Read and extract values of variables and waves' name using multithread function from mass # of waves
Thanks for the help about extracting value of center of mass. I have tried to extract X axis peak position and center of mass using demo procedure - Thread-at-a-Time Demo
I am also interested in displaying each wave name from the variables. However, I have tried and failed.
I have learned that the I need to introduce string to extract wave name, but I don't know how to put the string with variables.
Please helps!
Here is the modified version to replace min and max value.
#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method.
Menu "Macros"
"Thread-at-a-Time Demo", ThreadAtATimeDemo()
// These control various troubleshooting items and other aspects of the demonstration
Constant kNumDatasetsToProcess = 400 // Number of sample input waves to create and process
Constant kSampleWaveNumPoints = 10000 // Number of points in each sample input wave
Constant kPrintStartThreadMessage = 1
Constant kPrintGotThreadDFMessage = 1
Constant kSimulateVaryingComputationTime = 1
ThreadSafe Function ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
Variable waveIndex
//// String namewave = nameofwave(wIn) <---I introduce string here
Wavestats/q wIn
variable xPeak = V_maxloc
Variable i,n=numpnts(wIn), massTimesX=0
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1)
massTimesX += wIn[i]*pnt2x(wIn,i)
Variable totalMass=sum(wIn)
Variable centerOfMass= massTimesX/totalMass
// printf "Center of Mass: %g", centerofMass
//return centerOfMass
// This is used to simulate varying computation time
if (kSimulateVaryingComputationTime > 0)
Variable randomSecs = abs(enoise(kSimulateVaryingComputationTime))
Sleep/S randomSecs
//Variable wMin = WaveMin(wIn)
//Variable wMax = WaveMax(wIn)
// Create data folder to return to calling thread
NewDataFolder/S output
// Create output variables
// Variable/G gMin = wMin
Variable/G gcenterOfMass =centerOfMass
Variable/G gxPeak = xPeak
// String/G gnamewave=namewave ( I tried to add this but it did not work)
// This tells the calling thread which wave was processed
Variable/G gWaveIndex = waveIndex
// Send data back to main thread
ThreadGroupPutDF 0, :
return 0 // Success
Function ThreadAtATimeDemo()
if (IgorVersion() < 6.23)
Abort "This demo requires Igor Pro 6.23 or later."
Variable t0 = StopMSTimer(-2) // Used to time the function
DFREF originalDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
DFREF outputDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
Variable numDatasetsToProcess = kNumDatasetsToProcess
Variable numDatasetsProcessed = 0
// Make output wave
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,3) outputDFR:results = NaN
Wave results = outputDFR:results
SetDimLabel 1,0,CenterOfMass,results
SetDimLabel 1,1,Peak,results
SetDimLabel 1,2,Name,results ///<----Third column I added for wavename
// Create output table
DoWindow /F OutputTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=OutputTable /W=(466,49,906,652) results.ld
// Look for sample data
Variable numPointsInSampleData = kSampleWaveNumPoints
// NewDataFolder /O :SampleData
DFREF inputDFR = :
String name
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numDatasetsToProcess; i+=1)
sprintf name, "(%d)", i // wave0, wave1
// Make/O/D/N=(numPointsInSampleData) inputDFR:$name = gnoise(1) (disabled)
SetDimLabel 0,i,$name,results
// Create threads
Variable numThreads = ThreadProcessorCount
Variable threadGroupID = ThreadGroupCreate(numThreads)
SetDataFolder inputDFR // Needed for WaveRefIndexed
// Dispatch threads and collect output
Variable threadIndex
Variable waveIndex = 0
// Start any free threads
if (waveIndex >= numDatasetsToProcess)
break // No more input data to dispatch to a thread
// Find a free thread
threadIndex = ThreadGroupWait(threadGroupID, -2) // Requires Igor Pro 6.23
threadIndex -= 1 // Because ThreadGroupWait returns threadIndex+1
if (threadIndex < 0)
break // No free threads
// Start thread
Wave wIn = WaveRefIndexed("", waveIndex, 4)
ThreadStart threadGroupID, threadIndex, ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
if (kPrintStartThreadMessage)
Printf "Started thread %d\r", threadIndex // For debugging only
waveIndex += 1
// See if thread output is available
DFREF dfr = ThreadGroupGetDFR(threadGroupID, 0)
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
// NVAR gnamewave= dfr:$namewave <---- I tried this but it did not work because of string function I believe.
