Image Plot from matrix data


I would like to start by explaining how far I got on my own before I ran into the problems I am addressing here. Maybe there is some alternative along the way that will make the actual problem not appear in the first place.

I am starting with data that is in what I call "gnuplot format":

x1 y1 z11
x1 y2 z12
x1 y3 z13

x2 y1 z21
x2 y2 z22

I didn't find out whether this can be processed directly by Igor so I extracted three files from it with python which are (x1,x2,...), (y1,y2,...), and the matrix with the z-values. These I load into Igor which allows me to plot the matrix as an image with the x- and y-wave (after adding one additional point) as the corresponding axes.

The first problem is that I think the z-values in the matrix lose the knowledge about the x- and y-values they belong to. So it is up to me to set the right order for the axes. In this case I know how the image is supposed to look like but once I don't, how can I be sure which order of x- and y-values is correct?

The second and more important thing to me right now is, that I have two such matrices, one running from y = 0 to 3 Tesla the other one from y = 0 to -3 Tesla. I would like to plot them in the same image plot. Is there a way to correctly join the two matrices in Igor? For that I would have to mirror the second matrix so that it runs from -3 to 0 Tesla. Only changing the order in the y-wave doesn't help because as I said above, the z-values are not connected to their "real" coordinates any more.

Ok, I hope I followed all the forum rules correctly and there aren't too many typos.

Thanks for any help,

MarkusG wrote:

I would like to start by explaining how far I got on my own before I ran into the problems I am addressing here. Maybe there is some alternative along the way that will make the actual problem not appear in the first place.

I am starting with data that is in what I call "gnuplot format":

x1 y1 z11
x1 y2 z12
x1 y3 z13

x2 y1 z21
x2 y2 z22

I didn't find out whether this can be processed directly by Igor so I extracted three files from it with python which are (x1,x2,...), (y1,y2,...), and the matrix with the z-values. These I load into Igor which allows me to plot the matrix as an image with the x- and y-wave (after adding one additional point) as the corresponding axes.

The first problem is that I think the z-values in the matrix lose the knowledge about the x- and y-values they belong to. So it is up to me to set the right order for the axes. In this case I know how the image is supposed to look like but once I don't, how can I be sure which order of x- and y-values is correct?

X (horizontal) values are assigned to rows (just like 1D waves/vectors), and Y values are assigned to columns.

The second and more important thing to me right now is, that I have two such matrices, one running from y = 0 to 3 Tesla the other one from y = 0 to -3 Tesla. I would like to plot them in the same image plot. Is there a way to correctly join the two matrices in Igor?

For that I would have to mirror the second matrix so that it runs from -3 to 0 Tesla. Only changing the order in the y-wave doesn't help because as I said above, the z-values are not connected to their "real" coordinates any more.

Why not use two image plots in the same graph? You'd have two left axes, one that is drawn from 0 to 50% of the plot area (for the 0 to -3 values) and one that is drawn from 50% to 100% (for the 0 to +3 values). Perhaps you will want to reverse the left axis for the 0 to -3 values.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
MarkusG wrote:

I am starting with data that is in what I call "gnuplot format":
x1 y1 z11
x1 y2 z12
x1 y3 z13

x2 y1 z21
x2 y2 z22

In Igor image processing, one of the main questions is always whether the x and y values are linearly spaced, that is, is there a constant (non-zero) difference between adjacent x and/or y pixels? If so then you can use wave scaling to your advantage. You can read up on this by executing DisplayHelpTopic "Waveform Model of Data".

The solution to your second question is also made more straightforward if you have linearly spaced data.

So, is it? If so you'll want to load your data into a single 2D wave and adjust the scaling using SetScale. If you need help with this then it would be easier if you posted some sample data.

JimProuty wrote:

Why not use two image plots in the same graph? You'd have two left axes, one that is drawn from 0 to 50% of the plot area (for the 0 to -3 values) and one that is drawn from 50% to 100% (for the 0 to +3 values). Perhaps you will want to reverse the left axis for the 0 to -3 values.

Thank you for your advice. This sounds very promising although I would have to find out first how to plot two image plots in one graph. For the moment I have to admit that I did the quick and dirty approach and just created two graphs, one twice as wide as the other. After exporting them into Quartz-pdfs I copied the image points with Illustrator out of the smaller graph and placed them into the other. With the amount of data points that are all represented by ungrouped rectangles this process was very annoying and brought my computer down several times. So rest assured that on the next occasion I will certainly try your suggestion.

