So I am trying to load txt files that contain a matrix. Each file is named "jj-ii" where jj and ii are integers(for instance a file named "3-5"). To start I made a function to just load one matrix named "jj-ii", and running this program I have no problems, it works great. When I try to run it in the batch mode though nothing happens. No files are loaded and I dont get any errors, so I don't know why it isn't working. Any ideas?
function LoadMatrices()variable ii,jj=0DoFor(ii=0;ii==10;ii+=1)
jj+=1while(jj<1001)endfunction loadmatrix(jj,ii)variable ii,jj
string basestr=num2str(jj)+"-"string loadstr= "C:Users:Admin:Documents:WLIM:6.12.12:HeNe:"+num2str(jj)+"-"+num2str(ii)LoadWave/J/M/D/A=$basestr/K=0 loadstr
June 15, 2012 at 08:39 pm - Permalink