Autoscale axis to a certain wave in a graph


I've made a procedure that automatically makes 15 separate graphs from my data set. Each graph contains two separate waves, say A and B. Wave B is just for background reference of wave A. I've included "SetAxis /A=2 left" to accommodate for different data sets with different Y-axis ranges. However, this fits the Y-axis to wave B values as these values are the largest. How can I make the Y-axis auto scale to wave A instead, throwing some of the wave B data off the graph?

Or do I mean traces? Sorry I don't know the difference between a wave and a trace...
It is not clear how flexible or dynamic you want your scaling to be. The quick and dirty way is to set the axis to the limits of the wave you want using, for example,
setaxis left WaveMin(waveA), WaveMax(waveA)

However, this will not automatically update if waveA changes. Another simple approach is to display the waves on different axes, whose scaling you can then control individually:
Display waveA                       //  default to left axis
AppendToGraph/R waveB       //  append second wave to Right (or another selected) axis
Thanks s.r.chinn!! That's exactly what I was looking for and couldn't find... Works perfectly! No need for the axis to be flexible. I was toying with the idea of doing the second option, but I don't really want two axes.

Thanks again, I'm happy!