Autoscale axis to a certain wave in a graph
I've made a procedure that automatically makes 15 separate graphs from my data set. Each graph contains two separate waves, say A and B. Wave B is just for background reference of wave A. I've included "SetAxis /A=2 left" to accommodate for different data sets with different Y-axis ranges. However, this fits the Y-axis to wave B values as these values are the largest. How can I make the Y-axis auto scale to wave A instead, throwing some of the wave B data off the graph?
December 1, 2011 at 05:04 am - Permalink
However, this will not automatically update if waveA changes. Another simple approach is to display the waves on different axes, whose scaling you can then control individually:
AppendToGraph/R waveB // append second wave to Right (or another selected) axis
December 1, 2011 at 06:26 am - Permalink
Thanks again, I'm happy!
December 1, 2011 at 06:53 am - Permalink