Loading the 2D data as a matrix with its file name as the wave name

I have about 50 ASCII file in a folder which are 2D data with size 1040x1376, and I could load them (at present one by one) as a matrix using following command:
LoadWave/G/M/D/A=wave ""
In this code, /A flag automatically name the wave.
But, I would like to name the wave by its file_name.
For the same, I try to use /W flag. But, did not work. It appears that with /G/M, I may not able to use /W.
Is there any in-build code that would name the wave by its file_name and also load all ASCII files in a folder.
I thank you in advance for your help.
As noted in the comments, you may have to tweak the LoadWave command to fit your file format.
July 3, 2014 at 08:54 am - Permalink
I have changed the file extension and then could load the all files which are having same file extension, successfully.
However, I am facing following problem:
If file name starts with a number, for example,
Then, the filename automatically gets "X" as prefix and moreover, the data file format (.dat, .acs, ..) in the suffix (as shown below) !
I have tried for both .dat and .acs and the issues are same for both the cases.
If file name starts with any Alphabets, then there is no prefix "X" but suffix
I could locate source for 0 in the suffix of filename which is 0 in the below line
matrixName = UniqueName(matrixName, 1, 0)
But, I exactly could not locate the reason why file format is added and why X is added in prefix.
Please let me know if you have any solution for it.
Thanks you in advance for you help.
July 4, 2014 at 04:09 am - Permalink
DisplayHelpTopic("Object Names")
They must start with an alphabetic character.
Hope this helps,
July 4, 2014 at 04:44 am - Permalink
When we rename a wave with number as starting character, it works!
When I try to give base name in /A=0123, then also it works!
I could command out (marked by ***) some of the lines in the original code and manage to get number as starting character, but I am still struggling to get rid of data file format at suffix of filename.
The modified code is
Function LoadAllMatrixFilesFromFolder(pathName, extension, makePlots)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" to get a dialog
String extension // File name extension - e.g., "txt" or ".dat"
Variable makePlots // 1 to display each matrix in a plot
if (strlen(pathName) == 0)
NewPath/O/M="Choose a folder containing Matrix Files" LoadIndexedMatrixPath
if (V_flag != 0)
return -1 // User cancelled
pathName = "LoadIndexedMatrixPath"
String fileName
Variable index
index = 0
fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, index, extension)
if (strlen(fileName) == 0)
break // No more files.
String matrixName =fileName// CleanupName(fileName, 0) ***
//Print matrixName ***
//if (exists(matrixName) != 1) ***
// matrixName conflicts with some other Igor name so make it unique ***
//matrixName = UniqueName(matrixName, 1, 5) ***
//endif ***
String columnInfoStr
sprintf columnInfoStr, "N='%s';", matrixName
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
Wave matrix = $matrixName // Create a wave reference
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
index += 1
while (1)
July 4, 2014 at 05:28 am - Permalink
fileName = RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)
.July 4, 2014 at 05:32 am - Permalink
When I used below line (as you have suggested), it worked nicely.
String matrixName= RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)
Thanks a lot.
July 4, 2014 at 06:28 am - Permalink
For more details look up CleanUpNames in the help file; this will also lead to more info on naming waves and other Igor objects.
July 4, 2014 at 07:20 am - Permalink
/// Original code can be found in Link, http://www.igorexchange.com/node/5843
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" to get a dialog
String extension // File name extension - e.g., "txt" or ".dat"
Variable makePlots // 1 to display each matrix in a plot
if (strlen(pathName) == 0)
NewPath/O/M="Choose a folder containing Matrix Files" LoadIndexedMatrixPath
if (V_flag != 0)
return -1 // User cancelled
pathName = "LoadIndexedMatrixPath"
String fileName
Variable index
index = 0
fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, index, extension)
if (strlen(fileName) == 0)
break // No more files.
String matrixName= RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)// CleanupName(fileName, 0) ***
String columnInfoStr
sprintf columnInfoStr, "N='%s';", matrixName
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
Wave matrix = $matrixName // Create a wave reference
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
index += 1
while (1)
Now, I am trying to add option to read the header info and auto scale the matrix.
Header info looks as follows:
# # ImageWidth: 1376 pixel # ImageHeight: 1040 pixel # KineticEnergy: 14 eV # PassEnergy: 160 eV # EnergyScalingOffset: 3.44767 eV # EnergyScalingFactor: 0.0153488 eV/pixel # AzimuthalScalingOffset: 6.99327 deg # AzimuthalScalingFactor: -0.0134615 deg/pixel # 00002400 00001800 00004000 .......
