non-analytical solutions

I am analyzing a lot of time of flight data and having an issue with the analysis. I am modeling the data with a feature that combines Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions. In addition, I can add a bit of Skew to account for the tail in the data. But basically the function is best described the Intensity as a function of time equals Gaussian + Lorentzian. It is easy to determine the maximum intensity and the time associated with that maximum. However, I need to determine the time at 90%, 50%, 40%, and 10% of that maximum, but I cannot solve the equation for time analytically.

I assume that I can give IGOR the following (a function, the fit parameters, and a given Intensity) and then ask it to ask it to return to me the Time at 0.9*maximum, 0.5*maximum, 0.4*maximum, and 0.1*maximum. Can someone help me?

Here is the function I am using. Also included is the fit parameters for a feature, and the representative feature that I am trying to work with. Thanks!!!!!

Function XES_Fit1(param, xx)        // basis: SAK2_Gauss, added lorentzian functions
    // Param [0] XES_Fit1   Y0 (offset)
    // Param [1] XES_Fit1   A (amplitude)
    // Param [2] XES_Fit1   x0 (peak position)
    // Param [3] XES_Fit1   half width (width)
    // Param [4] XES_Fit1 mixing (Gaussian : Lorentzian)
    // Param [5] XES_Fit1   Skew
    // Param [6] XES_Fit1   LW-ratio
    wave param; variable xx
    variable tempA
        tempA = param[0]+param[1]*(param[4]*ga1(param,xx)+(1-param[4])*lre1(param,xx))  
    return tempA  
    Function ga1(param,xx)
        Wave param; Variable xx
        Variable tempB
            tempB= exp((-ln(2)*(xx-param[2])^2)/(((param[3]+(xx-param[2])*param[5])*param[6])^2))
        return TempB
    Function lre1(param,xx)
        Wave param;Variable xx
        Variable TempC
        return tempC

Here are the parameters for the following feature:

Intensity Time (mSec)
0 -1.4993e-06
0 -1.4983e-06
0 -1.4973e-06
0 -1.4963e-06
0 -1.4953e-06
[the rest of the data was removed by aclight because it was too long]
I think the extreme size of the data you included in your original post was preventing the post from being displayed. I have edited your original post to remove all but the first few lines of the data. If the data is important, please attach it as a file.
If you can't find an analytic solution for your fit function, you can use the FindRoots operation to find where the function has certain Y values. Use FindRoots/Z=(0.1*W_coef[1]) to find the X value where Y is at 10 percent of the amplitude.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
You mention that your fit "combines Gaussian and Lorentzian distributions". Depending on how this combination arises, you might also want to consider use of the Voigt function, which is a convolution of a Gaussian and Lorentzian. One simple way to access this fitting function is via the menus Analysis->Packages->Multipeak Fitting->Multipeak Fitting 2.

Read the associated help file Multi-peak Fitting 2 Help.ihf, and try the demo experiment for further details.
And the Multipeak Fit 2 package includes a batch-fit function that you might be able to use as the basis of what you're doing. Steve's right- the sum of Gaussian and Lorenzian is one method that's sometimes used to approximate a Voigt in order to avoid the convolution. Multipeak Fit uses a different, more accurate approximation.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thanks for the help

When I use the FindRoots option it gives me the solutions in the command window. For an assymetric function is there a good way to store one of the solutions as a point in a wave?

Stosh Kozimor
Use /Q to suppress the history report.

Access the results via the variables that FindRoots creates. Since your function is univariate, use the variables for a single 1D funtion. From the FindRoots documentation:

The results of finding roots of a single 1D function are put into several variables:
V_numRoots Number of roots found. Either 1 or 2.
V_Root The root.
V_YatRoot Y value of the function at the root. *Always* check this; some discontinuous functions may give an indication of success, but the Y value at the found root isn't even close to zero.
V_Root2 The second root if FindRoots found two roots.
V_YatRoot2 Y value at the second root.

Wrap FindRoots in a user-defined function; you can access the roots from the output variables and assign them to a wave after FindRoots returns. Be sure your code checks V_flag to make sure the root finder didn't encounter obvious problems. Be sure to check V_numRoots to decide if you need to run a second FindRoots for your asymmetric peaks. Be sure to check V_YatRoot (and V_YatRoot2) to make sure that the found root is really a root. As long as the /H and /L brackets are set reasonably, your function is well-behaved and you shouldn't have problems with finding roots that aren't roots.

Read the help file about how FindRoots works- copy this command, paste it into the command line and press Enter:

DisplayHelpTopic "Finding Function Roots"

You can skip the section on polynomial roots :)

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.