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
// results[gWaveIndex][2] = $namewave <-----It did not work
// Update the output table
// For debugging only
if (kPrintGotThreadDFMessage)
Printf "Got data for wave %d: CenterOfMass=%g, Peak=%g\r", gWaveIndex, gcenterOfMass, gxPeak
numDatasetsProcessed += 1
// This is a free data folder that would be killed automatically by Igor.
// Nonetheless we explicitly kill it here and now.
KillDataFolder dfr
while(numDatasetsProcessed < numDatasetsToProcess)
Variable dummy = ThreadGroupRelease(threadGroupID)
Variable t1 = StopMSTimer(-2)
Variable elapsedTime = (t1 - t0) / 1E6
Printf "Finished ThreadAtATimeDemo in %.2f seconds.\r", elapsedTime
SetDataFolder originalDFR
Function CleanupExperiment() // We call this to prepare the experiment for shipping
DoWindow /K OutputTable // The table is recreated by the demo
KillWaves/Z results // Output wave is recreated by the demo
KillDataFolder /Z root:SampleData // Sample data is recreated by the demo
Menu "Macros"
"Thread-at-a-Time Demo", ThreadAtATimeDemo()
// These control various troubleshooting items and other aspects of the demonstration
Constant kNumDatasetsToProcess = 400 // Number of sample input waves to create and process
Constant kSampleWaveNumPoints = 10000 // Number of points in each sample input wave
Constant kPrintStartThreadMessage = 1
Constant kPrintGotThreadDFMessage = 1
Constant kSimulateVaryingComputationTime = 1
ThreadSafe Function ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
Variable waveIndex
//// String namewave = nameofwave(wIn) <---I introduce string here
Wavestats/q wIn
variable xPeak = V_maxloc
Variable i,n=numpnts(wIn), massTimesX=0
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1)
massTimesX += wIn[i]*pnt2x(wIn,i)
Variable totalMass=sum(wIn)
Variable centerOfMass= massTimesX/totalMass
// printf "Center of Mass: %g", centerofMass
//return centerOfMass
// This is used to simulate varying computation time
if (kSimulateVaryingComputationTime > 0)
Variable randomSecs = abs(enoise(kSimulateVaryingComputationTime))
Sleep/S randomSecs
//Variable wMin = WaveMin(wIn)
//Variable wMax = WaveMax(wIn)
// Create data folder to return to calling thread
NewDataFolder/S output
// Create output variables
// Variable/G gMin = wMin
Variable/G gcenterOfMass =centerOfMass
Variable/G gxPeak = xPeak
// String/G gnamewave=namewave ( I tried to add this but it did not work)
// This tells the calling thread which wave was processed
Variable/G gWaveIndex = waveIndex
// Send data back to main thread
ThreadGroupPutDF 0, :
return 0 // Success
Function ThreadAtATimeDemo()
if (IgorVersion() < 6.23)
Abort "This demo requires Igor Pro 6.23 or later."
