HistoryCarbonCopy in a host panel

I have a full screen test panel for end users who do not need to know anything about Igor. They can execute test procedures just by clicking buttons and menus. One useful feature would be to print the history of commands and other notifications. Actually this already happens in the history window, but it would be better to have it fixed in the test panel. There is HistoryCarbonCopy functionality that copies history window to a notebook, but when this notebook is included in a host panel it does not work anymore. As far as I understand it is simply because the host window name is not anymore just HistoryCarbonCopy, even though the name of the notebook is.

Is there some workaround for this?
I have not tried it, but can you use "CaptureHistory" (and "CaptureHistoryStart") to grab the history commands to a string, and then add this text to your embedded notebook window?
Hope this helps,
As a workaround you could also leave the notebook named "HistoryCarbonCopy" capturing the history, and copy its contents to the embedded notebook once its content changes using one of the notebook window events.
Thanks Kurt and Thomas for quick replies and good workarounds! My embedded history window works now exactly like I wanted.

So, Lauri- what was your solution?

I only ask because I wrote CaptureHistory and Howard wrote HistoryCarbonCopy :)
(It might also be a nice thing for other users to solve similar issues)

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.