For scaling, I need EnergyScalingOffset, .... to....AzimuthalScalingFactor. But, I would also like to load all this info and store it in wave note.
In connection to this, I saw a forum post Here).
To use the code given in Link to above pasted program, I am not able to get proper starting point. Specifically, how to assign "refNum".
I am looking for info, how to assign refNum in the above pasted code, which line.
July 8, 2014 at 07:20 am - Permalink
operation. Given a path and filename, it will open the file for reading and/or writing and will returnrefNum
, this is a handle on the open file and is used for other file manipulation operations. The following is a relevant fragment from the code that you linked to:Open/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath
if (refNum == 0) // File not opened - bad pathName or fileName
return -1 // Failure
Here the file will be opened for read only ("/R" flag). So in your functioning code, feed your path and file to Open and change the remainder of the code to find the header parameters that are needed.
Hope that I have correctly understood your question.
July 8, 2014 at 08:30 am - Permalink
I have tried to use this set of line to assign refNum, but it does not work.
Since, this code open file to load data, are there any way to directly assign refNum. So, that I can start further to load lines.
To be frank, it appears to me that it is higher level programming!
July 8, 2014 at 08:45 am - Permalink
refNum is set by the Open operation:
Variable refNum
Open/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath // *** This sets refNum ***
if (refNum == 0) // File not opened - bad pathName or fileName
return -1 // Failure
Here is another example that shows the big picture:
Execute this and read the help to make sure you understand what an Igor symbolic path is and that you are passing a valid value for pathName:
DisplayHelpTopic "Symbolic Paths"
You can pass "" for pathName if you pass a full path for the filePath parameter. If filePath is a partial path or a simple file name then it is relative to the folder referenced by the symbolic path named by pathName. A full path starts with a volume name (e.g., "C:" on Windows or "hd" on Macintosh). A partial path starts with a separator - typically colon but could be backslash.
It is best to use colon as the separator in file paths because backslashes are escape characters in Igor. To read about this, execute this:
DisplayHelpTopic "Path Separators"
I need to know specifically what you mean by "does not work".
It might be useful if you posted your code that attempts to read header information.
July 8, 2014 at 08:58 am - Permalink
The present code is
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" to get a dialog
String extension // File name extension - e.g., "txt" or ".dat"
Variable makePlots // 1 to display each matrix in a plot
String filePath, fileName,buffer,units,temp
Variable index=0,i=0,number,refNum
Variable Energyoffset,Energystep,Thetaoffset,Thetastep
if (strlen(pathName) == 0)
NewPath/O/M="Choose a folder containing Matrix Files" LoadIndexedMatrixPath
if (V_flag != 0)
return -1 // User cancelled
pathName = "LoadIndexedMatrixPath"
fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, index, extension)
if (strlen(fileName) == 0)
break // No more files.
String matrixName= RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)// CleanupName(fileName, 0) ***
String columnInfoStr
sprintf columnInfoStr, "N='%s';", matrixName
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
Wave matrix = $matrixName // Create a wave reference
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(fileName)==0))
Open /D /R /P=$pathName /T=(extension) refNum as fileName
fileName = S_fileName // S_fileName is set by Open/D
if (strlen(fileName) == 0) // User cancelled?
return -1
// fileName is now a full path to the file.
// Read the header lines
Open /P=$pathName /R refNum as fileName
// Read header here using FReadLine
FReadLine refNum, buffer
//Print buffer
if (strlen(buffer) == 0)
Print "File ended without finding Header!"
return -1 // Failure
temp = buffer[0,22]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# EnergyScalingOffset:") == 0)
//print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# EnergyScalingOffset: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
//Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for EnergyScalingOffset"
return -1 // Failure
Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,22]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# EnergyScalingFactor:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# EnergyScalingFactor: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for EnergyScalingFactor"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,25]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# AzimuthalScalingOffset:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# AzimuthalScalingOffset: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for AzimuthalScalingOffset"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,25]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# AzimuthalScalingFactor:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# AzimuthalScalingFactor: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for AzimuthalScalingFactor"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
while (i<10)
Close refNum
Print "Energy offset=",Energyoffset,"Energy step=",Energystep,"Theta offset=",Thetaoffset,"Theta step=",Thetastep
SetScale/P x Thetaoffset,Thetastep,"", matrix;DelayUpdate
SetScale/P y Energyoffset,Energystep,"", matrix
index += 1
while (1)
This code works good and loaded all .asc files in the folder. However, Header reading works only for first file and then it uses same values for 2nd data file onwards. I am confused, where is the problem. Can any one help me. For model data please find the attached file, you may change values and try. Note: I have attached data in .txt format because webpage allowed .txt and I have also deleted so many points to minimize the memory.
