Looking for advice on "expected wave name"
I am getting sporadic errors saying: "While executing histogram, the following error occurred: expected wave name."
I get the error when Igor (Igor 64-bit (Build 17966)) runs fully automated in the background. When I run it manually, things work fine. For example, when I set a breakpoint on every histogram and look at the parameters before it runs, things are OK. If I were confusing multiple versions of my ipf file, that would be a good explanation, but I only have one of them.
There are many places where my code looks like this:
Make/N=(binNum)/O LC_Hist;
Histogram/C/P/B={0,binWidth,binNum} LC,LC_Hist;
Display LC_Hist as "LC";
Make/N=(binNum)/O LC_Hist;
Histogram/C/P/B={0,binWidth,binNum} LC,LC_Hist;
Display LC_Hist as "LC";
In this case, the wave LC was created in a separate function, so I have the WAVE statement here. It definitely exists, as does LC_Hist.
This looks kind of like a timing issue. Do I need to do anything to make sure that Make completes before I call Histogram?
No, Igor's code works strictly in serial fashion. It is far more likely that the wave reference LC is NULL. Before running the code, right-click in any procedure window and select Enable Debugger. Right-click again and select NVAR, SVAR, Wave Checking. Right-click once more and select Debug on Error.
Now Igor's debugger will pop up when the error happens, and you can investigate what's happening. I would bet that the debugger will pop up after the WAVE statement and that LC is NULL. But you never know...
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 19, 2013 at 05:04 pm - Permalink
thanks! Your suggestions are very helpful.
Unfortunately, I'm still struggling. Now, I think I have a problem with reading a text file using a symbolic path name. When I set a breakpoint and hover the mouse over the name of the symbolic path, it always shows a question mark.
Could it be that the debugger doesn't know how to display a symbolic path name?
I am working on this piece of code:
NewPath/O pathNameS, pathName;
PathInfo/SHOW pathNameS;
print "pathName:"+pathName+"\n";
print "S_path: "+S_path+"\n";
WAVE tonsetmRNA
LoadWave/J/O/W/A/D/P=pathNameS fileName;
Make/N=(binNum)/O tonsetmRNA_Hist;
Histogram/C/P/B={0,binWidth,binNum} tonsetmRNA,tonsetmRNA_Hist;
I now have pathName with an SVAR in every function, and I'm running NewPath in every function, where I originally assumed that the result of NewPath would be global and persistent.
Here is the console log after running that piece of code:
S_path: C:data:Tom:Research:Raedler:mRNA-Leonhardt:TFC:
Delimited text load from "tonsetmRNA.txt"
Data length: 281, waves: tonsetmRNA
This tells me that LoadWave succeeded in reading the wave tonsetmRNA from a text file, but hovering the mouse over the wave name shows a question mark, and the Histogram fails because of the missing wave name. However, when I just run this function a second time, it works correctly. So, it looks very much like I have failed to initialize something, but I haven't been able to figure that out.
November 20, 2013 at 12:55 pm - Permalink
Symbolic paths are global objects. Once created, you can use them anywhere. And, yes, the debugger doesn't know how to display the contents of a symbolic path.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 20, 2013 at 02:41 pm - Permalink
thanks! That did the trick.
November 21, 2013 at 12:58 am - Permalink