Thank you,

741 wrote:

In Igor image processing, one of the main questions is always whether the x and y values are linearly spaced, that is, is there a constant (non-zero) difference between adjacent x and/or y pixels? If so then you can use wave scaling to your advantage. You can read up on this by executing DisplayHelpTopic "Waveform Model of Data".

I am sorry but I am getting an error message (topic not found after searching all Igor help files ...) when I enter this command.

741 wrote:

The solution to your second question is also made more straightforward if you have linearly spaced data.

So, is it? If so you'll want to load your data into a single 2D wave and adjust the scaling using SetScale. If you need help with this then it would be easier if you posted some sample data.

Yes, the data is linearly spaced. Here comes an example

4 -2 -9.58591602572802E-9
4 -1.998 1.35256066176515E-6
4 -1.996 2.15606204044056E-6
4 -1.994 1.26551470588236E-6
4 -1.992 -1.03785615808816E-6
4 -1.99 -1.78779044117607E-6
4 -1.988 -1.64048161764687E-6
4 -1.986 -2.75199218750001E-6
4 -1.984 -3.85680652573536E-6
4 -1.982 -4.74735340073543E-6
4 -1.98 -4.58665349264731E-6
4 1.986 -3.43295955882352E-5
4 1.988 -3.34323529411777E-5
4 1.99 -2.88925689338227E-5
4 1.992 -2.29801378676466E-5
4 1.994 -2.26587362132363E-5
4 1.996 -2.55714292279415E-5
4 1.998 -2.76270542279411E-5
4 2 -2.78480147058819E-5

3.95 -2 -7.71459031640625E-6
3.95 -1.998 -7.09759650735233E-7
3.95 -1.996 -1.35256020220626E-6
3.95 -1.994 -2.26989154411786E-6
3.95 -1.992 -2.40380790441147E-6
3.95 -1.99 -2.2297164522063E-6
3.95 -1.988 -2.87251700367581E-6
3.95 -1.986 -4.26525275735328E-6
3.95 1.988 -2.00071829044128E-5
3.95 1.99 -2.10785202205877E-5
3.95 1.992 -2.17347104779417E-5
3.95 1.994 -2.13396553308819E-5
3.95 1.996 -1.8614448529412E-5
3.95 1.998 -1.88287132352939E-5
3.95 2 -1.9029590992647E-5

3.9 -2 -7.52435803079044E-6
3.9 -1.998 3.60906020220555E-6
3.9 -1.996 1.56013143382374E-6
3.9 -1.994 4.68708639704682E-8
3.9 -1.992 -1.62039430147015E-6
3.9 -1.99 -3.08008823529405E-6

I think you get it ;-)

Thank you,


I have another question related to image plotting so I thought I might just ask it under the same topic. Is there a way to display line traces (horizontal or vertical) of an image plot. Origin offers such a feature as "Profiles". This is, one gets a cross hair that can be positioned anywhere on the image. On corresponding xy-graphs, the line plots along each of the two lines that make up the cross hair are displayed. I would often need this to look for small features in the image that are lost in the color contrast.

Thanks once more,

MarkusG wrote:

Yes, the data is linearly spaced. Here comes an example

The following function should help you out:
Function GnuPlotToMatrix(xWave, yWave, zWave)
    wave xWave, yWave, zWave
    // assumptions: the x values are monotonic
    // equivalent: the data is row-major (if x dimension = rows)
    variable nPoints = DimSize(zWave, 0)
    // get the wave scaling and the dimensions of the image
    variable dx, dy = yWave[1] - yWave[0]
    variable i, ySize = 1
    for (i = 1; i < nPoints; i+=1)
        if (xWave[i] == xWave[0])
            ySize += 1
            dx = xWave[i] - xWave[0]
    variable xSize = nPoints / ySize
    // make a copy of the z-data
    Duplicate /O zWave, M_Matrix
    // redimension the data to a 2D matrix (image)
    // there's a catch: Igor stores its data in column-major
    // format, but yours is row-major. So we solve that by doing
    // a transpose
    Redimension /N=(ySize, xSize) M_Matrix
    MatrixOP /O M_Matrix = M_Matrix^t
    // finally set the wave scaling
    SetScale /P x, xWave[0], dx, M_Matrix
    SetScale /P y, yWave[0], dy, M_Matrix

MarkusG wrote:

741 wrote:

DisplayHelpTopic "Waveform Model of Data"

I am sorry but I am getting an error message (topic not found after searching all Igor help files ...) when I enter this command.

