Importing 32-bit tiffs with ImageLoad

A quick question: Is it possible to load 32-bit TIFF images into Igor without compromising the information within the file?
In the manual it states that ImageLoad can import TIFFs upto 24-bit only, I simply need to load the TIFF as a matrix so by no means am I restricted to using ImageLoad, however nobody else on the forums seems to have asked about this previously.
As always any help is greatly appreciated.
You should be able to just load the file. Execute:
This will present you with a file selection dialog and you can proceed from there. IGOR will report an error if there is even a hint of a possibility of not reproducing your data correctly.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 13, 2013 at 03:30 pm - Permalink
Thanks for the reply, I did initially try the /RAT flag and get the same error message whether I use it or not:
Unsupported TIFF entry (tag=-28672 type=2 length=0 val=11337472)
Unsupported TIFF entry (tag=-28666 type=2 length=0 val=379860)
Unsupported TIFF entry (tag=-28672 type=2 length=0 val=11337472)
Unsupported TIFF entry (tag=-28666 type=2 length=0 val=379860)
Unfortunately I cannot interpret what this error means!
March 15, 2013 at 12:22 pm - Permalink
These messages do not imply that the image was not read. Off hand I'd say that the image includes a number of unsupported tags. This happens when software writers want to include in the TIFF file additional information related to the image (a.k.a. metadata). If they document the contents of these tags you can use /RAT to extract that information. If they do not document it feel free to ignore this (issue the command with /Q flag).
After you execute the command you can either check the list of loaded images in V_numImages and S_waveNames or simply look for the new wave in the Data Browser. If you are still unable to load the image feel free to email me a copy (support@wavemetrics.com) and I will investigate further.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 15, 2013 at 01:55 pm - Permalink