Constraint on a dependent variables in FuncFit

I'm currently a script to attempt a two dimensional Voigt fit, however I need to place constraints (0<=x<=1) on one of the dependent variables within the fit, specifically w[0] in the FitVoigt2D function which determines the ratio of Gaussian/Lorentzian mixing. So far I have played around with making a constraint text wave and using the /c flag for FuncFitMD without success.
Is there a way to place a constraint on one particular value in a wave? Or, as I suspect is there a more efficient way of fitting to a two dimensional Voigt that has already been written?
Function Voigt2D(thewave) Wave thewave Variable/g Base,GaussianFraction,PeakHeight,xOffset,xFWHM,yOffset,yFWHM,kSix String GaussianRatio Make/o/d/n=8 Voigt_Coef GaussianFraction=0.5 Voigt_Coef[0]=GaussianFraction Voigt_Coef[1]=Base Voigt_Coef[2]=PeakHeight Voigt_Coef[3]=xOffset Voigt_Coef[4]=xFWHM Voigt_Coef[5]=yOffset Voigt_Coef[6]=yFWHM Voigt_Coef[7]=kSix FuncFitMD/q FitVoigt2D, Voigt_Coef, thewave End Function FitVoigt2D(w,x,y) : FitFunc Wave w Variable x,y Return w[1]+(w[0]*(w[2]*exp((-1/(2*(1-(w[7]*w[7]))))*((((x-w[3])/w[4])^2)+(((y-w[5])/w[6])^2)-((2*w[7]*(x-w[3])*(y-w[5]))/(w[4]*w[6]))))))+((1-w[0])*(w[2]/(1+(((x-w[3])/w[4])^2)+(((y-w[5])/w[6])^2)))) End
Assuming you really mean a fit coefficient, then constraint text wave would seem like the correct approach. What did you try? What went wrong?
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 24, 2013 at 10:46 am - Permalink
You're right I was referring to a fit coefficient, have displayed an attempt below, which generates the following error message:
In addition to this I made the 'GaussianFraction' variable global, constrained it and attempted to place it within the formula returned from FitVoigt2D(), which changed all of the outputted values to zero.
July 26, 2013 at 09:51 am - Permalink
T_constraints[0]= {"w[0]<0.99999","w[0]>0.00001"}
toT_constraints[0]= {"K0<0.99999","K0>0.00001"}
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 26, 2013 at 04:09 pm - Permalink
August 9, 2013 at 02:50 pm - Permalink