Run Igor.exe in a VBA Shell to analyze a datafile with a Procedure

I want to automate data processing and plotting with VBA code in an Access App.
I will use an existing Procedure with many datafile (exp.xls)
I am new to collegue wrote the procedure.
The following code opens Igor just fine with the procedure loaded, but I need to know how to modify the procedure to get the it to find, load and process the data in exp.xls:
VBA.Shell """C:\Program FIles\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder\Igor.exe""" & Chr(34) & """C:\exp.xls""" & Chr(34), vbNormalFocus


First, if you have not already done it, go through at least the first half of the Guided Tour of Igor. This is in Volume I of the Igor Pro manual which is available as a PDF file in "Igor Pro Folder\Manual."

Next, figure out how to load your Excel file manual in Igor using Data->Load Waves->Load Excel File.

Next, try to write an Igor procedure to load your file. For this you will need to read the first four chapters of volume IV of the Igor Pro manual.

As far as connecting Igor and VBA, you should probably use Windows Automation. See the help file in "Igor Pro Folder\Miscellaneous\Windows Automation." Using Automation you can command Igor to run the procedure that your colleague wrote.