XYZ plot


I have a problem to do the same graph as in the "example" image.

I have N couple of (X,Y) waves all normalized (energy distribution and amplitude in the image) and one wave Z which have a size N.

I know how to plot my N (X,Y) couples :

        string xnames = WaveList("X*",";","")
    string ynames = WaveList("Y*",";","")
    variable i
    display $(stringfromlist(0, ynames, ";")) vs $(stringfromlist(0, xnames, ";"))
    for (i=1; i<itemsinlist(xnames); i+=1)
        wave S=$(stringfromlist(i, ynames, ";"))
        AppendToGraph S vs $(stringfromlist(i, xnames, ";"))        

And i obtain the image "XY", but i want make a depth effect with the last wave Z...

Do you have any idea ? Advices ?

I m sure it's simple, but I don't see the solution...

Thank you :)
example.png (239.19 KB) XY.png (345.61 KB)
You haven't discussed the details of your data, but the following may help. From the command line enter

DisplayHelpTopic "Plotting 1D X, Y and Z Waves With Non-Gridded XY Data"

The resulting matrix will let you show a 2D image plot with false-color Z display or a 3D Gizmo surface plot.
Thank for the answer,

My experience consists to trace a kinetic energy spectrum for different values of voltage.

My data are 1D waves (I take names from "example" image) :

- N waves of energy (E1, E2, ..., EN)
- N waves of amplitudes for my spectrum (S1, S2, ..., SN)
- 1 wave of Voltage values (Dimension N)

Ei and Si have the same dimensions. If i just want a 2D plot : the "energy" wave E1 is the x coordonates for the spectrum S1 (y coordonates between 0 and 1 for all spectrum)

But my goal is to have all "spectrum (y), energy (x)" couples along a voltage axis (z). So, it's not a surface plot but a kind of multiple XY plot along a third axis.

Should I make a XYZ matrix ? how can I do that ? How can i exploit it ?

From your example image, it appears that you want to look for waterfall plot in the help files.
It appears to me that the "Extract" command might be useful in grouping data having common 'y' values (assuming you know what these common values are, or can otherwise determine them). A conventional x vs y plot might get you started. Then in every extracted wave Sort the values by 'x'. All the final 1D z vs x waves can then be plotted in a waterfall plot.