Curvefit Interface

I am sorry to ask this question...probably its too simple ..but I never used Curve fitting in Igor so have very poor knowledge a little help will be great.
I want to make a interface to make simple Gaussian fit on a open Graph, plot the fit results(graph) on top of the original graph and save the results in a notebook. Basically I tried to reuse the codes from hordstein`s (Writing Results of a Curve Fit to a Notebook) code and out it ...some I have a problem ...what I want is to plot the fit curve over the main curve ...but the fit curve get shifted along x axis ( see attac.. picture)...I treid to appendtoGraph...does not worked ..somehow it does not get the x axis of the graph.

Function SendGaussianFitResultsToNB(nb, comment, dataWave, W_coef, W_sigma)
    String nb               // Name of notebook, e.g., "Notebook0"
    String comment          // Comment to be added to the notebook
    Wave dataWave           // The wave that was fit
    Wave W_coef         // Output from the CurveFit operation
    Wave W_sigma            // Output from the CurveFit operation
    // If notebook does not exist, create it
    if (WinType(nb) == 0)
        NewNotebook /N=$nb /F=1
    String text = ""
    String temp
    text += "\r"                // Blank line to separate from previous run
    text += comment + "\r"
    // Handle y0 coefficient
    sprintf temp, "y0 = %g +/- %g\r", W_coef[0], W_sigma[0]
    text += temp
    // Handle amplitude coefficient
    sprintf temp, "A = %g +/- %g\r", W_coef[1], W_sigma[1]
    text += temp
    // Handle x0 coefficient
    sprintf temp, "x0 = %g +/- %g\r", W_coef[2], W_sigma[2]
    text += temp
    // Handle width coefficient
    sprintf temp, "width = %g +/- %g\r", W_coef[3], W_sigma[3]
    text += temp
    // Insert text in notebook
    Notebook $nb, text = text
Function FitGaussianGraph()
String list = TraceNameList("", ";", 1)
String traceName
Variable index = 0
traceName = StringFromList(index, list)
if (strlen(traceName) == 0)
break // No more traces.
WAVE yw = TraceNameToWaveRef("", traceName)
//print tracename
wave xw = XWaveRefFromTrace("", traceName)
// Do the curve fit
    CurveFit gauss yw /D
    Wave W_coef, W_sigma                        // These are outputs from the fit
    // Change the color of the destination wave
    ModifyGraph rgb(fit_gaussian) = (0, 0, 65535)
// AppendtoGraph fit_gaussian vs  xw
    // Add results to the notebook (after creating it if necessary)
    String comment = "Fit performed on " + date() + " at " + time()
    SendGaussianFitResultsToNB("FitResultsNotebook", comment, yw, W_coef, W_sigma)
index += 1
My guess, not having your data, would be that your data is in the form of an XY pair of waves. You have both the X and Y waves available in your FitGaussianGraph function, but you didn't include the X wave in the fit. You need

CurveFit gauss yw /X=xw/D

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you so much...Indeed that was the problem. now its working wonderfully..
But I am curious to know

a) The rawdata is the output from a spectrometer (Intensity, wavelength) and I import that as two wave (wave0 and Wave0Int : respectively as wavelength -> x axis and Intensity-> y axis) after some arithmetic operation on raw data.

But when I apply the Gaussian fitting ...the fitted results comes as and not as wave. ( They are XY data I believe...) Is there is anyway to convert them as wave or its not possible physically ( they are not spaced equally ? or something elase).
Gaussian Interface.pxp (55.74 KB)
But when I apply the Gaussian fitting ...the fitted results comes as and not as wave. ( They are XY data I believe...) Is there is anyway to convert them as wave or its not possible physically ( they are not spaced equally ? or something elase).

I'm not sure I understand the question, but the destination wave created by the fit (fit_) is a waveform. To see this, try these commands:
Make /O /N=10 xData = p + gnoise(1)
Make /O /N=10 yData = p + gnoise(1)
Display yData vs xData
ModifyGraph mode=3,marker=19
CurveFit gauss  yData /X=xData /D 
ModifyGraph mode(fit_yData)=4,marker(fit_yData)=10,rgb(fit_yData)=(0,0,65535)

Thank you so much...yes indeed I can see now its a wave ......only why it has this strange naming convention with .x and .d ? Because of which I thought its not wave.

Also why I can not change this type name like or names to wave1 ..wave2 does not allow me ( using rename wave) to change the extension .x or .d ...only fit_XData or fit_YData I can change...How can I change the whole name fit_xData.x to say wave1...
Thank you so much...yes indeed I can see now its a wave ......only why it has this strange naming convention with .x and .d ? Because of which I thought its not wave.

This has to do with table column names which are derived from wave names:
DisplayHelpTopic "Column Names"

Thanks ...

So it has to with index(.x) and data(.d) of 1D wave fit_YData

So one of the option to change the name will be : To split this fit_YData wave as two wave , wave 1 and wave2 where wave1=fit_YData.x and wave2=fit_YData.d and replace the table of fit_YData with a new table whose column are wave1 and wave2
I need it for some next loops as I have problems with name .x and .d ..

I will be grateful if you can tell me how can I do that....
So one of the option to change the name will be : To split this fit_YData wave as two wave , wave 1 and wave2 where wave1=fit_YData.x and wave2=fit_YData.d and replace the table of fit_YData with a new table whose column are wave1 and wave2.

I'm not sure why you want to do that. In general it is best to avoid XY pairs if a waveform will do, which is most of the time.

You can rename the fit destination wave using the Rename operation.

I need it for some next loops as I have problems with name .x and .d.

You can get the x value of a waveform by using simply x:
Duplicate fit_yData, yDataFit, xDataFit
xDataFit = x                    // Copy x values to data values
SetScale x, 0, 0, "", xDataFit, yDataFit    // Remove x information which is now in the data values of xDataFit

Rather than doing this which creates unnecessary waves and complicates subsequent programming, you should keep it as a waveform and access the X information using the x, leftx, deltax and rightx functions.

Execute this for more information:
DisplayHelpTopic "Waves - The Key Igor Concept"
DisplayHelpTopic "Waves"
DisplayHelpTopic "Waveform Arithmetic and Assignment"

Thank you so much for your reply. I still have some problems...but I will read the helps first that you mentioned...and then will come again to get some
more advice from you