Distorted graphics when copy-paste exporting DrawLine

I just stumbled upon an export issue when I tried to copy-pased a graph into Keynote, where a user-drawn line in the graph seems to be improperly exported.
Window DemoGraph() : Graph Make/O dataX={0.00198277,0.00254643,0.00576172,0.0161956,0.0330659} Make/O dataY={0.00163742,0.00385768,0.00651854,0.0164143,0.0307037} Make/O dataXERR={0.000464621,0.000374654,0.000454043,0.000618449,0.00240709} Make/O dataYErr={0.000239187,0.000687358,0.000338413,0.0016312,0.00181165} Display /W=(246,200,646,369) dataY vs dataX ModifyGraph gFont="Helvetica" ModifyGraph mode=3 ModifyGraph marker=19 SetAxis left 0,0.035 SetAxis bottom 0,0.035 ErrorBars dataY XY,wave=(dataXERR,dataXERR),wave=(dataYERR,dataYERR) SetDrawLayer UserFront SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left DrawLine 0,0,1,1 EndMacro
In Igor the line intersects the points. In the exported version it doesn't.
This is on a Mac, IP8.04B01

Ran the demo on IP 8.05B01 and copy and pasted in Keynote 10.1 and it shows as intended without the artifact you mention.
November 20, 2020 at 05:50 am - Permalink
Which export format are you using? That's controlled from the Edit->Export Graphics dialog.
November 20, 2020 at 06:33 am - Permalink
In reply to Which export format are you… by aclight
This was with export format Quartz PDF. It doesn't happen for PNG. Same result in IP8.05B01.
I also see a weird behavior within IGOR when I change the aspect of the window dramatically, e.g. by making it _much_ wider than tall: At some point, the black line seems get stuck in screen coordinates, while the red data points still move with the window coordinates.
November 20, 2020 at 08:48 am - Permalink
That is caused by Igor's ancient integer arithmetic interacting badly with the extreme degree of zoom-in. Your line is drawn over [0, 1] but the axis is [0, 35e-3]. We apologize.
You will find that a PNG at 8x expansion has the same problem- our PDF export expands the graph by 8x first to eliminate annoying integer artifacts in the PDF.
In Igor 9, the code involved was completely re-written to use floating-point calculations, and this sort of problem doesn't happen any more.
The work-around is to reduce the range of the line to something like [0, 0.1]
November 20, 2020 at 11:57 am - Permalink