IgorPro 7 error with hdf file ?


I am trying old codes on 7.

No issues with HDF5 files handling so far.

But when I try to open and HDF file with a code (see below) that previously worked on 6.37, the code stops and i get the following in the command window
"Missing text resource for error: -111 ".

macro BasicHDFLoader()       
    SetDataFolder Root:
    HDFInfo SDSInfo 
    String    S_file=S_fileName 
        HDFReadSDS Ref=-2, S_file       // Reference
        duplicate/o HDF_SDS_Wave wave1
        NewImage wave1
        HDFReadSDS Ref=-1, S_file       // Shot
        duplicate/o HDF_SDS_Wave wave2
        NewImage wave2

Any obvious mistake here ?

Many thanks
Thanks for the quick turnaround.
I am trying to load a file with two images  HDF_SDS_NumSets==1
I just tested this and it worked fine for the first image in my HDF file... but not for the other image in my file: only wave 1 was created and displayed as an image, then it crashed and I got the followong error message this time Missing text resource for error: -109

I just tested this and it worked fine for the first image in my HDF file... but not for the other image in my file: only wave 1 was created and displayed as an image, then it crashed and I got the followong error message this time Missing text resource for error: -109

First, please make sure that the only HDF XOP that is activated is the one I attached to this topic last night. Check both Igor Extensions folders. Execute this for details about the two Igor Extensions folders:
DisplayHelpTopic "Special Folders"

If it crashes with the latest HDF XOP, please send a file and a command that I can use to reproduce the crash to WaveMetrics support. Choose Help->Contact Support to start your email as this will include information about your system that may be useful.
Thanks to millot1's help I was able to fix this. The problem was an incorrect test for a memory-related error. It was asymptomatic in Igor6.

The fixed XOP is attached.

As noted, this is for Igor7 and Macintosh 32-bit only.
HDF Loader 150-B Mac.zip (317.78 KB)
Would it be possible to have a similar file for the 64 bit , MAC version ?
Would it be possible to have a similar file for the 64 bit , MAC version ?

Possible - yes, but it is unlikely to rise to the top of our to do list.

It is possible to compile a 64-bit version of the HDF4 library according to https://support.hdfgroup.org/release4/obtain.html.

However, our HDF4 code was written before 64 bits was on the horizon and so would require considerable modification. And I have not seen much demand.

There is an h4toh5 command line tool. Executables are supposed to be available at https://support.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf5_tools/h4toh5/download.html. However, the Macintosh download is a ".dms" file and I don't have software that decompresses .dms.

It is possible to build your own using source code available at the same page but I suspect that it is involved as you first have to build the HDF4 and HDF5 libraries separately plus optionally the HDF-EOS2 library.