Variable t0 = StopMSTimer(-2) // Used to time the function
DFREF originalDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
DFREF outputDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
Variable numDatasetsToProcess = kNumDatasetsToProcess
Variable numDatasetsProcessed = 0
// Make output wave
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,3) outputDFR:results = NaN
Wave results = outputDFR:results
SetDimLabel 1,0,CenterOfMass,results
SetDimLabel 1,1,Peak,results
SetDimLabel 1,2,Name,results ///<----Third column I added for wavename
// Create output table
DoWindow /F OutputTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=OutputTable /W=(466,49,906,652) results.ld
// Look for sample data
Variable numPointsInSampleData = kSampleWaveNumPoints
// NewDataFolder /O :SampleData
DFREF inputDFR = :
String name
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numDatasetsToProcess; i+=1)
sprintf name, "(%d)", i // wave0, wave1
// Make/O/D/N=(numPointsInSampleData) inputDFR:$name = gnoise(1) (disabled)
SetDimLabel 0,i,$name,results
// Create threads
Variable numThreads = ThreadProcessorCount
Variable threadGroupID = ThreadGroupCreate(numThreads)
SetDataFolder inputDFR // Needed for WaveRefIndexed
// Dispatch threads and collect output
Variable threadIndex
Variable waveIndex = 0
// Start any free threads
if (waveIndex >= numDatasetsToProcess)
break // No more input data to dispatch to a thread
// Find a free thread
threadIndex = ThreadGroupWait(threadGroupID, -2) // Requires Igor Pro 6.23
threadIndex -= 1 // Because ThreadGroupWait returns threadIndex+1
if (threadIndex < 0)
break // No free threads
// Start thread
Wave wIn = WaveRefIndexed("", waveIndex, 4)
ThreadStart threadGroupID, threadIndex, ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
if (kPrintStartThreadMessage)
Printf "Started thread %d\r", threadIndex // For debugging only
waveIndex += 1
// See if thread output is available
DFREF dfr = ThreadGroupGetDFR(threadGroupID, 0)
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
// NVAR gnamewave= dfr:$namewave <---- I tried this but it did not work because of string function I believe.
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
// results[gWaveIndex][2] = $namewave <-----It did not work
// Update the output table
// For debugging only
if (kPrintGotThreadDFMessage)
Printf "Got data for wave %d: CenterOfMass=%g, Peak=%g\r", gWaveIndex, gcenterOfMass, gxPeak
numDatasetsProcessed += 1
// This is a free data folder that would be killed automatically by Igor.
// Nonetheless we explicitly kill it here and now.
KillDataFolder dfr
while(numDatasetsProcessed < numDatasetsToProcess)
Variable dummy = ThreadGroupRelease(threadGroupID)
Variable t1 = StopMSTimer(-2)
Variable elapsedTime = (t1 - t0) / 1E6
Printf "Finished ThreadAtATimeDemo in %.2f seconds.\r", elapsedTime
SetDataFolder originalDFR
Function CleanupExperiment() // We call this to prepare the experiment for shipping
DoWindow /K OutputTable // The table is recreated by the demo
KillWaves/Z results // Output wave is recreated by the demo
KillDataFolder /Z root:SampleData // Sample data is recreated by the demo
Thank you very much!
needs to be:
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 17, 2014 at 09:19 am - Permalink
Thanks, I just learned the function of SVAR.
Here is what I added to:
In the function of
ThreadSafe Function ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
I introduced
string NameWave =NameofWave(wIn)
String/G gNameWave=NameWave
Then, in the function of
Function ThreadAtATimeDemo()
I added one column to the table
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,3) outputDFR:results = NaN
Wave results = outputDFR:results
SetDimLabel 1,0,CenterOfMass,results
SetDimLabel 1,1,Peak,results
SetDimLabel 1,2,Name,results
And introduced SVAR for wave name
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
SVAR gNameWave= dfr:gNameWave
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
results[gWaveIndex][2] = gNameWave
But, I received error saying
results[gWaveIndex][2] = gNameWave
unknown/inappropriate name or symbol...
with my current knowledge, I don't know where is the error and I need your help.
Thank you!
