multithreading issue with a for loop

If needs be I can post the rest of the code
For(ii=0;ii<=Nmax;ii+=4) //Write loop strings If(mode==1) str0=num2str(ii)+".tif" str1=num2str(ii+1)+".tif" str2=num2str(ii+2)+".tif" str3=num2str(ii+3)+".tif" elseif(mode==0) str0=num2str(ii)+".jpg" str1=num2str(ii+1)+".jpg" str2=num2str(ii+2)+".jpg" str3=num2str(ii+3)+".jpg" endif cstr0="c_"+num2str(ii) cstr1="c_"+num2str(ii+1) cstr2="c_"+num2str(ii+2) cstr3="c_"+num2str(ii+3) estr0="e_"+num2str(ii) estr1="e_"+num2str(ii+1) estr2="e_"+num2str(ii+2) estr3="e_"+num2str(ii+3) if (doThreaded) //Parallel fits on different cores ThreadStart tgID, 0, ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef1,$str0,W_err1,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef1, $cstr0 Duplicate/O W_err1, $estr0 if(waveexists($str1)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ThreadStart tgID, 1, ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef2,$str1,W_err2,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef2, $cstr1 Duplicate/O W_err2, $estr1 else break endif if(waveexists($str2)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ThreadStart tgID, 2, ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef3,$str2,W_err3,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef3, $cstr2 Duplicate/O W_err3, $estr2 else break endif if(waveexists($str3)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ThreadStart tgID, 3, ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef4,$str3,W_err4,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef4, $cstr3 Duplicate/O W_err4, $estr3 else break endif // Wait for all threads to finish before starting another batch of threads do Variable threadGroupStatus = ThreadGroupWait(tgID,100) while (threadGroupStatus != 0) else ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef1,$str0,W_err1,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef1, $cstr0 Duplicate/O W_err1, $estr0 if(waveexists($str1)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef2,$str1,W_err2,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef2, $cstr1 Duplicate/O W_err2, $estr1 else break endif if(waveexists($str2)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef3,$str2,W_err3,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef3, $cstr2 Duplicate/O W_err3, $estr2 else break endif if(waveexists($str3)==1) //in case wave doesn't exist. ProfileFit(Plane,W_coef4,$str3,W_err4,xtrace,ytrace) Duplicate/O W_coef4, $cstr3 Duplicate/O W_err4, $estr3 else break endif endif endfor
If that is not the problem then I don't have enough information to diagnose this. I don't know where the W_ waves and the tgID variable come from.
I also don't know what you are doing with $cstr1, $cstr2, $cstr3, $cstr4 after the threads return.
I recommend that you package it up in the simplest possible experiment that shows the problem and attach the experiment here.
July 4, 2012 at 02:12 pm - Permalink
What is this supposed to do? It seems to me as if you're starting the thread, and then immediately you try to save the results using the Duplicate statement. But you seem to be missing that the main thread continues executing together with the newly spawned thread. So when your Duplicate executes, the worker thread probably hasn't had time to do the actual fit yet, and W_coef1 has not been touched. (I say 'probably' because in reality what happens is undefined - thread scheduling is up to the whims of the OS.)
Seems to me that what you need to do is to wait until the threads have finished executing (ThreadGroupWait), and then copy the fit results.
That's because by the time the algorithm starts on the second set of images, the threads you spawned to fit the first batch have finished, and therefore the W_Coefx waves contain the results for the previous batch. So things appear to be correct but you're actually saving the results for the previous batch! (with some non-determinism sprinkled in for good measure).
July 4, 2012 at 11:42 pm - Permalink
I moved the duplicates around like 741 suggested and that seemed to fix the first 4 values, but it messed up the last 4 now.
For each "image" the profile fit produces a coefficient wave "c_#" and an error wave "e_#" where # is the loop iteration. With the duplicate at the very end the program keeps missing the last 4 coef and error waves. When the duplicate was in the original position it made numbers 0-3 all zero.
Once again I have no issues with it when its unthreaded, just when its multithreading. Unthreaded is fine for a small data set like this example, but eventually I will be using around 500 images, so multithreading would be nice.
July 5, 2012 at 11:27 am - Permalink
will cause the ThreadGroupWait loop to be skipped. Just remove the else and the break for all three of them.
You will need tests before doing these statements:
July 5, 2012 at 12:46 pm - Permalink
July 6, 2012 at 11:36 pm - Permalink