I see now that it only works when "Using Igor.ihf" is open. Interesting. Anyway, to read it, type "SetScale" in the command line, right click on it, select "help for setscale", then scroll down and click on the link.

MarkusG wrote:

I have another question related to image plotting so I thought I might just ask it under the same topic. Is there a way to display line traces (horizontal or vertical) of an image plot. Origin offers such a feature as "Profiles". This is, one gets a cross hair that can be positioned anywhere on the image. On corresponding xy-graphs, the line plots along each of the two lines that make up the cross hair are displayed.

I think that the closest built-in Igor functionality is in the 'image line profiles' panel. To activate these, go to Analysis > Packages > Image Processing. A new menu, "Image", will appear, and you can select 'image line profiles' from that.

However, I think this is probably not quite what you are looking for. Programming something in Igor to mirror the Origin functionality is not difficult, but since you appear to be a new user I'll see if I can cook up something.

MarkusG wrote:

I would often need this to look for small features in the image that are lost in the color contrast.

I think that Igor has the 'fiddle' colorscale for this type of situation, but I haven't used it, so I cannot comment on its usefulness. Sometimes selecting log scaling for the colors can help as well.

I've also found that sometimes I can uncover more detail by being able to play with the color scales more precisely and interactively. I made a procedure that allows me to do this a couple of months ago. I've now uploaded it to IgorExchange here: Give it a go, you may find it useful.
741 wrote:
I see now that it only works when "Using Igor.ihf" is open. Interesting. Anyway, to read it, type "SetScale" in the command line, right click on it, select "help for setscale", then scroll down and click on the link.

DisplayHelpTopic "The Waveform Model of Data"

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
MarkusG wrote:
I have another question related to image plotting so I thought I might just ask it under the same topic. Is there a way to display line traces (horizontal or vertical) of an image plot. Origin offers such a feature as "Profiles". This is, one gets a cross hair that can be positioned anywhere on the image. On corresponding xy-graphs, the line plots along each of the two lines that make up the cross hair are displayed. I would often need this to look for small features in the image that are lost in the color contrast.

Try Analysis->Packages->Image Processing and after it has loaded and compiled, Image->Image Line Profiles.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
741 wrote:

The following function should help you out:

Thanks! As you have probably realized by now, I am a real newbie to Igor, especially when it comes to programming and executing functions. I will read up on this in the manual and give it a try.

741 wrote:

I think that the closest built-in Igor functionality is in the 'image line profiles' panel. To activate these, go to Analysis > Packages > Image Processing. A new menu, "Image", will appear, and you can select 'image line profiles' from that.

However, I think this is probably not quite what you are looking for. Programming something in Igor to mirror the Origin functionality is not difficult, but since you appear to be a new user I'll see if I can cook up something.

On the first glance this looked exactly like the feature I was looking for. However, the line trace that it displayed is not quite what I expected from the image. For instance where there is a peak visible in the image, the line trace does not show that peak. For instance, I do not understood what is the meaning of the two lines when the width parameter is set to a finite value. But here the same thing applies as already said above. I will have to read up on that feature in the manual to understand what it does.

741 wrote:

I've also found that sometimes I can uncover more detail by being able to play with the color scales more precisely and interactively. I made a procedure that allows me to do this a couple of months ago. I've now uploaded it to IgorExchange here: Give it a go, you may find it useful.

Great! This is very nice! Being able to adjust the color scale and also the map with the live preview is very very handy! It really looks like I have to learn something about the programming possibilities of Igor. They sure seem to be very powerful!
JimProuty wrote:

DisplayHelpTopic "The Waveform Model of Data"

Thank you, that did the trick! Now some reading has to be done...
johnweeks wrote:

Try Analysis->Packages->Image Processing and after it has loaded and compiled, Image->Image Line Profiles.

