Loading csv files

I am new to IGOR and programming in general. I've gone through the tutorials, but this seems more advanced. I have multiple CSV files (comma delimited) that I am loading into an experiment. I'm using an example from another post (http://www.igorexchange.com/node/1406) and that works great, but my files are "special". I have a text file that has the wavenames listed I want for the wave labels. The data files are delimited, but the date and time are spit out as "13-aug-13","12:50", (the quotes are included in the output). So when I use the code in the ref above, it loads my files, but tries to use the first data points as labels. So wave0 is labeled as X13_aug_13__00_00__ but date and time are supposed to be two separate waves. So how would I program in the text file with the wavenames in order to set my S_waveNames = the text? Example: The first row of data for the waves is "13-aug-13","12:50",4.012,0.0226,1.314 and I want the waves labeled: Date Time Flow V-ref V-meas My text file has these names in list form, i.e:


So to review:
How do I load the date as a date in the format it is given to me (and time)?
How would I incorporate the names listed in a text file as wave names in the loading portion of the program?
Where can I go to learn more advanced programming such as I need here (I'm assuming it comes with practice and examples such as seen here, but maybe there's an online class for more advanced programming?)?

I appreciate any help you all have!

Thank you
So I sort of found a workaround for the date and time. I used the /V in LoadWave with a \" tag to make quotation marks their own columns and then I can just killwaves the wave0,2,3,5. I will have to incorporate that into my text file for the wave titles I guess.
It's not clear to me if the file already has the column names in it. In any event, if you want to use the same wave names for every file of this type that you load you can use the LoadWave B flag to specify the wave names. Then omit the /W flag so LoadWave will not look for them in the file. You may need to tell LoadWave the zero-based line number where the data begins using the /L flag.

If this does not help, post a sample file or a representative excerpt along with the Igor command you are trying to use. Then I should be able to advise the best approach.
hrodstein wrote:
It's not clear to me if the file already has the column names in it. In any event, if you want to use the same wave names for every file of this type that you load you can use the LoadWave B flag to specify the wave names. Then omit the /W flag so LoadWave will not look for them in the file. You may need to tell LoadWave the zero-based line number where the data begins using the /L flag.

If this does not help, post a sample file or a representative excerpt along with the Igor command you are trying to use. Then I should be able to advise the best approach.

No. The csv files the instrument gives me start with


and then repeats for every 5 minutes so next line is


and so on for a few days worth of data.

I made a simple text file that lists the titles I would like to insert as the wave titles instead of wave0 wave1 ...

I will try the Loadwave command tonight (don't have my igor computer with me at the moment).

The following data is copied and pasted directly from the first 6 lines of the csv file. No titles or labels are included. I was turning it off and on a bunch so the time skips a few points in the data.

"13-aug-13","12:50", 4.0, 0.0221, 2.2011
"13-aug-13","12:55", 4.0, 0.0221, 2.1932
"13-aug-13","13:00", 4.0, 0.0221, 2.1854
"13-aug-13","13:20", 4.0, 0.0224, 2.1958
"13-aug-13","13:40", 4.0, 0.0225, 2.1961
"13-aug-13","13:45", 4.0, 0.0225, 2.1851
"13-aug-13","13:50", 4.0, 0.0225, 2.1744
"13-aug-13","13:55", 4.0, 0.0225, 2.1646
"13-aug-13","14:00", 4.0, 0.0225, 2.1552

Ideally, I'd like to combine date and time into one wave and then eventually graph time vs voltage over several weeks. But I think I can figure that out. Thanks for the reply
Oh, and the other thing I noticed is when I load the data, it skips the first two lines so the data for 12:50 and 12:55 are not there.
Ideally, I'd like to combine date and time into one wave and then eventually graph time vs voltage over several weeks.

Both the date and the time are stored in seconds so you can just add the time wave to the date wave and then kill the time wave.

Oh, and the other thing I noticed is when I load the data, it skips the first two lines so the data for 12:50 and 12:55 are not there.

This probably has to do with your use of either the /W flag or the /L flag. Keep in mind that line numbers are zero-based (the first line is line 0).

