Setting Free Cursor position relative to a /VERT trace

An example of correct behavior when plotted as usual:
make/O/N=(1000) wtest setscale/P x,0,1e-3,"time",wtest wtest=10*sin(16*pi*x)/x display wtest cursor/F A wtest 0.1,250
Now try:
display/Vert wtest cursor/F A wtest 0.1,250
Interestingly, the cursor is put where it should have been, had the position of the axes been exchanged. I'm hoping for a fix, knowing WaveMetrics, it will not be far away :)
It would be best to report bugs to support@wavemetrics.com.
I am am sitting in my backyard on a nice day reading this on my iPad and may or may not remember this tomorrow :-)
Larry Hutchinson
May 31, 2014 at 04:08 pm - Permalink
June 1, 2014 at 01:54 am - Permalink
The next (tomorrow's) nightly build will have this change. You can get the nightly build here:
The current build is from Saturday so anything after that will do.
Larry Hutchinson
June 1, 2014 at 09:47 am - Permalink