Using ModifyGizmo makeColorWave={}
The problem seems to be that the noisy data's huge range dominates the color table and the data of interest only occupy a tiny sliver of the color table. To correct this I created a 1D wave with just a linear mapping of points in my range of interest:
Make/O/N=10000 GizmoColor; GizmoColor = (p/10000)*4e-5
which seems to look fine.
I then tried to map one of the standard color waves onto it, per the documentation:
ModifyGizmo makeColorWave={GizmoColor,Rainbow,0}
Igor executes this command without complaint.
My understanding is that I should be able to use this color wave (GizmoColor_C) for my slices and it should map the colors linearly between data values of 0 and 4e-5. But in the Gizmo Slicer Color Table selector the color table is not there. It also does not show up if I edit the surface in the Gizmo Info window and try to change the color table that way. It also doesn't show up in either of the two places if I create a new gizmo window after creating the new color table.
MakeColorWave is designed to work for surface objects in Gizmo. If you are drawing any other kind of object the data format of the wave will have the wrong dimensionality.
In general when the range of your data is greater than the range that you want to span with your color table you can set the values at which the first and last colors are drawn.
If you are not sure how to handle this, feel free to send me a copy of your experiment including the details of what you want to accomplish and I'll help you with that.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 28, 2012 at 11:22 am - Permalink
March 28, 2012 at 02:05 pm - Permalink
March 29, 2012 at 05:18 am - Permalink