Creating an "About..." window
Mr. Pink
For a project I'm working on I need to create a function that will open an "About..." window, similar to the "About Igor Pro..." option under the "Help" menu.
I can't seem to find an example of code that would carry out this action. The alternative would be to create a function that would open a seperate text file, but for simplicity I'd like to try and avoid including seperate files.
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
"About This",/Q, ShowAboutThis()
Proc ShowAboutThis()
NewPanel/K=1/N=AboutThis/W=(538,124,902,324) as "About This"
Button close,pos={148,165},size={50,20},proc=ButtonProc,title="Close"
DefineGuide UGV0={FL,13},UGV1={FR,-16}
NewNotebook /F=1 /N=AboutNB/OPTS=7 /W=(13,13,225,150)/FG=(,,UGV1,) /HOST=#
Notebook kwTopWin, defaultTab=36, statusWidth=0, autoSave=1, showRuler=0, rulerUnits=1
Notebook kwTopWin newRuler=Normal, justification=0, margins={0,0,228}, spacing={0,0,0}, tabs={}, rulerDefaults={"Arial",10,0,(0,0,0)}
Notebook kwTopWin, zdata= "Gasai4U]+l%*eUQ-s[g`Z7Eo9>pt:l>nk6IC*OdiXn:=5(Oq5?`nA2Eaa^(\"X8\"8pgq/6PG=adO9O(sbbbG0r\"\"!)Ie?tql7!=o(C/nl\"))G(45+=GMpYt.WcYFL2\\(Yo)I$n,m#1n3.R)Csj.$H91\\HjNmbkF^m\\WYsGF>CfY1Q.Jf(ioda:dd3:_ZXU-^r-d:'-4-=-IaLf@p>RRISXWhMCX*ADiHBWd9R^>o/=b,a+9dB95iPp_e:KAld&AihXf4\"(IRThIeuhS5gYFRe=;f_$=$2'CB"
Notebook kwTopWin, zdataEnd= 1
RenameWindow #,AboutNB
SetActiveSubwindow ##
Function ButtonProc(ba) : ButtonControl
STRUCT WMButtonAction &ba
switch( ba.eventCode )
case 2: // mouse up
// click code here
Execute/P/Q "DoWindow/K "
case -1: // control being killed
return 0
The panel contains a formatted notebook subwindow. It is impractical to edit it directly (and I turned it off with /OPTS), but it is practical to copy from a normal formatted Notebook window into the subwindow, and then turn write access off with /OPTS.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 30, 2014 at 09:55 am - Permalink