DataFolder Programming, Movewave PathName help
I was hoping someone could help me with where I'm going wrong in this procedure.
I have a Parent Data Folder with maybe 9 or 10 subdatafolders inside it. (NOTE Parent data folder is itself a subfolder in something else.)
In each data folder there is a 2D wave which i would like to duplicate and then move the duplicate 2D wave to a new data folder that is located in the Parent Data Folder.
Fortunately I only have one 2D matrix in each subfolder beginning with a r so I can fileter it out using wavelist.
I wrote this to try and achieve this:
Function ExtractMatrices(ParentDF)
ListFolders() // function that returns a string of the folders contained in the ParentDataFolder similar to wavelist
SVAR FolderListStr
Variable numItems = ItemsInList(FolderListStr), i // counts how and indices the item broken by ;
NewDataFolder/O ParentDF:Matrix_Copies
for (i = 0; i<numItems; i+=1) // starts a loop to go through each name
String DFname = StringFromList(i,FolderListStr,";")
SetDataFolder DFname
String findMatrix=Wavelist("r*",";","")
String matrix= StringFromList(0,findMatrix,";")
wave mat2D = $matrix
String DuplicateWaveName= Nameofwave(mat2D)+"_D"
duplicate/O mat2D, mat2D_D
rename mat2D_D, $DuplicateWaveName
movewave mat2D_D, :ParentDF:Matrix_Copies:
SetDataFolder ParentDF
ListFolders() // function that returns a string of the folders contained in the ParentDataFolder similar to wavelist
SVAR FolderListStr
Variable numItems = ItemsInList(FolderListStr), i // counts how and indices the item broken by ;
NewDataFolder/O ParentDF:Matrix_Copies
for (i = 0; i<numItems; i+=1) // starts a loop to go through each name
String DFname = StringFromList(i,FolderListStr,";")
SetDataFolder DFname
String findMatrix=Wavelist("r*",";","")
String matrix= StringFromList(0,findMatrix,";")
wave mat2D = $matrix
String DuplicateWaveName= Nameofwave(mat2D)+"_D"
duplicate/O mat2D, mat2D_D
rename mat2D_D, $DuplicateWaveName
movewave mat2D_D, :ParentDF:Matrix_Copies:
SetDataFolder ParentDF
Problem 1) I don't think I've quite cracked the best way to reference a path name because when I first tried this function I accidentally had the arrow on the databrowser selecting a subfolder and the function would create the new folder in that data set ignoring what I had written.
Problem 2) Going deeper inside a datafolder seems simple enough but trying to step back out I am having problems. As when I run it I manage to duplicate the first wave but I can't extract it out.
I think i'm missing a few fundamental concepts here through lack of experience so if anyone can help that would be great!
Best wishes,
Here is a solution:
Wave w
String dfPath = GetWavesDataFolder(w, 1) // Full path without wave name
if (CmpStr(dfPath, "root:") == 0)
return -1 // Error: wave is in root data folder
String parentDFPath = dfPath + ":" // "::" at the end backs up one level
DFREF parentDFR = $parentDFPath
String name = NameOfWave(w)
Duplicate/O w, parentDFR:$name
return 0
August 27, 2015 at 07:26 am - Permalink