Here is how I would load this data:

Menu "Load Waves"
    "Load ChemGoof File...", LoadChemGoofFile("", "")       // Add menu item to Data->Load Waves submenu
// LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName)
// Returns a semicolon-separated list of waves loaded or "" if cancel.
Function LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName)
    String pathName     // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "".
    String fileName         // Name of file or full path to file.
    // First get a valid reference to a file.
    if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(fileName)==0))
        // Display dialog looking for file.
        Variable refNum
        Open/D/R/P=$pathName refNum as fileName
        fileName = S_fileName           // S_fileName is set by Open/D
        if (strlen(fileName) == 0)      // User cancelled?
            return -1
    // Now load the data. The /V flag specifies the accepted delimiters in the data file.
    // Add the /A flag if you don't want the "Loading Delimited Text" dialog.
    // Add the /O flag if you want to overwrite existing waves with the same names.
    // "Date" and "Time" are not available as wave names because they are Igor function names
    String columnInfoStr = "N=vDateTime;N=vTime;N=Flow;N=VRef;N=VMeas;"
    String delimiters = ","                     // Comma-delimited
    String skipChars = "\""                     // Skip quotes around date and time
    LoadWave /J /D /A /E=1 /K=0 /W /V={delimiters,skipChars,0,0} /B=columnInfoStr /R={English,1,3,1,2,"Year-Month-DayOfMonth",40} /P=$pathName fileName
    Variable numWavesLoaded = V_flag            // V_flag is set by LoadWave
    if (numWavesLoaded != 5)
        Print "Error loading file - wrong number of waves loaded"
        return -1
    Wave vDateTime = vDateTime      // Create reference to wave created by LoadWave
    Wave vTime = vTime              // Create reference to wave created by LoadWave
    vDateTime += vTime              // Add time to date to obtain date/time
    KillWaves/Z vTime                   // This is no longer needed
    // Tweak date/time table formatting
    ModifyTable format(vDateTime)=8, width(vDateTime)=150
    return 0                            // Success

So I have it really close. The following is what I want to load:

Function/S LoadAethalometer()                                           //Commandline function name/syntax
    Variable refNum                                                 //Define refNum as number
    String message = "Select one or more files"                         //Defines text names/labels to use
    String outputPaths                                                  //Defines "outputPaths" as text string
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"   //Dictates which file extensions can be chosen
             fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    Open/D/R/MULT=1/F=fileFilters/M=message refNum              //Show open window to choose file(s) from
    outputPaths = S_fileName                                            //Sets output path as string variable in carriage-return-delimited list of the ful path
    if (strlen(outputPaths) == 0)                                       //Says print cancelled if you click cancel
        Print "Cancelled"
        Variable numFilesSelected = ItemsInList(outputPaths, "\r")      //Defines number of files chosen to open
        Variable i                                                      //Sets i as a number
        for(i=0; i<numFilesSelected; i+=1)                              //Sets limits on i so if i=0, i is less than # files or i is bigger than 1, then do the following
            String columnInfoStr = "N=timewave;N=vTime;N=Flow;N=VRef;N=VMeas;"
            //Above sets names of wave labels being loaded
            String delimiters = ","                                     //defines text name "delimiters" as comma
            String skipChars = "\""                                     //defines "skipChars" as skipping the quote character
            String path = StringFromList(i, outputPaths, "\r")          //sets "path" as a string from the list of files loaded
            Printf "%d: %s\r", i, path                                  //Prints the Path and filename beingd loaded
            LoadWave/A/D/E=1/J/K=0/R={English, 1, 3, 2, 1, "DayOfMonth-Month-Year", 40}/B=columnInfoStr/V={delimiters,skipChars,0,0} path //Loads the data from the delimited files
            Wave timewave = timewave                                    //Defines timewave as a wave
            Wave vTime = vTime                                      //      "         vTime   "    "
            ModifyTable format(timewave)=8                          //Format column to combined Date and Time
            timewave += vTime                                           //Sets timewave equal to itself plus the vTime data
            RemovefromTable vTime                                   //Take the wave off the table
            Killwaves/Z vTime                                           //Erase the full vTime wave
    return outputPaths      // Will be empty if user cancelled; Stops procedure

Now the only problem is I want the files to load concurrently on the existing waves. So when I open the 8/13 file, it works great, but the 8/14 file I open next has different wave labels and I want them to just open on the same table from the 8/13. Is that possible? Also, any critique of the program is welcomed. Thank you
Ack! And now my waves are loading as textwaves... I'm checking now what went wrong, but if you see the problem, feel free to save me some time!

