Can Igor be used to open '.0001' type files?

Hi all

I just got a set of raw '.0001' files, they are used to generate 2D image which is directly read off from the detector.

Can Igor read the data and produce the corresponding 2D image from this type of file?

Igor could probably read it, but you would need to determine the layout of the file first.

It probably shouldn't be too hard to determine your file structure with a little trial and error. Here is a RAW data file example I encountered. The known detector pixel size was 640x480 (data length = 307200). The file size was 1,228,800 bytes, giving 4 bytes per data point. This particular set of data was known to be in IEEE single-precision float form (yours might well be 8, 16, or 32 bit unsigned integer). The command I used for interactive file loading was
GBLoadWave /A/B=1  /I  /T={2, 2} /U=307200 /W=1 

followed by
Redimension/N=(640,480) image0  // previous wave name, assigned by GBLoadWave
newimage image0

See the GBLoadWave help file for flag explanations and other data types. If the image display doesn't make sense, you will have to experiment a bit with the flags and parameters. I hope this helps get you started.