July 9, 2014 at 07:40 am - Permalink
I discovered this using the Igor debugger. It is invaluable. To read about it, execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "The Debugger"
I rejiggered your code to make it more modular and expressive.
I changed the variable name "i" to "lineNumber" which is more expressive. I removed the declaration of the variable from the beginning of the function to just before the loop which makes it more clear where it is used. I also changed the do loop to a for loop which guarantees that lineNumber is initialized each time the loop starts.
I removed this which is not necessary. The purpose is to display an Open File dialog to choose the file but it not useful when loading all of the files in a folder and also, if you were going to do it, you would have to do it before the first use of pathName and fileName which means before the LoadWave call.
Open /D /R /P=$pathName /T=(extension) refNum as fileName
fileName = S_fileName // S_fileName is set by Open/D
if (strlen(fileName) == 0) // User cancelled?
return -1
// fileName is now a full path to the file.
I also split the header reading out as a subroutine. This makes the code more modular, easier to understand and easier to debug, because you don't have to wade through a monolithic block of code to find what you are interested in.
Here is the resulting code:
String pathName // Input - Name of an Igor symbolic path
String fileName // Input - Name of file from which header is to be read
Variable& Energyoffset // Output
Variable& Energystep // Output
Variable& Thetaoffset // Output
Variable& Thetastep // Output
Variable refNum
Open /P=$pathName /R refNum as fileName
Variable lineNumber
for (lineNumber=0; lineNumber<10; lineNumber+=1)
String buffer
FReadLine refNum, buffer
//Print buffer
if (strlen(buffer) == 0)
Print "File ended without finding Header!"
return -1 // Failure
String units
Variable number
String temp = buffer[0,22]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# EnergyScalingOffset:") == 0)
//print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# EnergyScalingOffset: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
//Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for EnergyScalingOffset"
return -1 // Failure
Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,22]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# EnergyScalingFactor:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# EnergyScalingFactor: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for EnergyScalingFactor"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,25]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# AzimuthalScalingOffset:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# AzimuthalScalingOffset: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for AzimuthalScalingOffset"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
temp = buffer[0,25]
if (CmpStr(temp,"# AzimuthalScalingFactor:") == 0)
print ":)", buffer
sscanf buffer, "# AzimuthalScalingFactor: %g %s", number, units
if (V_flag != 2)
// Did not get two items
Print "ReadHeaderInfo: sscanf failed for AzimuthalScalingFactor"
return -1 // Failure
//Print "number=",number," and units=", units
Close refNum
return 0 // Success
Function LoadAllMatrixFilesFromFolder2(pathName, extension, makePlots)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" to get a dialog
String extension // File name extension - e.g., "txt" or ".dat"
Variable makePlots // 1 to display each matrix in a plot
String filePath, fileName,buffer,units,temp
Variable index=0,number,refNum
if (strlen(pathName) == 0)
NewPath/O/M="Choose a folder containing Matrix Files" LoadIndexedMatrixPath
if (V_flag != 0)
return -1 // User cancelled
pathName = "LoadIndexedMatrixPath"
fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, index, extension)
if (strlen(fileName) == 0)
break // No more files.
String matrixName= RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)// CleanupName(fileName, 0) ***
String columnInfoStr
sprintf columnInfoStr, "N='%s';", matrixName
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
Wave matrix = $matrixName // Create a wave reference
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
Variable Energyoffset,Energystep,Thetaoffset,Thetastep
Variable result = ReadHeader(pathName, fileName, Energyoffset, Energystep, Thetaoffset, Thetastep)
if (result != 0)
return result // Failure
Print "Energy offset=",Energyoffset,"Energy step=",Energystep,"Theta offset=",Thetaoffset,"Theta step=",Thetastep
SetScale/P x Thetaoffset,Thetastep,"", matrix;DelayUpdate
SetScale/P y Energyoffset,Energystep,"", matrix
index += 1
while (1)
return 0 // Success
The ReadHeader uses pass-by-reference parameters to return results to the calling routine. To read about pass-by-reference parameters, execute:
DisplayHelpTopic "How Parameters Work"
If you were reading a large number of header parameters you would want to use a structure to return the values from ReadHeader to the main function. But for your situation pass-by-reference parameters are fine.
