Plotting a function f(x) in Igor with known parameter values
Suppose I have a function f(x), f(x)= A*exp[-(B^2*x^2)/3].
And I know the values of the parameters A, B.
How do I, in Igor, plot this function f(x) from X=0 to x=infinity in order to determine the value of f(0)?
you can have a try with the Function Grapher in Analysis->Packages->Function Grapher.
bye, thomas
PS: Isn't it just f(x=0) = A*exp(0) = A?
July 11, 2012 at 01:51 am - Permalink
make/N=100 fx
setscale/I x 0, 10^6, "", fx
fx = A*exp(-(B*x)^2/3)
display fx
FWIW, setting the end point of the scale range on a data wave to infinity is rather problematic if not impossible to handle.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
July 11, 2012 at 05:11 am - Permalink
I tried to make this expression as simple as possible just for the readers.
The actual equation involves some unknown constants before A and that have to be determined through an extrapolation of this function to f(0).
July 11, 2012 at 07:55 pm - Permalink
Then I would say you cut out the interesting part :)
You still haven't really given us sufficient detail. It sounds like it might be a job for curve fitting, which can find optimum values of unknown parameters if you have a data set that is modeled by the function.
Maybe you should provide some details about exactly what you're trying to do.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 12, 2012 at 09:10 am - Permalink
The full function is expressed by this equation.
I(Q) = (N_p)*(V_p)^2*(D_sig)^2*G*exp[-(R_g)^2*(Q^2)/3]
Now, I have a data which is fitted by this function,
and I known G, (R_g), (D_sig) and I can work out (V_p) using (R_g).
But I have to determine (N_p) which requires the value of I(Q) at Q=0.
The problem is that my data doesn't cover Q=0. So, it requires some linear extrapolation at small Q to get the I(0) value.
How should I do that in Igor?
July 17, 2012 at 02:41 am - Permalink
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
July 17, 2012 at 05:36 am - Permalink