Convert Triplet data from grid into Matrix
, takes such triplet data and converts it to a matrix (without any interpolation). The function does not require any particular ordering of the triplet (xyz) sequences, although this might often occur in a matrix-like order. If the original data is in the form of three x, y, and z waves it should be converted to a triplet wave. An alternative is to modify the code below to accept three 1D waves directly (which it does internally from the triplet wave). The first function foo()
tests the conversion function for a triplet wave which has a randomly altered sequence order. The conversion function should be treated more as a code example than a bullet-proof WaveMetrics-class utility.#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method.
#include <MatrixToXYZ>
// Generate simulated test data, and put it in a triplet wave with random row order.
// Test the matrix rearrangement function, comparing it to the original matrix that
// was used to create the simulated data. These can also be compared in Tables
// or Gizmo plots.
function foo()
variable Nx0 = 14, Ny0 = 12
make/O/N=(Nx0,Ny0) wave0 // form a gridded original source
setscale/P x, -0.1*Nx0/2, 0.1,"" wave0
setscale/P y, -0.1*Ny0/2, 0.1,"" wave0
wave0 = exp( - 4*(x^2+y^2)) + gnoise(0.025) // original 'data' quad surface wave
Execute "MatrixToXYZTriplet(\"wave0\",\"triplet\",2)"
wave triplet // in gridded sequence at this point
variable Ntriplet = DimSize(triplet,0)
Make/O/N=(Ntriplet) wx, wy, wz // convert to xyz 1D waves
MatrixOP/O wx = col(triplet,0)
MatrixOP/O wy = col(triplet,1)
MatrixOP/O wz = col(triplet,2)
shuffle(Ntriplet) // random permutation key
wave wPerm
Sort wPerm, wx, wy, wz // randomize order of 1D components
Make/O/N=((Ntriplet), 3 ) wRanTrip // re-assemble triplet wave, in random order
wRanTrip[][0] = wx[p]
wRanTrip[][1] = wy[p]
wRanTrip[][2] = wz[p] // simulated triplet data
wave wz2D // the resulting 2D matrix wave
MatrixOP/O wdiff = wave0 - wz2D
MatrixOP/O var = (1/(Nx0*Ny0)) * sum(wdiff*wdiff)
printf "wdiff Variance = %g\r", var[0] // error between original and rearranged test
// The input must be an (N,3) triplet wave, whose x and y components are on a
// rectangular grid, so each (x,y) pair is unique. The dim-0 ordering of each triplet can
// be arbitrary, since the function will sort the row order and find the grid dimensions.
// The resulting 2D wave containing the 'z' values on a scaled x-y grid is 'wz2D'.
// Internal waves are created as /FREE; change this if you wish to inspect them later.
// There is no error checking on the input wave to ensure the triplet criteria ! ! !