Here is the code:
Menu "Macros"
"Thread-at-a-Time Demo", ThreadAtATimeDemo()
// These control various troubleshooting items and other aspects of the demonstration
Constant kNumDatasetsToProcess = 400 // Number of sample input waves to create and process
Constant kSampleWaveNumPoints = 10000 // Number of points in each sample input wave
Constant kPrintStartThreadMessage = 1
Constant kPrintGotThreadDFMessage = 1
Constant kSimulateVaryingComputationTime = 1
ThreadSafe Function ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
Variable waveIndex
String NameWave = NameofWave(wIn)
Wavestats/q wIn
variable xPeak = V_maxloc
Variable i,n=numpnts(wIn), massTimesX=0
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1)
massTimesX += wIn[i]*pnt2x(wIn,i)
Variable totalMass=sum(wIn)
Variable centerOfMass= massTimesX/totalMass
// printf "Center of Mass: %g", centerofMass
//return centerOfMass
// This is used to simulate varying computation time
if (kSimulateVaryingComputationTime > 0)
Variable randomSecs = abs(enoise(kSimulateVaryingComputationTime))
Sleep/S randomSecs
//Variable wMin = WaveMin(wIn)
//Variable wMax = WaveMax(wIn)
// Create data folder to return to calling thread
NewDataFolder/S output
// Create output variables
// Variable/G gMin = wMin
Variable/G gcenterOfMass =centerOfMass
Variable/G gxPeak = xPeak
String/G gNameWave=NameWave
// This tells the calling thread which wave was processed
Variable/G gWaveIndex = waveIndex
// Send data back to main thread
ThreadGroupPutDF 0, :
return 0 // Success
Function ThreadAtATimeDemo()
if (IgorVersion() < 6.23)
Abort "This demo requires Igor Pro 6.23 or later."
Variable t0 = StopMSTimer(-2) // Used to time the function
DFREF originalDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
DFREF outputDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
Variable numDatasetsToProcess = kNumDatasetsToProcess
Variable numDatasetsProcessed = 0
// Make output wave
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,3) outputDFR:results = NaN
Wave results = outputDFR:results
SetDimLabel 1,0,CenterOfMass,results
SetDimLabel 1,1,Peak,results
SetDimLabel 1,2,Name,results
// Create output table
DoWindow /F OutputTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=OutputTable /W=(466,49,906,652) results.ld
// Look for sample data
Variable numPointsInSampleData = kSampleWaveNumPoints
// NewDataFolder /O :SampleData
DFREF inputDFR = :
String name
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numDatasetsToProcess; i+=1)
sprintf name, "(%d)", i // wave0, wave1
// Make/O/D/N=(numPointsInSampleData) inputDFR:$name = gnoise(1)
SetDimLabel 0,i,$name,results
// Create threads
Variable numThreads = ThreadProcessorCount
Variable threadGroupID = ThreadGroupCreate(numThreads)
SetDataFolder inputDFR // Needed for WaveRefIndexed
// Dispatch threads and collect output
Variable threadIndex
Variable waveIndex = 0
// Start any free threads
if (waveIndex >= numDatasetsToProcess)
break // No more input data to dispatch to a thread
// Find a free thread
threadIndex = ThreadGroupWait(threadGroupID, -2) // Requires Igor Pro 6.23
threadIndex -= 1 // Because ThreadGroupWait returns threadIndex+1
if (threadIndex < 0)
break // No free threads
// Start thread
Wave wIn = WaveRefIndexed("", waveIndex, 4)
ThreadStart threadGroupID, threadIndex, ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
if (kPrintStartThreadMessage)
Printf "Started thread %d\r", threadIndex // For debugging only
waveIndex += 1
// See if thread output is available
DFREF dfr = ThreadGroupGetDFR(threadGroupID, 0)
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
SVAR gNameWave= dfr:gNameWave
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
results[gWaveIndex][2] = gNameWave
// Update the output table
// For debugging only
if (kPrintGotThreadDFMessage)
Printf "Got data for wave %d: CenterOfMass=%g, Peak=%g\r", gWaveIndex, gcenterOfMass, gxPeak
numDatasetsProcessed += 1
// This is a free data folder that would be killed automatically by Igor.
// Nonetheless we explicitly kill it here and now.
KillDataFolder dfr
while(numDatasetsProcessed < numDatasetsToProcess)
Variable dummy = ThreadGroupRelease(threadGroupID)
Variable t1 = StopMSTimer(-2)
Variable elapsedTime = (t1 - t0) / 1E6
Printf "Finished ThreadAtATimeDemo in %.2f seconds.\r", elapsedTime
SetDataFolder originalDFR
Function CleanupExperiment() // We call this to prepare the experiment for shipping
DoWindow /K OutputTable // The table is recreated by the demo
KillWaves/Z results // Output wave is recreated by the demo
KillDataFolder /Z root:SampleData // Sample data is recreated by the demo
January 17, 2014 at 10:25 am - Permalink
Note that the results wave is numeric.