Thank you for the tip! As said above, it doesn't exactly do what I expected it to do, but that is most certainly my fault. It sure looks promising.
The two lines on the image show the averaging width of the profile. If you have a feature that is much narrower than the averaging width, it may get averaged away in the final profile. Try setting a narrower width.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
I also thought that's what it does. So in my understanding setting the line width to zero should produce the correct result. But it doesn't as you can see from the screenshot I attached. You realize immediately that along the blue line that I understood to indicate the position where the profile is taken, there should be a peak. You see that also in the graph window in the lower right part of the image. Instead in the line profile window I see two peaks. There are also areas in the image where there are indeed two peaks. However, I have to find out where the two peaks are joining into a single peak. For that I wanted to be able to look at line traces because from the color contrast of the image it seems like there is a whole range where only one apparent peak remains. By the way, for those who are interested, the range really is finite because the peaks overlap so strongly. Picking the line trace with the highest and "most symmetric" peak however should do the job.

Thank you once more,

Yes, I can certainly see that the profile doesn't match the line on the image. Without knowing anything about how you got to that situation, it looks to me like maybe there is an update issue of some kind- the profile panel has failed to get some signal it needed to update the profile in its graph.

Perhaps you could send a copy of your experiment file (the .pxp file) to, along with a description of the steps you took to get to that screen shot.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
johnweeks wrote:
Perhaps you could send a copy of your experiment file (the .pxp file) to, along with a description of the steps you took to get to that screen shot.


I sent the mail out today. Hope this helps. Sorry for the long breaks between my post but I am finishing my phd-thesis at the moment and should not devote too much times to other things.

I'll look forward to your reply!


MarkusG wrote:
johnweeks wrote:
Perhaps you could send a copy of your experiment file (the .pxp file) to, along with a description of the steps you took to get to that screen shot.


I sent the mail out today. Hope this helps. Sorry for the long breaks between my post but I am finishing my phd-thesis at the moment and should not devote too much times to other things.

I'll look forward to your reply!



Here is the content of an e-mail I sent Markus this morning:

Your file brings up a couple of issues.

1) It seems that the ImageLineProfile operation (which is the basis for the package I suggested that you use) doesn't support the use of auxiliary X and Y waves with the image. If you think about it, the concept of a width in the face of pixels of uneven width is not well defined. BUT- I think the procedure should detect the use of auxiliary waves and issue an informative error message instead of simply doing the wrong thing. Another programmer is working to add such a message.

2) You don't actually need the auxiliary waves, since your X and Y increments are all equal. If you use wave scaling instead, then the image line profile will work as advertised. I use these commands to apply wave scaling to your image wave:

setscale/P x -5.02, .005,'dI/dV (2.044V)'
setscale/P y 0, .01,'dI/dV (2.044V)'

The first command sets an X0 value of -5.02 with a delta X of 0.005. If the concept of wave scaling is not familiar, you can read about it here:

DisplayHelpTopic "The Waveform Model of Data"

I have attached a copy of your experiment file with the image scaled and re-plotted.

3) the image axes have reduced ranges, and the image profile shows the entire range. That includes a band of a couple pixels width where your image apparently has bad data. In the attached experiment file, I set the ranges of the profile graph to show just the range you had originally selected.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Hello to all you helpful people once again!

I finished my thesis by now and would like to express many thanks for the help I got in this forum.

I am back to data evaluation now and since time is not so pressing any more, I would like to take one
step back and maybe do everything right from the beginning. And once again, help would be greatly

The starting point is a number of files that are named something like this


This contains some voltage, temperature, date and, most importantly in this case, a magnetic field information.

The file itself then contains about 38 lines starting with the character #. One of those lines contains for instance
the wave names. The actual data starts in, say, line 38 and is saved again in what I referred to as gnuplot format
above. That is

-019.781E+0 0.004 0.04454944704 7.951061E-1 291.746913 +004.000E+0 0.00345184 -0.000777248 0.01 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 0.003985 0.04317095718 7.951061E-1 291.957619 +003.985E+0 0.00334503 -0.000676159 0.01 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 0.00397 0.04654329498 7.951061E-1 292.165466 +003.970E+0 0.00360633 -0.000598434 0.01 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 0.003955 0.05044516596 7.951061E-1 292.37239 +003.955E+0 0.00390866 -0.000755314 0.01 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 -0.003965 0.00265740993 7.951061E-1 403.818239 -003.965E+0 0.000205905 0.000131221 0.0005 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 -0.00398 0.00293011371 7.951061E-1 404.025506 -003.980E+0 0.000227035 0.000159503 0.0005 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4
-019.781E+0 -0.003995 0.00357360687 7.951061E-1 404.238158 -003.995E+0 0.000276895 0.000221879 0.0005 3.122207E+3 2.655852E-4

