Swap XY axis just for one wave on a graph?

Hi there. Is it possible to do both vertical and horizontal bar charts on the same graph? The only way I can see to do a horizontal bar chart is by using the swapXY=1 command, but this does it for everything, and not just the axis in question. I've tried playing around with the 'fill to next' options but can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone tell me if this is possible?
One simple way to do this is to use different pairs of left/bottom and top/right axes. If the first bar plot is done with the default left/bottom axes for wave0, use:
AppendToGraph/T/R/VERT wave1

to show another rotated bar plot on the same graph. I attach an illustrative example.
BarGraph.png (30.77 KB)
If your data are all numeric, when you create or add a trace to a graph you can select SwapXY behavior on a trace-by-trace basis. But if it is a category plot (non-numeric X data) then you can't because swapping just one trace will put the numeric data on the non-numeric axis. In that case, you need to do as Steve Chinn says- use a different pair of axes.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.