Shortcut key for a procedure


I have this procedure file with a simple tasks that i use to analyse some of my data.

The thing is, sometimes i have more than a 100 oscillations (what i analyse) per file and i would like to add a short key for each procedure so once i place the cursor between the area of analysis i will be pressing a shortcut key instead of going to macros ....

Any help will be appreciated ....
attached below is my procedure
Programmes for analysing data.ipf (1.81 KB)
Change the menu function to have a hotkey reference, such as the following:

menu "macros"
    submenu "Analysis of the graph between the two cursors"
        "Find the area of the oscillation /1", oscarea()
        "Find the deltaY between two points /2", oscamp()
        "Find the deltaX between two points /3", interpeak2()
        "Print the analysed values and kill the wave /4", printwave()       

The /1, /2, /3, /4 numbers in there will append Command-1 through Command-4 (or Control-# for Windows) to the respective menu items. You can also require Shift and Option keys as well, such as /OS1 to require Command-Option-Shift-1.