Function for appending a new value to an existing wave

// Handy Function to append a new value to an existing 1-dimensional wave
Function AppendValue(thewave, thevalue)
Wave thewave
Variable thevalue
Redimension /N=(numpnts(thewave)+1) thewave
thewave [numpnts(thewave)] = thevalue
Function AppendValue(thewave, thevalue)
Wave thewave
Variable thevalue
Redimension /N=(numpnts(thewave)+1) thewave
thewave [numpnts(thewave)] = thevalue



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Better write it as
Or even as
Wave thewave
Variable thevalue
variable size = DimSize(thewave,0)
Redimension /N=(size+1,-1,-1,-1) thewave
thewave [size] = thevalue
That also works with multidimensional waves.
Keep in mind that this is might be slow as Redimension might need to allocate memory.
June 11, 2014 at 06:35 am - Permalink
thewave [size] = thevalue
will not do what you expect if you feed it a matrix wave. Might be better to writethewave[size][0][0][0] = thevalue
But trying to come up with a reasonable behavior for waves of any dimensionality is probably futile. What is the correct way to add one value to a matrix? Add a row and fill the first value of the row with the new value, and zeroes in the rest of the row? Fill the entire row with the new value? Add a column and then ask the same questions? And the question expands exponentially with increasing dimensionality...
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 11, 2014 at 09:26 am - Permalink