function gridTripletToMatrix(triplet_wave) // sort the triplet order, and grid the data
wave triplet_wave // triplet input wave in arbitray order
variable Npts = DimSize(triplet_wave,0)
Make/O/N=(Npts)/FREE wxR, wyR, wzR // convert to x,y,z
MatrixOP/O wxR = col(triplet_wave,0)
MatrixOP/O wyR = col(triplet_wave,1)
MatrixOP/O wzR = col(triplet_wave,2)
sort wyR, wxR, wyR, wzR // sort all waves by y values
variable Nx, Ny, i
variable tol = 1e-6
for(i=0;i<Npts;i+=1) // find the dimension boundary
if ( wyR[i+1]> (wyR[i] + tol* abs(wyR[i])) ) // allow for numeric error
Nx = i+1 // Nx is the x dimension size
Ny = Npts / Nx // Ny is the y dimension size
Make/O/N=0/FREE wxB, wyB, wzB // initial 'big' target wave for concatenating chunks
Make/O/N=(Nx)/FREE wxS, wyS, wzS // Nx chunks ('S' for 'small')
for(i=0; i<Ny; i+=1)
wxS = wxR[p+i*Nx]; wyS = wyR[p+i*Nx]; wzS = wzR[p+i*Nx]
Sort wxS, wxS, wzS // sort x and z in each chunk wave by x values
Concatenate/NP {wxS}, wxB; Concatenate/NP {wyS}, wyB; Concatenate/NP {wzS}, wzB
Make/O/N=((Nx*Ny), 3 )/FREE wSortedTriplet // triplet wave, grid sorted
wSortedTriplet[][0] = wxB[p]
wSortedTriplet[][1] = wyB[p]
wSortedTriplet[][2] = wzB[p]
MatrixOP/O wz2D = col(wSortedTriplet,2) // sorted z-values in a 1D wave
Redimension/N=(Nx,Ny) wz2D
// Make/O/N=(Nx, Ny) wz2D // alternate method:set up the rectangular gridded wave
// wz2D = wz1D[p+Nx*q] // for 'z' values, and"unfold" 'z' values from 1D wave into 2D wave
variable dx = wSortedTriplet[1][0] - wSortedTriplet[0][0]
variable dy = wSortedTriplet[Nx][1] - wSortedTriplet[0][1]
variable FirstX = wSortedTriplet[0][0] , LastX = wSortedTriplet[Nx-1][0] + dx
variable FirstY = wSortedTriplet[0][1] , LastY = wSortedTriplet[Npts-1][1] + dy
SetScale x, FirstX, LastX, "" wz2D // using SetScale/I or/P gives scale precision errors
SetScale y, FirstY, LastY,"" wz2D
function shuffle(Npts) // perform a random permutation of indices 0...Npts-1
variable Npts
make/O/N=(Npts) wPerm = p // will be used as sort key; initialize it
variable i, j, temp
for(i=Npts-1; i>0; i-=1)
temp = wPerm[i]
j = round( i/2+enoise(i/2) ) // pick random index from remaining choices
wPerm[i] = wPerm[j] // swap entries
wPerm[j] = temp
endfor // wPerm is the final random sort key wave
#include <MatrixToXYZ>
// Generate simulated test data, and put it in a triplet wave with random row order.
// Test the matrix rearrangement function, comparing it to the original matrix that
// was used to create the simulated data. These can also be compared in Tables
// or Gizmo plots.
function foo()
variable Nx0 = 14, Ny0 = 12
make/O/N=(Nx0,Ny0) wave0 // form a gridded original source
setscale/P x, -0.1*Nx0/2, 0.1,"" wave0
setscale/P y, -0.1*Ny0/2, 0.1,"" wave0
wave0 = exp( - 4*(x^2+y^2)) + gnoise(0.025) // original 'data' quad surface wave
Execute "MatrixToXYZTriplet(\"wave0\",\"triplet\",2)"
wave triplet // in gridded sequence at this point
variable Ntriplet = DimSize(triplet,0)
Make/O/N=(Ntriplet) wx, wy, wz // convert to xyz 1D waves
MatrixOP/O wx = col(triplet,0)
MatrixOP/O wy = col(triplet,1)
MatrixOP/O wz = col(triplet,2)
shuffle(Ntriplet) // random permutation key
wave wPerm
Sort wPerm, wx, wy, wz // randomize order of 1D components
Make/O/N=((Ntriplet), 3 ) wRanTrip // re-assemble triplet wave, in random order
wRanTrip[][0] = wx[p]
wRanTrip[][1] = wy[p]
wRanTrip[][2] = wz[p] // simulated triplet data
wave wz2D // the resulting 2D matrix wave
MatrixOP/O wdiff = wave0 - wz2D
MatrixOP/O var = (1/(Nx0*Ny0)) * sum(wdiff*wdiff)
printf "wdiff Variance = %g\r", var[0] // error between original and rearranged test
// The input must be an (N,3) triplet wave, whose x and y components are on a
// rectangular grid, so each (x,y) pair is unique. The dim-0 ordering of each triplet can
// be arbitrary, since the function will sort the row order and find the grid dimensions.
