Replace Waves In Table
// ShowWavesInTable(tableName, title, waveNames)
// Used to display a list of waves in a table which may or may not already exist.
// The listed waves replace any waves already displayed in the table.
// If the table does not already exist, it is created.
// If the table does already exist, replaces the currently displayed waves in the table with the listed waves.
static Function ShowWavesInTable(tableName, title, waveNames)
String tableName
String title
String waveNames // Semicolon-separated list
Variable numNewWaves = ItemsInList(waveNames)
Variable i
String name
DoWindow $tableName
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=$tableName /W=(25,60,1200,700) /K=3 as title
for(i=0; i<numNewWaves; i+=1)
name = StringFromList(i, waveNames)
AppendToTable /W=$tableName $name
Wave w = $name
if (CmpStr(WaveUnits(w,-1),"dat")==0 && WaveType(w)==4) // Is data wave?
ModifyTable /W=$tableName format($name)=6 // Date format
ModifyTable /W=$tableName autosize={1, 0, -1, 0, 0}
String options = "WIN:" + tableName
String tableWaveList = WaveList("*", ";", options) // List of waves already in table
if (CmpStr(tableWaveList,waveNames) != 0) // Do nothing if table already contains the right waves in the right order
Variable numOldWaves = ItemsInList(tableWaveList)
for(i=0; i<numOldWaves; i+=1) // Remove all old waves
name = StringFromList(i, tableWaveList)
Wave w = $name
RemoveFromTable /W=$tableName w.i, w.l, w.d
for(i=0; i<numNewWaves; i+=1) // Append all new waves
name = StringFromList(i, waveNames)
AppendToTable /W=$tableName $name
Wave w = $name
if (CmpStr(WaveUnits(w,-1),"dat")==0 && WaveType(w)==4) // Is data wave?
ModifyTable /W=$tableName format($name)=6 // Date format
ModifyTable /W=$tableName autosize={1, 0, -1, 0, 0}
// Used to display a list of waves in a table which may or may not already exist.
// The listed waves replace any waves already displayed in the table.
// If the table does not already exist, it is created.
// If the table does already exist, replaces the currently displayed waves in the table with the listed waves.
static Function ShowWavesInTable(tableName, title, waveNames)
String tableName
String title
String waveNames // Semicolon-separated list
Variable numNewWaves = ItemsInList(waveNames)
Variable i
String name
DoWindow $tableName
if (V_flag == 0)
Edit /N=$tableName /W=(25,60,1200,700) /K=3 as title
for(i=0; i<numNewWaves; i+=1)
name = StringFromList(i, waveNames)
AppendToTable /W=$tableName $name
Wave w = $name
if (CmpStr(WaveUnits(w,-1),"dat")==0 && WaveType(w)==4) // Is data wave?
ModifyTable /W=$tableName format($name)=6 // Date format
ModifyTable /W=$tableName autosize={1, 0, -1, 0, 0}
String options = "WIN:" + tableName
String tableWaveList = WaveList("*", ";", options) // List of waves already in table
if (CmpStr(tableWaveList,waveNames) != 0) // Do nothing if table already contains the right waves in the right order
Variable numOldWaves = ItemsInList(tableWaveList)
for(i=0; i<numOldWaves; i+=1) // Remove all old waves
name = StringFromList(i, tableWaveList)
Wave w = $name
RemoveFromTable /W=$tableName w.i, w.l, w.d
for(i=0; i<numNewWaves; i+=1) // Append all new waves
name = StringFromList(i, waveNames)
AppendToTable /W=$tableName $name
Wave w = $name
if (CmpStr(WaveUnits(w,-1),"dat")==0 && WaveType(w)==4) // Is data wave?
ModifyTable /W=$tableName format($name)=6 // Date format
ModifyTable /W=$tableName autosize={1, 0, -1, 0, 0}
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if (CmpStr(tableWaveList,waveNames) != 0)
line will prevent anything from happening if the exisiting wave list and the new wave list match.
January 25, 2009 at 02:06 pm - Permalink
>provide full paths in your wave name list, or otherwise distinguish the list of your waves from the list of
>waves already in the table, because the
>if (CmpStr(tableWaveList,waveNames) != 0)
>line will prevent anything from happening if the exisiting wave list and the new wave list match.
That's the intention so that, if you have displayed a wave in the table and the same wave is in the waveNames list, it will be left as is in the table to preserve any formatting changes that were made to the column.
waveNames is assumed to contain simple names of waves in the current data folder. I have not tested it with full paths and would not expect it to work with full paths.
January 26, 2009 at 04:23 am - Permalink
How would you modify this to handle subframe tables?
I have a panel hosting a table and I would like to include a popup menu where the user selects a wave for editing.
February 25, 2019 at 11:42 am - Permalink