HELP! how to load N images (loop) and fit, then plot fit results from all images in one curve

PLEASE HELP! how to load N images (loop) and fit, then plot fit results(e.g. center of a 2Dgaussian) from all images in one curve.
So that to see how the fit is changing with every image. For example a center coordianates of a gaussian fit move linearly in one direction and I would get a straight line.
Can anybody please advise me on how to start writnig this code I am new to IGOR?
I can fit but I don't know how to open files one by one by looping its name?
VL2008 wrote:
PLEASE HELP! how to load N images (loop) and fit, then plot fit results(e.g. center of a 2Dgaussian) from all images in one curve.
So that to see how the fit is changing with every image. For example a center coordianates of a gaussian fit move linearly in one direction and I would get a straight line.
Can anybody please advise me on how to start writnig this code I am new to IGOR?
I can fit but I don't know how to open files one by one by looping its name?

On Igor's command line, execute this command to see an example of code to do multiple fits in a loop:

DisplayHelpTopic "Batch Fitting"

To see an example of loading multiple files:

DisplayHelpTopic "Loading Waves Using Igor Procedures"

That material includes example code for loading all the files in a folder. You will need to combine the examples to do batch fitting of data loaded from files on disk.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
VL2008 wrote:
PLEASE HELP! how to load N images (loop) and fit, then plot fit results(e.g. center of a 2Dgaussian) from all images in one curve. ... Can anybody please advise me on how to start writnig this code I am new to IGOR? ...

Some general suggestions:

1) break the task into separate parts

Function LoadAnImage(imageFileonDisk)
   <do whatever is needed to load an image from disk>
   <return with the file loaded into a specific folder>
   return FullPathtoImageFile
Function FitAnImage(FullPathtoImageFile,i)
   <do whatever is needed to fit the image>
   <return with the x,y coordinates stored in a set of waves>
    xwave[i] = ...
    ywave[i] = ...
    return 0
Function FitGaussianCenterCoordinates(xwave,ywave)
   <do whatever is needed to fit ywave vs xwave>
   <return with the fit coefficients>
   m = ...
   b = ...
   return 0

You can find hints for each part in the tutorials, manual, and here.

2) test each function on data where you know the results before hand

3) create and test a function to do the first two parts

Function DoOne(whichone)
   <set the name of the image to load>
   myImagePath = LoadAnImage(myImageFileonDisk)
   return 0

4) create and test a loop function

Function DoThemAll()
   <initialize stuff>
   return 0

5) add the final analysis

Function DoThemAll()
   return 0

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH