Taylor diagrams
Does this functionality exist in Igor? I can only get so far using the Polar Graphs package - for example, I can't do is user ticks from waves (the angle data will need to be non-linear).
Or would there be another hurdle to overcome?
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 11, 2013 at 03:20 pm - Permalink
December 13, 2013 at 02:08 am - Permalink
Take a look at the attached screen shot of the Taylor diagram graph.
Macro RedrawTaylorDiagramTicksGrids()
Proc RedrawCorrelationTicks()
Variable labelFontSize=12
Variable drawMajorCorrelationsGrid=1
Variable majorCorrelationsTo=0.25
GetAxis/Q bottom
Variable ticksAtRadius= V_Max
fReDrawCorrelationTicks(ticksAtRadius, labelFontSize, drawMajorCorrelationsGrid, majorCorrelationsTo)
Proc RedrawRadiusGrids()
Variable firstRadius = 0.25
Variable radiusInc = 0.25
Variable maxRadius = 1.5
fRedrawRadiusGrids(firstRadius, radiusInc, maxRadius)
Proc RedrawIsoLines()
Variable centerX= 1.15
Variable centerY= 0
Variable isoRadiusIncrement= 0.4
Variable numberOfLines= 4
fRedrawIsoLines(centerX, centerY, isoRadiusIncrement,numberOfLines)
Macro ClearTaylorDiagramTicksAndGrids()
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawLayer/K ProgAxes // IsoLines
SetDrawLayer/K ProgBack // RadiusGrids
SetDrawLayer/K UserAxes // CorrelationTicks
SetDrawEnv pop
Function/S TopTaylorDiagram(bringToFront)
Variable bringToFront
String taylorGraphs= WinList("TaylorDiagram*",";","WIN:1,VISIBLE:1")
String graphName=StringFromList(0,taylorGraphs) // first one is the topmost one
if( strlen(graphName) && bringToFront )
DoWindow/F $graphName
return graphName
Function fRedrawIsoLines(centerX, centerY, isoRadiusIncrement,numberOfLines)
Variable centerX, centerY, isoRadiusIncrement,numberOfLines
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawLayer/K ProgAxes // Note: different layer than fReDrawCorrelationTicks and fRedrawRadiusGrids
SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left,dash= 0,linefgc=(0,65535,0), fillpat=0,save // solid, green
// indicate center with a drawn marker
SetDrawEnv textxjust=1, textyjust=1, textrgb=(0,65535,0)
DrawText centerX, centerY,"o"
GetAxis/Q bottom
Variable radiusMax= V_Max
Variable i
for(i=0; i<numberOfLines; i+=1)
Variable radius= (i+1)*isoRadiusIncrement
Variable startDegrees=StartAngleFor(centerX, radius, radiusMax)
Variable endDegrees=StopAngleFor(centerX, radius, radiusMax)
DrawArc/X/Y centerX, centerY, radius, startDegrees, endDegrees
Variable labelX, labelY
FindIntersectionOfArcWithRadius(centerX,radius, labelX, labelY)
Variable labelRadians= atan2(labelY,centerx-labelx)
Variable labelDegrees= 90-labelRadians * 180 / pi
SetDrawEnv textrot=labelDegrees, textxjust=1,textyjust=1,textrgb=(0,65535,0)
String labelText= num2str(radius)
DrawText labelX, labelY,labelText
SetDrawEnv pop
// put label at the intersection of the iso circle
// and a circle centered at the origin with radiusFromZero
Function FindIntersectionOfArcWithRadius(radiusFromZero,radiusFromIso, labelX, labelY)
Variable radiusFromZero, radiusFromIso
Variable &labelX, &labelY // outputs
// math.stackexchange.com/questions/256100/how-can-i-find-the-points-at-which-two-circles-intersect
Variable x1= 0, y1=0, r1=radiusFromZero // circle1 centered at the origin with radiusFromZero
Variable x2= radiusFromZero, y2=0, r2= radiusFromIso // circle2 at radiusFromZero,0 with radiusFromIso
// -2x(x1-x2) - 2y(y1-y2) = (r1^2-r2^2) - (x1^2 - x2^2) - (y1^2 - y2^2)
// in our case both y1 and y2 are zero, so we solve for x:
// -2x(x1-x2) = (r1^2-r2^2) - (x1^2 - x2^2)
// or x = [(r1^2-r2^2) - (x1^2 - x2^2)]/(2x2-2x1)
labelX= ((r1*r1-r2*r2) - (x1*x1 - x2*x2))/(2*x2-2*x1)
labelY= sqrt(radiusFromZero*radiusFromZero - labelX*labelX)
// returns degrees, presumes the graph's angle range is 0-90 degrees, and the arc center is on the x axis between 0 and radiusMax
Function StartAngleFor(centerX, radius, radiusMax)
Variable centerX, radius, radiusMax
Variable angleInDegrees= 0
if( (centerX + radius) > radiusMax )
// intersects along radiusMax, use Law of Cosines since we know all three side lengths
Variable numerator= centerX*centerX+radius*radius-radiusMax*radiusMax
Variable denominator= 2*centerX*radius
Variable ratio= numerator/denominator