-019.780E+0 0.004 0.05638386186 7.917412E-1 407.215005 +004.000E+0 0.00436881 -0.00141621 0.01 3.127052E+3 5.272175E-4
-019.780E+0 0.003985 0.0643164057 7.917412E-1 407.409343 +003.985E+0 0.00498345 -0.000787739 0.01 3.127052E+3 5.272175E-4
-019.780E+0 0.00397 0.06605187552 7.917412E-1 407.622087 +003.970E+0 0.00511792 -0.00103761 0.01 3.127052E+3 5.272175E-4

and so on.
You see that in the first column we have what we here call "master" parameter. This is only set every other linetrace. The second
column then contains the "slave" parameter (God, I hope this is politically correct, NO OFFENSE MEANT!!!) that runs from 4mV to -4mV.
The third column finally contains the measured data. All other columns contain only monitoring parameters and can be ignored.

So, I would like to somehow automate the procedure of
1.) loading the appropriate columns as waves,
2.) turning the gnuplot format into an image format with the correct scaling and the correct wave name (taken from the filename if possible), and
3.) finally displaying all matrix waves as separate images.

For 1.) I read a bit of the DisplayHelpTopic "Loading Waves Using Igor Procedures" but the generic examples were not doing all the tricks, especially not the sensible autonaming.
For 2.) I tried the procedure that "741" posted. It basically did work but it also interpretes the empty lines that are between each step of the "master" value which it shouldn't.
For 3.) I am still completely lost.

I attached one of the files as an example to this post. Maybe it helps.
-19d76V_800mK_08-22-B+00400.txt (3.26 MB)
To cope with the blank lines, you need to zap NaNs before converting from 1D waves to a matrix using 741's GnuPlotToMatrix function. You can zap NaNs like this:
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, xWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, yWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, zWave

To automatically determine where the data starts in the file, you will need to open the file using the Open operation, and read line-by-line using FReadLine. You will need to look for the first line containing data. This is identified by the absence of a # symbol at the start of the line.

Here is an example of a header-parsing function:
Search for ReadHeaderInfo.

Your header parser would start like this:
Function ReadHeaderInfo(pathName, filePath, dataStartLine)
    String pathName     // Name of symbolic path. Ignored if filePath is full path.
    String filePath         // File name, relative path or full path
    Variable& dataStartLine // Output: Zero-based line number of start of data

The calling function would pass the dataStartLine to the LoadWave /L flag.

To name the wave based on the file name, use the LoadWave /B flag. This will give you an unwieldy "liberal" name. Read about liberal names by executing this:
DisplayHelpTopic "Liberal Object Names"
DisplayHelpTopic "Programming With Liberal Names"

Thank you very much! That already helped quite a bit. I got busy today and with my absolutely negligible programming skills came up with the following solution.

It's basically just a copy and paste collection from forum posts and examples from the help files.

Now, it does in principle everything I would like it to do but probably not in an ideal and most certainly not in a flexible way.

If anyone found the time to briefly look through the code and point out the most obvious ways of improvement I would be very grateful.

One concrete thing I would like to know is how I would generate the image displays at slightly varying position so that they appear stacked rather exactly on top of each other.