// The resulting 2D wave containing the 'z' values on a scaled x-y grid is 'wz2D'.
// Internal waves are created as /FREE; change this if you wish to inspect them later.
// There is no error checking on the input wave to ensure the triplet criteria ! ! !
function gridTripletToMatrix(triplet_wave) // sort the triplet order, and grid the data
wave triplet_wave // triplet input wave in arbitray order
variable Npts = DimSize(triplet_wave,0)
Make/O/N=(Npts)/FREE wxR, wyR, wzR // convert to x,y,z
MatrixOP/O wxR = col(triplet_wave,0)
MatrixOP/O wyR = col(triplet_wave,1)
MatrixOP/O wzR = col(triplet_wave,2)
sort wyR, wxR, wyR, wzR // sort all waves by y values
variable Nx, Ny, i
variable tol = 1e-6
for(i=0;i<Npts;i+=1) // find the dimension boundary
if ( wyR[i+1]> (wyR[i] + tol* abs(wyR[i])) ) // allow for numeric error
Nx = i+1 // Nx is the x dimension size
Ny = Npts / Nx // Ny is the y dimension size
Make/O/N=0/FREE wxB, wyB, wzB // initial 'big' target wave for concatenating chunks
Make/O/N=(Nx)/FREE wxS, wyS, wzS // Nx chunks ('S' for 'small')
for(i=0; i<Ny; i+=1)
wxS = wxR[p+i*Nx]; wyS = wyR[p+i*Nx]; wzS = wzR[p+i*Nx]
Sort wxS, wxS, wzS // sort x and z in each chunk wave by x values
Concatenate/NP {wxS}, wxB; Concatenate/NP {wyS}, wyB; Concatenate/NP {wzS}, wzB
Make/O/N=((Nx*Ny), 3 )/FREE wSortedTriplet // triplet wave, grid sorted
wSortedTriplet[][0] = wxB[p]
wSortedTriplet[][1] = wyB[p]
wSortedTriplet[][2] = wzB[p]
MatrixOP/O wz2D = col(wSortedTriplet,2) // sorted z-values in a 1D wave
Redimension/N=(Nx,Ny) wz2D
// Make/O/N=(Nx, Ny) wz2D // alternate method:set up the rectangular gridded wave
// wz2D = wz1D[p+Nx*q] // for 'z' values, and"unfold" 'z' values from 1D wave into 2D wave
variable dx = wSortedTriplet[1][0] - wSortedTriplet[0][0]
variable dy = wSortedTriplet[Nx][1] - wSortedTriplet[0][1]
variable FirstX = wSortedTriplet[0][0] , LastX = wSortedTriplet[Nx-1][0] + dx
variable FirstY = wSortedTriplet[0][1] , LastY = wSortedTriplet[Npts-1][1] + dy
SetScale x, FirstX, LastX, "" wz2D // using SetScale/I or/P gives scale precision errors
SetScale y, FirstY, LastY,"" wz2D
function shuffle(Npts) // perform a random permutation of indices 0...Npts-1
variable Npts
make/O/N=(Npts) wPerm = p // will be used as sort key; initialize it
variable i, j, temp
for(i=Npts-1; i>0; i-=1)
temp = wPerm[i]
j = round( i/2+enoise(i/2) ) // pick random index from remaining choices
wPerm[i] = wPerm[j] // swap entries
wPerm[j] = temp
endfor // wPerm is the final random sort key wave
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// XYGridandZtoMatrix rearranges three waves containing X, Y, and Z values
// that comprise a regularly-spaced grid of X and Y values
// (already sorted in either column-major or row-major order)
// into a matrix of Z values that spans the min and max X and Y.
Macro XYGridandZtoMatrix(wx,mat,wy,mktbl,wz,mkimg)
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 23, 2012 at 10:14 am - Permalink