July 9, 2014 at 09:16 am - Permalink
Special thanks to your interest and introducing me to step by step debugger tool.
I finally added Note option and completed the function.
July 10, 2014 at 03:57 am - Permalink
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "" to get a dialog
String extension // File name extension - e.g., "txt" or ".dat"
Variable makePlots=0 // 1 to display each matrix in a plot
String filePath, fileName,buffer,units,temp
Variable index=0,number,refNum
String message = "Select one or more files"
String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv,*.asc):.txt,.dat,.csv,.asc;"
fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
Open /D /R /MULT=1 /F=fileFilters /M=message RefNum
//print "filename is", ParseFilePath(3, S_fileName, ":", 0, 0)
// if (strlen(pathName) == 0)
// NewPath/O/M="Choose a folder containing Matrix Files" LoadIndexedMatrixPath
// if (V_flag != 0)
// return -1 // User cancelled
// endif
// pathName = "LoadIndexedMatrixPath"
// endif
// do
fileName = S_fileName//IndexedFile($pathName, index, extension)
String matrixName= ""
matrixName=ParseFilePath(3, S_fileName, ":", 0, 0)//RemoveEnding(fileName, extension)
print "matrixName is ",matrixName
if (exists(matrixName) != 1) // It checks whether matrixName exist/already loaded from the same folder, if exist/loaded, that file(s) are skipped
String columnInfoStr
sprintf columnInfoStr, "N='%s';", matrixName
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
Wave matrix = $matrixName // Create a wave reference
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
Variable Energyoffset,Energystep,Thetaoffset,Thetastep
Variable result = ReadHeader(pathName, fileName, matrix, Energyoffset, Energystep, Thetaoffset, Thetastep)
if (result != 0)
return result // Failure
Printf "Energy offset=%g, Energy step=%g, Theta offset= %g, Theta step=%g \r",Energyoffset,Energystep,Thetaoffset,Thetastep
SetScale/P x Thetaoffset,Thetastep,"", matrix;DelayUpdate
SetScale/P y Energyoffset,Energystep,"", matrix
//integrated spectrum extraction part
//Activation below lines will automatically create the integrated spectra
//ImageTransform sumAllCols matrix
//String intname=""
//wave W_sumCols
//SetScale/P x Energyoffset,Energystep,"",W_sumCols
//rename W_sumCols $intname
//integrated spectrum extraction part
endif // It checks whether matrixName exist/already loaded from the same folder, if exist/loaded, that file(s) are skipped
//index += 1
//while (1)
return 0 // Success
I am getting "Attempt to use a null string variable" error for below segment
if (makePlots)
NewImage matrix
I could not get what is missing. Any help is greatly appreciated.
November 4, 2015 at 03:05 pm - Permalink
Have you run it with the debugger turned on?
This should help you track down the issue.
November 4, 2015 at 10:59 pm - Permalink
November 4, 2015 at 11:42 pm - Permalink
As a starter, here is some code that tests a wavename starting with a digit...
string sWaveName
sWaveName = "MyWave" // simple wavename
print "1: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
Make/O $sWaveName
print "2: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
KillWaves/Z $sWaveName
sWaveName = "9MyWave" // start with digit
print "3: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
Make/O $sWaveName
print "4: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
KillWaves/Z $sWaveName
sWaveName = "9 MyWave" // start with digit and has space
print "5: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
Make/O $sWaveName
print "6: Wave", sWaveName, ", exists:",exists(sWaveName)
wave wMyWave = $sWaveName
KillWaves/Z $sWaveName
This runs as I would expect...
1: Wave MyWave , exists: 0
2: Wave MyWave , exists: 1
3: Wave 9MyWave , exists: 0
4: Wave 9MyWave , exists: 1
5: Wave 9 MyWave , exists: 0
6: Wave 9 MyWave , exists: 1
Can you add to this to reproduce your error message?
November 5, 2015 at 12:56 am - Permalink
Are you sure the error is here:
...and not in the previous line?
November 5, 2015 at 01:13 am - Permalink
Wave matrix = $matrixName
i.e. Error is in
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/M/B=columnInfoStr fileName ///original line for .dat file format
The below link helped.
November 5, 2015 at 02:19 pm - Permalink