Monte Carlo error analysis using Genetic Optimisation.
The snippet uses Monte Carlo resampling to estimate fit uncertainties and parameter correlations for a given set of data and a fit function. (see, for example
It works by fitting datasets that are synthesized from the original input data. Each synthesized dataset has new ordinate values (yvalues) that are generated by adding random gaussian noise to each datapoint, with the standard deviation of the gaussian distribution being the same as the experimental uncertainty (error) for that given datapoint. To obtain sensible results many (e.g. 1000) fits are done using genetic optimisation.
Moto_montecarlo("myfitfunction", myydata, myxdata, myedata, "1010", 1000)
M_correlation - Correlation Matrix
W_sigma954 - uncertainty in fitted parameter
M_montecarlo - fitted parameters for each fit iteration. (you can histogram all the values obtained for a particular parameter to see their distribution)
Function Moto_montecarlo(fn, w, yy, xx, ee, holdstring, Iters)
String fn
Wave w, yy, xx, ee
string holdstring
variable Iters
string cDF = getdatafolder(1)
variable ii,jj,kk, summ
newdatafolder/o root:packages
newdatafolder/o root:packages:motofit
newdatafolder/o root:packages:motofit:old_genoptimise
//get initialisation parameters for genetic optimisation
struct GEN_optimisation gen
gen.GEN_Callfolder = cDF
//get limits
GEN_setlimitsforGENcurvefit(w, holdstring, cDF)
Wave limits = root:packages:motofit:old_genoptimise:GENcurvefitlimits
//make a wave to put the montecarlo iterations in
make/o/d/n=(Iters, dimsize(w, 0)) M_montecarlo
//now lets do the montecarlo fitting
variable timed = datetime
for(ii=0 ; ii<Iters ; ii+=1)
Gencurvefit/MC/q/n/X=xx/I=1/W=ee/K={gen.GEN_generations, gen.GEN_popsize,gen.k_m, gen.GEN_recombination}/TOL=(gen.GEN_V_fittol) $fn, yy, w, holdstring, limits
M_montecarlo[ii][] = w[q]
print "montecarlo ", ii, " done - total time = ", datetime-timed
print "overall time took: ", datetime - timed , " seconds"
//now work out correlation matrix and errors.
//see Heinrich et al., Langmuir, 25(7), 4219-4229
make/n=(dimsize(w, 0))/o W_sigma954, means, stdevs
make/n=(dimsize(w,0), dimsize(w, 0))/o M_correlation
M_correlation = NaN
for(ii = 0 ; ii<dimsize(w, 0) ; ii+=1)
make/o/d/n=(Iters) goes
goes = M_montecarlo[p][ii]
Wavestats/alph=0.045501/M=2/q/w goes
Wave M_wavestats
W_sigma954[ii] = M_wavestats[25]- M_wavestats[24]
means[ii] = M_wavestats[3]
stdevs[ii] = M_wavestats[4]
if(stringmatch(holdstring[ii], "1"))
W_sigma954[ii] = NaN
for(ii=0 ; ii< dimsize(w, 0) ; ii+=1)
for(jj= ii ; jj<dimsize(w,0) ; jj+=1)
if(ii==jj || stringmatch(holdstring[ii], "1") || stringmatch(holdstring[jj], "1"))
summ = 0
for(kk = 0 ; kk < Iters ; kk+=1)
summ += (M_montecarlo[kk][ii]-means[ii])*(M_montecarlo[kk][jj]-means[jj])
M_correlation[ii][jj] = summ / (Iters-1) / (stdevs[ii] * stdevs[jj])
M_correlation[jj][ii] = M_correlation[ii][jj]
killwaves/z M_wavestats, goes, means, stdevs
setdatafolder $cDF
String fn
Wave w, yy, xx, ee
string holdstring
variable Iters
string cDF = getdatafolder(1)
variable ii,jj,kk, summ
newdatafolder/o root:packages
newdatafolder/o root:packages:motofit
newdatafolder/o root:packages:motofit:old_genoptimise
//get initialisation parameters for genetic optimisation
struct GEN_optimisation gen
gen.GEN_Callfolder = cDF
//get limits
GEN_setlimitsforGENcurvefit(w, holdstring, cDF)
Wave limits = root:packages:motofit:old_genoptimise:GENcurvefitlimits
//make a wave to put the montecarlo iterations in
make/o/d/n=(Iters, dimsize(w, 0)) M_montecarlo
//now lets do the montecarlo fitting
variable timed = datetime
for(ii=0 ; ii<Iters ; ii+=1)
Gencurvefit/MC/q/n/X=xx/I=1/W=ee/K={gen.GEN_generations, gen.GEN_popsize,gen.k_m, gen.GEN_recombination}/TOL=(gen.GEN_V_fittol) $fn, yy, w, holdstring, limits
M_montecarlo[ii][] = w[q]
print "montecarlo ", ii, " done - total time = ", datetime-timed
print "overall time took: ", datetime - timed , " seconds"
//now work out correlation matrix and errors.