Variable complementInRadians= acos(ratio)
angleInDegrees= 180/pi*(pi-complementInRadians)
return angleInDegrees
// returns degrees, presumes the graph's angle range is 0-90 degrees, and the arc center is on the x axis between 0 and radiusMax
Function StopAngleFor(centerX, radius, radiusMax)
Variable centerX, radius, radiusMax
Variable angleInDegrees= 180
if( (centerX - radius) < 0 )
// intersects along x=0
Variable numerator= centerX
Variable denominator= radius
Variable ratio= numerator/denominator
Variable complementInRadians= acos(ratio)
angleInDegrees= 180/pi*(pi-complementInRadians)
return angleInDegrees
Function fRedrawRadiusGrids(firstRadius, radiusInc, maxRadius)
Variable firstRadius, radiusInc, maxRadius
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawLayer/K ProgBack // Note: different layer than fReDrawCorrelationTicks and fRedrawIsoLines
SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left,dash= 3,save
// always draw a grid at radius=1 as solid black
Variable radius= 1.0
SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left,dash= 0,linefgc=(0,0,0),fillpat= 0, save
DrawArc /X/Y 0,0,radius,0,90
// Draw the other grids as dashed blue
SetDrawEnv dash=3, linefgc=(32768,40777,65535),save // light blue
for( radius= firstRadius; radius <= maxRadius; radius += radiusInc )
if( abs(radius - 1.0) > radiusInc/4 ) // don't draw over the black grid
DrawArc /X/Y 0,0,radius,0,90
SetDrawEnv pop
Function fReDrawCorrelationTicks(ticksAtRadius, labelFontSize, drawMajorCorrelationsGrid, majorCorrelationsTo)
Variable ticksAtRadius
Variable labelFontSize
Variable drawMajorCorrelationsGrid
Variable majorCorrelationsTo
// the following should perhaps be inputs instead of being hard-coded here
Make/O majorTicks={0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0 }
Make/O minorTicks={0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98}
Variable majorTickLen = 0.04 // radius units
Variable minorTickLen = majorTickLen * 0.5 // radius units
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawLayer/K UserAxes
SetDrawEnv xcoord= bottom,ycoord= left,dash= 0,fsize=labelFontSize,fillpat=0,save
DrawArc /X/Y 0,0,ticksAtRadius,0,90 // draw axis
Variable i, n, innerRadius, correlation, x1, x2, y1, y2, radiansForCorrelation, yScale, labelDegrees, labelRadius
// draw major ticks
n= numpnts(majorTicks)
innerRadius= ticksAtRadius - majorTickLen
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1 )
correlation= majorTicks[i]
x1 = innerRadius * correlation
x2 = ticksAtRadius * correlation
radiansForCorrelation = acos(correlation)
yScale= sin(radiansForCorrelation)
y1 = innerRadius * yScale
y2 = ticksAtRadius * yScale
if( drawMajorCorrelationsGrid && correlation != 0 && correlation != 1.0 )
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawEnv dash=3, linefgc=(32768,40777,65535) // light blue
DrawLine majorCorrelationsTo*correlation,majorCorrelationsTo* yScale,x1,y1
SetDrawEnv pop
DrawLine x1,y1,x2,y2
String labelText= num2str(correlation)
labelDegrees= radiansForCorrelation * 180 / pi
labelRadius= ticksAtRadius + majorTickLen
SetDrawEnv push
SetDrawEnv rotate=labelDegrees, textyjust=1
DrawText labelRadius,0,labelText
SetDrawEnv pop
// draw minor ticks
n= numpnts(minorTicks)
innerRadius= ticksAtRadius - minorTickLen
for(i=0; i<n; i+=1 )
correlation= minorTicks[i]
x1 = innerRadius * correlation
x2 = ticksAtRadius * correlation
radiansForCorrelation = acos(correlation)
yScale= sin(radiansForCorrelation)
y1 = innerRadius * yScale
y2 = ticksAtRadius * yScale
DrawLine x1,y1,x2,y2
SetDrawEnv pop
Macro NewTaylorDiagram() : Graph
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
Make/O/N=1 invisible=NaN
Display /W=(239,135,706,576)/N=TaylorDiagram invisible as "Taylor Diagram"
ModifyGraph margin(left)=64,margin(bottom)=47,margin(top)=41,margin(right)=50,width={Plan,1,bottom,left}
ModifyGraph standoff=0
ModifyGraph manTick(left)={0,0.25,0,2},manMinor(left)={0,50}
ModifyGraph manTick(bottom)={0,0.25,0,2},manMinor(bottom)={0,50}
SetAxis left 0,1.7
SetAxis bottom 0,1.7
TextBox/C/N=text0/O=-50/F=0/A=MC/X=32.29/Y=26.91 "Correlation"
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
December 13, 2013 at 04:05 pm - Permalink
December 16, 2013 at 08:59 am - Permalink