Legend Name from a Wavelist

Is there a way to use a wavelist("Yvalues*",";","") to populate the legend names in a graph that contain multiple waves with the same instance?

For example:
I have a graph with 4 waves all named ScaledY (from different folders). So the legend automatically comes up as ScaledY,ScaledY#1....

I want to use a wavelist to populate the legend names in function.

If I can't do that, is there some other solution?



Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. I don't want to generate a legend that uses the actual names from the TraceNameList:

Each wave in graph is named ScaledY, so TraceNameList for 4 traces pumps out ScaledY;ScaledY#1;ScaledY#2;ScaledY#3.

I want to generate new names for the legend (without renaming wave names in graph) using a wavelist of something like ScaledY_200nm; ScaledY_300nm;ScaledY_400nm;ScaledY_500nm....

Here's the code I'm trying to write for this:

Function PlotAllResults()
    variable index
    string list
    list=wavelist("yvalues*",";","") ///This list is used to setdatafolder....I also want to use it to name the traces in the legend...without renaming waves
    string wavesinlist
    string savedDF=getdatafolder(1)
    dowindow/K results
        wavesinlist = stringfromlist(index,list)
            setdatafolder wavesinlist
            if (index==0)
                display/N=Results/w=(500,300,1000,600) ScaledY vs Time_min
                appendtograph/W=Results ScaledY vs Time_min
        setdatafolder SavedDf
ctmckee wrote:

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post. I don't want to generate a legend that uses the actual names from the TraceNameList:

Each wave in graph is named ScaledY, so TraceNameList for 4 traces pumps out ScaledY;ScaledY#1;ScaledY#2;ScaledY#3.

I want to generate new names for the legend (without renaming wave names in graph) using a wavelist of something like ScaledY_200nm; ScaledY_300nm;ScaledY_400nm;ScaledY_500nm....

You can make your own Legend using a Textbox. Using your example names above, the text which reproduces the first line of the legend would look like
TextBox/C/N=text0/A=MC "\s(scaledY) ScaledY_200nm"

you can get the names from a wavelist, or any list, or textwave, and place it in like so:
TextBox/C/N=text0/A=MC "\s(ScaledY) " + stringfromlist(0,list, ";")

Sorry I haven't written out full code here, but this should be a good starting point for you.
ctmckee wrote:
Is there a way to use a wavelist("Yvalues*",";","") to populate the legend names in a graph ...

This set of functions might be helpful ...

Function ListNames()
    string theList = TraceNameList("",";",1)
    variable ic, nt = ItemsInList(theList)
    for (ic=0;ic<nt;ic+=1)
        wave ww = WaveRefIndexed("",ic,1)
        print ExpandedTraceName(ww)
    return 0
Function/S ExpandedTraceName(ww)
    wave ww
    string wdf = GetWavesDataFolder(ww,0)
    string wn = NameofWave(ww)
    return (wn + "_" + wdf)

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville

Fun bit of code. For a newbie programmer, it was bit like magic having that function pump out my original waves that I wanted to have named in my graph. Took me a minute to learn how the function worked, so thanks for that.

I still had the problem of generating a legendstr from the output. Not that I couldn't do it for a particle instance of a graph (e.g. if I always new there'd be X# of waves), rather it's difficult to generate a legendstr that will vary based on the number of waves that the graph may contain.

I've opted for simply renaming the generic instance name of the waves to wave names I want.

Thanks for the code.


ctmckee wrote:
... Not that I couldn't do it for a particle instance of a graph (e.g. if I always new there'd be X# of waves), rather it's difficult to generate a legendstr that will vary based on the number of waves that the graph may contain. ...

Perhaps I mis-understand. So, let me repeat what I think you are saying.

You can generate a legend text for a static instance of a given graph. In fact, you are fairly sure that you can code a function to do this. However, once a graph changes by the addition or subtraction of a trace, the legend needs to be revised. Then, you are lost.

If so, my suggestion from a "brute force" approach is to code a function that only generates a legend (CreateLegend()), nothing else. Then, code a function to create your graph(s). Run each function separately. When you change a graph with an existing set of traces by adding or removing a trace, delete the outdated legend and regenerate it with your CreateLegend() function.

Does this help in any way to solve the problem you are still facing?

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
ctmckee wrote:

Not that I couldn't do it for a particle instance of a graph (e.g. if I always new there'd be X# of waves), rather it's difficult to generate a legendstr that will vary based on the number of waves that the graph may contain.

This part is rather simple. Just use tracenamelist to get the traces on the graph, then use itemsinlist to get the number of traces on the graph. This will control the for loop which creates the legend text.

string lgntext, list = tracenamelist("", ";", 1)
variable i, num = itemsinlist(list, ";")
for (i=0; i<num; i+=1)      //for loop adding a legend item for each trace
    lgntext = "\s("+stringfromlist(i, list, ";") + ") "+ "trace label" + "\r"
lgntext=removeending(lgntext, "\r") //remove last carraige return
textbox/a=RT lgntext

Of course, where I've written "trace label" is just a place holder. This is where you will enter the names you want to appear on the legend, as previously discussed in this thread.