous way, without coming bacjk to the beginning, because I could miss some important spikes in this instant of conmutation. Is this possible? Thank you very much!
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 9, 2011 at 01:38 pm - Permalink
March 14, 2011 at 07:40 am - Permalink