Okay. So changed Loadwave syntax to /E=2 and /K=1, but that then causes the concurrent files to load as blank cells and also kills all the data in the top file except the date...
So K=0 causes the waves to be detected as text and K=1 kills all the data. /E=2 with /K=0 gives me exactly what I needed in terms of format of all the numbers going into one table, but that doesn't help me when I need to do a concurrent calculation using those waves and they come out as text... I'M SO CLOSE! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!

Okay. So changed Loadwave syntax to /E=2 and /K=1, but that then causes the concurrent files to load as blank cells and also kills all the data in the top file except the date...
So K=0 causes the waves to be detected as text and K=1 kills all the data. /E=2 with /K=0 gives me exactly what I needed in terms of format of all the numbers going into one table, but that doesn't help me when I need to do a concurrent calculation using those waves and they come out as text... I'M SO CLOSE! THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!


So that didn't work how I thought. /E=2 causes some issues too. It adds the data from the next day's file into the timewave wave, but it also recalculates the entire wave so that didn't work. So changed the /E=1. It now names the next file's data waves as timewave1, vTime1 etc... and puts them in their own columns.

Also, I think the text vs numeric problem in the /V I think. When I put the \" in the delimsStr of /V, it adds extra columns I have to erase, but keeps the numbers as numbers. When I skipCharsstr the \", all my numbers are text.
And now my waves are loading as textwaves

This is because of a mistake I made in constructing the /V flag to skip the quotation marks. I told LoadWave to skip the quotes but not to skip spaces. Your file has spaces before the comma delimiters so LoadWave decided the column contained text rather than numbers. I have corrected that below.

I think you want to concatenate the data loaded from one file onto the waves created by previously loading another file. If that is correct then you need to load the second file into separate waves and then use the Concatenate operation to concatenate the new data onto the old data.

One way to do this is to use different names for the new waves, then concatenate onto the old waves, then kill the new waves. Another way to do it is to load the new waves into a new data folder, concatenate onto the old waves, and kill the new data folder.

Here is code that does that using a temporary data folder. It includes a second function, ConcatenateChemGoofFile, which calls the original routine, LoadChemGoofFile, to load the new data which it then concatenates onto the original data:

Menu "Load Waves"
    "Load ChemGoof File...", LoadChemGoofFile("", "", 1)
    "Concatenate ChemGoof File...", ConcatenateChemGoofFile("", "")
// LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, makeTable)
// Returns a semicolon-separated list of waves loaded or "" if cancel.
Function LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, makeTable)
    String pathName     // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "".
    String fileName         // Name of file or full path to file.
    Variable makeTable      // 1 to make table, 0 to not make table
    // First get a valid reference to a file.
    if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(fileName)==0))
        // Display dialog looking for file.
        Variable refNum
        Open/D/R/P=$pathName refNum as fileName
        fileName = S_fileName           // S_fileName is set by Open/D
        if (strlen(fileName) == 0)      // User cancelled?
            return -1
    // Now load the data. The /V flag specifies the accepted delimiters in the data file.
    // Add the /A flag if you don't want the "Loading Delimited Text" dialog.
    // Add the /O flag if you want to overwrite existing waves with the same names.
    // "Date" and "Time" are not available as wave names because they are Igor function names
    String columnInfoStr = "N=vDateTime;N=vTime;N=Flow;N=VRef;N=VMeas;"
    String delimiters = ","                     // Comma-delimited
    String skipChars = "\" "                        // Skip quotes around date and time and spaces before commas
    LoadWave /J /D/A /K=0 /V={delimiters,skipChars,0,0} /B=columnInfoStr /R={English,1,3,1,2,"Year-Month-DayOfMonth",40} /P=$pathName fileName
    Variable numWavesLoaded = V_flag            // V_flag is set by LoadWave
    if (numWavesLoaded != 5)
        Print "Error loading file - wrong number of waves loaded"
        return -1
    // Create reference to waves created by LoadWave
    Wave vDateTime, vTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas
    vDateTime += vTime              // Add time to date to obtain date/time
    KillWaves/Z vTime                   // This is no longer needed
    if (makeTable)
        // Tweak date/time table formatting
        Edit vDateTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas
        ModifyTable format(vDateTime)=8, width(vDateTime)=150
    return 0                            // Success
Function ConcatenateChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName)
    String pathName
    String fileName
    // Create a new data folder
    NewDataFolder/O/S ChemGoofTemp
    Variable result = LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, 0)
    SetDataFolder ::        // Back to original data folder
    if (result != 0)
        return result   // Error loading new waves
    // Concatenate new waves onto old
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:vDateTime}, vDateTime
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:Flow}, Flow
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:VRef}, VRef
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:VMeas}, VMeas
    // Kill temp data folder
    KillDataFolder/Z :ChemGoofTemp
    return 0            // Success