//see Heinrich et al., Langmuir, 25(7), 4219-4229
make/n=(dimsize(w, 0))/o W_sigma954, means, stdevs
make/n=(dimsize(w,0), dimsize(w, 0))/o M_correlation
M_correlation = NaN
for(ii = 0 ; ii<dimsize(w, 0) ; ii+=1)
make/o/d/n=(Iters) goes
goes = M_montecarlo[p][ii]
Wavestats/alph=0.045501/M=2/q/w goes
Wave M_wavestats
W_sigma954[ii] = M_wavestats[25]- M_wavestats[24]
means[ii] = M_wavestats[3]
stdevs[ii] = M_wavestats[4]
if(stringmatch(holdstring[ii], "1"))
W_sigma954[ii] = NaN
for(ii=0 ; ii< dimsize(w, 0) ; ii+=1)
for(jj= ii ; jj<dimsize(w,0) ; jj+=1)
if(ii==jj || stringmatch(holdstring[ii], "1") || stringmatch(holdstring[jj], "1"))
summ = 0
for(kk = 0 ; kk < Iters ; kk+=1)
summ += (M_montecarlo[kk][ii]-means[ii])*(M_montecarlo[kk][jj]-means[jj])
M_correlation[ii][jj] = summ / (Iters-1) / (stdevs[ii] * stdevs[jj])
M_correlation[jj][ii] = M_correlation[ii][jj]
killwaves/z M_wavestats, goes, means, stdevs
setdatafolder $cDF
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I need help applying this snippet for MC estimation. I copied the code into the procedure window and then entered the usage line into the command window. I used "Motofit" for "myfitfunction", the names of my x, y and error datasets, and 1000 iterations. I got a command error: "Expected wave name, variable name, or operation." In the usage line in the command window, "Moto_montecarlo" is highlighted. I noticed that the usage line doesn't match the function-could this be the problem? I would appreciate any suggestions.
April 15, 2010 at 08:14 pm - Permalink
Moto_montecarlo("myfitfunction", mycoefs, myydata, myxdata, myedata, "1010", 1000)
If you have the latest version of Motofit installed (see for links) this Moto_montecarlo procedure will already be there. You have to select the "Genetic + MC analysis" fitting method from the reflectivity panel. It produces the same output.
Please note:
1) The Monte Carlo error analysis does not increase the likelihood of the fit being correct, the only advantage is to show the probability density of each fitted parameter.
2) If the parameter uncertainty is normally distributed then doing the MC analysis only gives information that could have been obtained by Levenberg Marquardt anyway.
3) To produce a good fit the MC analysis relies on the correct choice of model, just as much as a normal fit method does.
4) MC analysis ignores systematic errors as well, etc.
April 16, 2010 at 12:40 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 16, 2010 at 10:22 am - Permalink
At the end of the run, the rows in the M_Montecarlo matrix are all the same and the figure with the correlations contain only a single point per box.
Do I need to call a different function other than Moto_montecarlo to initialize the Monte Carlo routine?
March 19, 2013 at 12:34 pm - Permalink