Data browser plots and graphing layers.


I'm working with some data that I have stored in a 3D wave. Most of the is energy profiles in x and y coordinates with a third parameter being the orientation of the object. As the third parameter is not z, I did not feel a volume plot would be appropriate so have been using image plots. I find this is suitable but I would like an easier way of browsing between my layers than using the Modify Image command to select the plane.

I noticed when I load my wave in the data browser it shows me a set of stacked image plots it calls a "3D box," that lets me browse through the layers with the arrow key.

Would someone be able to tell me how I could plot this sort of graph for myself? Also, if possible, I would also like to index the layers by their angle values rather than trying to remember what Layer #7 mean.

Thank you for your help.

The Image Processing procedures have a menu item that adds a slider to your image plot. Start by selecting Analysis Menu->Packages->Image Processing. This will create an Image menu from which you can select Add Slider. The slider is added to the top Graph window above the image and it provides equivalent functionality to what you get in the Data Browser.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you very much for the suggested use of the slider. It was exactly what I was looking for.

However, I'd like to know if it is possible to label or rescale the slider so that I can directly read the angle value of the displayed image, rather than try to work out what layer 20
means in terms of degrees of rotation.

aqshaw wrote:
However, I'd like to know if it is possible to label or rescale the slider so that I can directly read the angle value of the displayed image, rather than try to work out what layer 20 means in terms of degrees of rotation.

I am not exactly sure where your rotation parameter is stored or how it is computed. The slider procedure exists as a WaveMetrics Procedure. You can find it in the IGOR Pro folder:WaveMetrics Procedures:Image Processing:ImageSlider.ipf. Now that you know where the procedure resides, there is nothing that keeps you from creating a copy and modifying it to your requirements. I am guessing that what you want involves some scaling between the displayed value and the plane (layer) actually displayed. You can implement that by applying the scaling in the function WM3DImageSliderProc(). For example, suppose you are displaying a value in the control that is 5x the layer number. In that case modify the line:
ModifyImage  $imageName plane=(gLayer)  

to read:
ModifyImage  $imageName plane=(gLayer/5)

If you have set that information in the wave scaling of some wave say "w" you can always use something like:
Variable localLayer=(gLayer-DimOffset(w,2))/DimDelta(w,2)
ModifyImage $imageName, plane=(localLayer)

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.