How to check if file is in use (Windows)


I have a question regarding how to check if a file is in use by another program, before trying to open it for reading in data with IGOR? I have checked the WaitForFileProcs.ipf procedure file and the WaitForWriteAccesToFile function defined there which will (I think) not work in my case, because I am trying to read from a remote machine where I do not have write access and therefore the trick in the function with trying to append to file will always fail.

Are there any other options, tricks?

Thanks a lot!

Are there any other options, tricks?

Not that I know of. There may be some low-level way, using the Win32 API, to check if a file is open but I am not aware of it.

Other than that you would need the cooperation of the software on the other machine that is opening the file.
The GetFileFolderInfo operation provides a lot of info on a disk file, unfortunately, none of it directly answers your question. Maybe you can use something such as the returned value V_modificationDate to get an indirect answer?

Not that I know of. There may be some low-level way, using the Win32 API, to check if a file is open but I am not aware of it.

I briefly checked the Win32 API and the MSDN pages and it really seems that there is no direct way to check if a file is in use.

The GetFileFolderInfo operation provides a lot of info on a disk file, unfortunately, none of it directly answers your question. Maybe you can use something such as the returned value V_modificationDate to get an indirect answer?

I will try this, probably using the file size information.

Thank you both for your quick response and help!

gregorK wrote:

I briefly checked the Win32 API and the MSDN pages and it really seems that there is no direct way to check if a file is in use.

Shouldn't LockFileEx[1] with LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK set accomplish that?
As far as I understand it, you will only get an exclusive lock if no other process has already locked the file.
