Help with ImageInterpolate

I have 1024 by 1024 grayscale image, represented in IGOR in the form of a 2D wave of I8 Interger data type. I would like to resample the image to a higher resolution to determine the location of certain features with sub-pixel resolution.
When I perform
ImageInterpolate/FUNC=bilinear/RESL={2048,2048} Resample image
Igor return that there is a syntax error and highlights the name of the wave. Any clues on as to why I get this error?
I also tried
ImageInterpolate/D=2 Spline image
in a first attempt and I got a different error (insufficient input).Any help would be much appreciated, as there is little in the documentation in the ways of examples on the ImageInterpolate function.
It looks to me like you don't want Resample- the documentation (which is sort of terse :) seems to imply that Resample does some sort of transformation of the image. I think you want the Bilinear method. More like this:
ImageInterpolate/RESL={2048,2048} Bilinear image
The "syntax error" generated by Resample is not very helpful. I suspect the operation is expecting /TRNS flag. It appears that the Resample keyword requests a specialized operation meant for correcting certain kinds of camera distortion.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
February 4, 2016 at 10:26 am - Permalink
February 5, 2016 at 02:07 am - Permalink
You are mixing the syntax of various mutually exclusive features. There is no need to use /FUNC here nor should you use Resample for this application. It seems from your description that all you need is:
You can use the explicit resolution with /RESL or /F={fx,fy} but the /U is the simplest.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
February 5, 2016 at 10:00 am - Permalink