The string is not.
You can't assign a string to a number.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 17, 2014 at 11:58 am - Permalink
Thank you.
Are there any ways to extract wave name as well as the two variables to the table using this algorithm? If so, you are welcome to make changes.
I guess the problem is the
? I noticed that gWaveIndex was assigned as variable. But I don't know how to convert it to string.Please bear in mind, I am new to IGOR and I try my best to understand programming syntax as a biologist. I need your advices and suggestions.
Thank you again.
January 17, 2014 at 12:47 pm - Permalink
Hello Jim,
Thank you for pointing out the error again. I have fixed the incomparability (text vs. numeric)
I got what I want with the minimal knowledge of programming.
Here is the code, just in case someone is interested in trimming it.
Menu "Macros"
"Read_CM_Peak_MultiThreads", ThreadAtATimeDemo()
// These control various troubleshooting items and other aspects of the demonstration
Constant kNumDatasetsToProcess = 10 // Number of sample input waves to create and process
Constant kSampleWaveNumPoints = 10000 // Number of points in each sample input wave
Constant kPrintStartThreadMessage = 1
Constant kPrintGotThreadDFMessage = 1
Constant kSimulateVaryingComputationTime = 1
ThreadSafe Function ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
Variable waveIndex
String NameWave = NameofWave(wIn)
Wavestats/q/z wIn
variable xPeak = V_maxloc
Variable i,n=numpnts(wIn), massTimesX=0
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1)
massTimesX += wIn[i]*pnt2x(wIn,i)
Variable totalMass=sum(wIn)
Variable centerOfMass= massTimesX/totalMass
// printf "Center of Mass: %g", centerofMass
//return centerOfMass
// This is used to simulate varying computation time
if (kSimulateVaryingComputationTime > 0)
Variable randomSecs = abs(enoise(kSimulateVaryingComputationTime))
Sleep/S randomSecs
//Variable wMin = WaveMin(wIn)
//Variable wMax = WaveMax(wIn)
// Create data folder to return to calling thread
NewDataFolder/S output
// Create output variables
// Variable/G gMin = wMin
Variable/G gcenterOfMass =centerOfMass
Variable/G gxPeak = xPeak
String/G gNameWave=NameWave
// This tells the calling thread which wave was processed
Variable/G gWaveIndex = waveIndex
// Send data back to main thread
ThreadGroupPutDF 0, :
return 0 // Success
Function ThreadAtATimeDemo()
if (IgorVersion() < 6.23)
Abort "This demo requires Igor Pro 6.23 or later."
Variable t0 = StopMSTimer(-2) // Used to time the function
DFREF originalDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
DFREF outputDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()
Variable numDatasetsToProcess = kNumDatasetsToProcess
Variable numDatasetsProcessed = 0
// Make output wave
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,2) outputDFR:results = NaN
wave results= outputDFR:results
SetDimLabel 1,0,CenterOfMass,results
SetDimLabel 1,1,Peak,results
make/O /T/N=(numDatasetsToProcess) outputDFR:resultstext
Wave/t resultstext = outputDFR:resultstext
// SetDimLabel 0,0,name,resultstext
// Make/T/N=(numpnts(numWave)) textWave = num2str(numWave)
// str2num
// Create output table
DoWindow /F OutputTable
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=OutputTable /W=(466,49,906,652) results.ld
Edit/N=OutputTableText resultstext
// Look for sample data
Variable numPointsInSampleData = kSampleWaveNumPoints
// NewDataFolder /O :SampleData
DFREF inputDFR = :
String name
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numDatasetsToProcess; i+=1)
sprintf name, "(%d)", i // wave0, wave1
// Make/O/D/N=(numPointsInSampleData) inputDFR:$name = gnoise(1)
SetDimLabel 0,i,$name,results
// Create threads
Variable numThreads = ThreadProcessorCount
Variable threadGroupID = ThreadGroupCreate(numThreads)
SetDataFolder inputDFR // Needed for WaveRefIndexed