I made three changes to LoadChemGoofFile from the previous version.

First I fixed the /V flag by adding a space to it in addition to the quotation mark.

Second I removed /W which tells LoadWave to look for wave names as there are no wave names in the file and we are naming wave using /B.

Third I removed /E=1 from the LoadWave command because we don't want to create a new table when concatenating. Also using LoadWave/E=1 displayed the vTime wave in the table but the vTime wave is killed after the time data is added to the date data.

If this does not solve the problem for you then I recommend that you post a zip file containing three sample files along with any further instructions.
Thanks hrodstein. That works just fine. I was just hoping there was a way to open multiple files at once using the /MULT and then have the concatenation embedded. This helps me see the logic in the programming though so this is great.
I was just hoping there was a way to open multiple files at once using the /MULT and then have the concatenation embedded. This helps me see the logic in the programming though so this is great.

Here is a function that does that. It always appends so you must load one file first using Load rather than Concatenate or Append. Then you can load the rest of the files using this function.

Function AppendMultipleChemGoofFiles()
    String list = GetMultipleTextFileDialog()
    if (strlen(list) == 0)
        return -1           // User cancelled
    Variable numFiles = ItemsInList(list, "\r")
    Variable index
    for(index=0; index<numFiles; index+=1)
        String fullPath = StringFromList(index, list, "\r")
        if (strlen(fullPath) == 0)
            break           // No more files
        ConcatenateChemGoofFile("Igor", fullPath)   // The path Igor will be ignored because we are using a full path

It would be possible to write this so that it automatically detected whether the waves exist and called Load or Concatenate automatically. I will leave that as an exercise for the reader. (Hint: Use Wave/Z and WaveExists.)

Also, it would be a good idea to sort the data since the files may not be loaded in the right order. After loading, execute:
Function SortChemGoofWaves()
    // Create reference to waves in current data folder
    Wave vDateTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas
    Sort vDateTime, vDateTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas

Excellent! Thanks. I'm excited to learn this. I'll post code when I get it working!
Hi Hrodstein

So I discovered a possible different way to load the files. Its based off one of the help files in the help menu; LoadandGraphAll

I did a quick edit of the code there and just have:

Menu "Load Waves"
    //"Load ChemGoof File...", LoadChemGoofFile("", "", 1)
    "Load ChemGoof File...", LoadAllFiles("")
// LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, makeTable)
// Returns a semicolon-separated list of waves loaded or "" if cancel.
Function LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, makeTable)
    String pathName     // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "".
    String fileName         // Name of file or full path to file.
    Variable makeTable      // 1 to make table, 0 to not make table
    // First get a valid reference to a file.
    if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(fileName)==0))
        // Display dialog looking for file.
        Variable refNum
        Open/D/R/P=$pathName refNum as fileName
        fileName = S_fileName           // S_fileName is set by Open/D
        if (strlen(fileName) == 0)      // User cancelled?
            return -1
    // Now load the data. The /V flag specifies the accepted delimiters in the data file.
    // Add the /A flag if you don't want the "Loading Delimited Text" dialog.
    // Add the /O flag if you want to overwrite existing waves with the same names.
    // "Date" and "Time" are not available as wave names because they are Igor function names
    String columnInfoStr = "N=vDateTime;N=vTime;N=Flow;N=VRef;N=VMeas;"
    String delimiters = ","                     // Comma-delimited
    String skipChars = "\" "                        // Skip quotes around date and time and spaces before commas
    LoadWave /J /D/A /K=0 /V={delimiters,skipChars,0,0} /B=columnInfoStr /R={English,1,3,1,2,"Year-Month-DayOfMonth",40} /P=$pathName fileName
    Variable numWavesLoaded = V_flag            // V_flag is set by LoadWave
    if (numWavesLoaded != 5)
        Print "Error loading file - wrong number of waves loaded"
        return -1
    // Create reference to waves created by LoadWave
    Wave vDateTime, vTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas
    vDateTime += vTime              // Add time to date to obtain date/time
    KillWaves/Z vTime                   // This is no longer needed
    if (makeTable)
        // Tweak date/time table formatting
        Edit vDateTime, Flow, VRef, VMeas
        ModifyTable format(vDateTime)=8, width(vDateTime)=150
    return 0                            // Success
Function ConcatenateChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName)
    String pathName
    String fileName
    // Create a new data folder
    NewDataFolder/O/S ChemGoofTemp
    Variable result = LoadChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName, 0)
    SetDataFolder ::        // Back to original data folder
    if (result != 0)
        return result   // Error loading new waves
    // Concatenate new waves onto old
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:vDateTime}, vDateTime
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:Flow}, Flow
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:VRef}, VRef
    Concatenate/NP {:ChemGoofTemp:VMeas}, VMeas
    // Kill temp data folder
    KillDataFolder/Z :ChemGoofTemp
    return 0            // Success
Function LoadAllFiles(pathName)
    String pathName         // Name of symbolic path or "" to get dialog
    String fileName
    Variable index=0
    if (strlen(pathName)==0)            // If no path specified, create one
        NewPath/O temporaryPath         // This will put up a dialog
        if (V_flag != 0)
            return -1                       // User cancelled
        pathName = "temporaryPath"
    Variable result
    do          // Loop through each file in folder
        fileName = IndexedFile($pathName, index, ".csv")
        if (strlen(fileName) == 0)          // No more files?
            break                                   // Break out of loop
        result = ConcatenateChemGoofFile(pathName, fileName)
        if (result == 0)                            // Did LoadAndGraph succeed?
                                                    // Print the graph.
            fileName = WinName(0, 1)                // Get the name of the top graph
            //String cmd
            //sprintf cmd, "PrintGraphs %s", fileName
            //Execute cmd                       // Explained below.
            //DoWindow/K $fileName          // Kill the graph
            //KillWaves/A/Z                 // Kill all unused waves
        index += 1
    while (1)
    if (Exists("temporaryPath"))            // Kill temp path if it exists
        KillPath temporaryPath
    return 0                        // Signifies success.

There is a lot of excess code that can be trimmed out of here, but it seems to load all the files without my having to load one file first. Can you see a problem that might develop here?
It is nice because the Concatenate function uses the load function and the Loadall function uses the concatenate function. Everything shows up in order and the data looks right when compared with the previous code.

I will still do my homework though and try to get the SortWaves function you posted working.

Function AppendMultipleChemGoofFiles()
    String list = GetMultipleTextFileDialog()
    if (strlen(list) == 0)
        return -1           // User cancelled
    Variable numFiles = ItemsInList(list, "\r")
    Variable index
    for(index=0; index<numFiles; index+=1)
        String fullPath = StringFromList(index, list, "\r")
        if (strlen(fullPath) == 0)
            break           // No more files
        ConcatenateChemGoofFile("Igor", fullPath)   // The path Igor will be ignored because we are using a full path

For the life of me, I can't figure out the  String list = GetMultipleTextFileDialog()
It looks like its trying to call an internal function, but I don't have it and can't find it on the internet. Or is that a personal function? Sorry for the confusion. I just don't know what that function does really (though I have an idea from the name).
I adapted GetMultipleTextFileDialog from the help topic "Displaying a Multi-Selection Open File Dialog" but forgot to paste it above. Here it is:
Function/S GetMultipleTextFileDialog()
    Variable refNum
    String message = "Select one or more files"
    String outputPaths
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt):.txt;"
    fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    Open /D /R /MULT=1 /F=fileFilters /M=message refNum
    outputPaths = S_fileName
    return outputPaths      // "" if user cancelled