// Dispatch threads and collect output
Variable threadIndex
Variable waveIndex = 0
// Start any free threads
if (waveIndex >= numDatasetsToProcess)
break // No more input data to dispatch to a thread
// Find a free thread
threadIndex = ThreadGroupWait(threadGroupID, -2) // Requires Igor Pro 6.23
threadIndex -= 1 // Because ThreadGroupWait returns threadIndex+1
if (threadIndex < 0)
break // No free threads
// Start thread
Wave wIn = WaveRefIndexed("", waveIndex, 4)
ThreadStart threadGroupID, threadIndex, ThreadWorker(wIn, waveIndex)
if (kPrintStartThreadMessage)
Printf "Started thread %d\r", threadIndex // For debugging only
waveIndex += 1
// See if thread output is available
DFREF dfr = ThreadGroupGetDFR(threadGroupID, 0)
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
SVAR gNameWave= dfr:gNameWave
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
resultstext[gWaveIndex][0] =gNameWave
// Update the output table
// For debugging only
if (kPrintGotThreadDFMessage)
Printf "Got data for wave %d: CenterOfMass=%g, Peak=%g\r", gWaveIndex, gcenterOfMass, gxPeak
numDatasetsProcessed += 1
// This is a free data folder that would be killed automatically by Igor.
// Nonetheless we explicitly kill it here and now.
KillDataFolder dfr
while(numDatasetsProcessed < numDatasetsToProcess)
Variable dummy = ThreadGroupRelease(threadGroupID)
Variable t1 = StopMSTimer(-2)
Variable elapsedTime = (t1 - t0) / 1E6
Printf "Finished ThreadAtATimeDemo in %.2f seconds.\r", elapsedTime
SetDataFolder originalDFR
Function CleanupExperiment() // We call this to prepare the experiment for shipping
DoWindow /K OutputTable // The table is recreated by the demo
DoWindow/K OutputTabletext
KillWaves/Z results // Output wave is recreated by the demo
KillDataFolder /Z root:SampleData // Sample data is recreated by the demo
January 17, 2014 at 03:28 pm - Permalink
January 17, 2014 at 05:06 pm - Permalink
Hi jtigor,
Obtaining such values have made my life so much easier!!!
I see your point. I will try to change the output into string using num2str. If I got stuck in doing such changes, I will seek help here.
January 17, 2014 at 08:08 pm - Permalink
This can be a good technique. I think it's worth pointing out that when transmitting values via text you have to be *very* careful that you preserve the necessary precision of the numbers. A round-trip through num2str/str2num will truncate the values to 6 digits.
The num-string-num conversions are also slow. Since you are going to the trouble of writing threaded code, I presume speed is important to you.
As jtigor says, how you use the results is a crucial consideration.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
January 20, 2014 at 09:37 am - Permalink
// Process results
NVAR gcenterOfMass = dfr:gcenterOfMass
NVAR gxPeak = dfr:gxPeak
SVAR gNameWave= dfr:gNameWave
NVAR gWaveIndex = dfr:gWaveIndex
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
resultstext[gWaveIndex][0] =gNameWave
... becomes this ...
Make/O/D/N=(numDatasetsToProcess,2) outputDFR:results = NaN
// create gListInfo to store content in the same place that you create gCenterOfMass
// make sure it is initialized to be blank
String/G gListInfo = ""
if (DataFolderRefStatus(dfr) != 0)
// Process results
NVAR/DFREF=dfr gcenterOfMass, gxPeak, gWaveIndex
SVAR/DFREF=dfr gNameWave, gListInfo // create gListInfo when you create gNameWave
results[gWaveIndex][0] = gcenterOfMass
results[gWaveIndex][1] = gxPeak
gListInfo += num2str(gWaveIndex) + "=" + gNameWave + ";" // one option with num2str (use this or below, not both!)
sprintf("%s%d=%s;",gListInfo,gWaveIndex,gNameWave) // alternative with sprint (use this or above, not both!)
Your processing afterward is then a case of extracting the keyword=value set from gListInfo.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
January 20, 2014 at 10:57 am - Permalink