#pragma rtGlobals=1     // Use modern global access method.
Function/S DoLoadMultipleFiles()
    Variable refNum, lineNumber
    String message = "Select one or more files"
    String outputPaths
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"
    DFREF saveDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()      // Get reference to current data folder
    fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    Open /D /R /MULT=1 /F=fileFilters /M=message refNum
    outputPaths = S_fileName
    if (strlen(outputPaths) == 0)
        Print "Cancelled"
        Variable numFilesSelected = ItemsInList(outputPaths, "\r")
        Variable i, pre, field
        String filename, fields
        String pretext, name
        for(i=0; i<numFilesSelected; i+=1)
            String path = StringFromList(i, outputPaths, "\r")
            Printf "%d: %s\r", i, path
            filename =  path[Strlen(path)-15,Strlen(path)]
            print filename
            sscanf filename, "%d%*[-B]%d%*[.dat]", pre, field
            sprintf fields, "B%dmT", field
            NewDataFolder/S $fields
            // Add commands here to load the actual waves.  An example command
            // is included below but you will need to modify it depending on how
            // the data you are loading is organized.
            //LoadWave/J/M/D/A=wave/K=0 path
            LoadWave/J/D/W/A/K=0/L={lineNumber-4,lineNumber,0,0,3} path
            GnuPlotToMatrix(measVgate, Vbiasdc, GacxCalc)
            Display as fields;AppendImage M_Matrix;DelayUpdate
            ModifyImage M_Matrix ctab= {-0.03,0.1,BlueHot,0}
            SetDataFolder saveDFR
    return outputPaths      // Will be empty if user canceled
End Function
Function GnuPlotToMatrix(xWave, yWave, zWave)
    wave xWave, yWave, zWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, xWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, yWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, zWave
    // assumptions: the x values are monotonic
    // equivalent: the data is row-major (if x dimension = rows)
    variable nPoints = DimSize(zWave, 0)
    // get the wave scaling and the dimensions of the image
    variable dx, dy = yWave[1] - yWave[0]
    variable i, ySize = 1
    for (i = 1; i < nPoints; i+=1)
        if (xWave[i] == xWave[0])
            ySize += 1
            dx = xWave[i] - xWave[0]
    variable xSize = nPoints / ySize
    // make a copy of the z-data
    Duplicate /O zWave, M_Matrix
    // redimension the data to a 2D matrix (image)
    // there's a catch: Igor stores its data in column-major
    // format, but yours is row-major. So we solve that by doing
    // a transpose
    Redimension /N=(ySize, xSize) M_Matrix
    MatrixOP /O M_Matrix = M_Matrix^t
    // finally set the wave scaling
    SetScale /P x, xWave[0], dx, M_Matrix
    SetScale /P y, yWave[0], dy, M_Matrix
End Function
Function ReadHeaderInfo(pathName, filePath, lineNumber)
    String pathName         // Name of symbolic path. Ignored if filePath is full path.
    String filePath         // File name, relative path or full path
    //Variable dataStartLine        // Output: Zero-based line number of start of data
    Variable& lineNumber
    Variable refNum
    String line
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"
    fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    lineNumber = 0
    Open/R/F=fileFilters/P=$pathName refNum as filePath
    if (refNum == 0)            // File not opened - bad pathName or fileName
        return -1               // Failure
        FReadLine refNum, line
        if (strlen(line) == 0)
            Print "File ended without finding anything"
            return -1   // Failure
        String temp = line[0]
        if (CmpStr(temp,"#") == 0)
            lineNumber += 1
        if (lineNumber > 100)
            Print "Searched 100 lines without finding the header width and height information."
            return -1
    return 0
End Function

Maybe this will finally do the trick and teach me some programming skills.


One concrete thing I would like to know is how I would generate the image displays at slightly varying position so that they appear stacked rather exactly on top of each other.

You need to use the /W flag with the Display command. Create local variable like this outside your main for loop:
    Variable left=50, top=50, right=500, bottom=400

Use these values in the Display /W flag.

Then add some offset to them at the end of the for loop:
    left += 20; top += 20; right+=20; bottom+=20

I don't see any major issues with your procedures but do have some minor comments: Here is a slightly modified version. Search for ***HR*** for my changes and comments.

#pragma rtGlobals=1     // Use modern global access method.
#pragma rtGlobals=1     // Use modern global access method.
Function/S DoLoadMultipleFiles()
    Variable refNum, lineNumber
    String message = "Select one or more files"
    String outputPaths
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"
    DFREF saveDFR = GetDataFolderDFR()      // Get reference to current data folder
    fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    Open /D /R /MULT=1 /F=fileFilters /M=message refNum
    outputPaths = S_fileName
    if (strlen(outputPaths) == 0)
        Print "Cancelled"
        Variable numFilesSelected = ItemsInList(outputPaths, "\r")
        Variable i, pre, field
        String filename, fields
        String pretext, name
        for(i=0; i<numFilesSelected; i+=1)
            String path = StringFromList(i, outputPaths, "\r")
            Printf "%d: %s\r", i, path
            //  ***HR*** Use ParseFilePath so this will still work if the file name length changes
            //filename =  path[Strlen(path)-15,Strlen(path)]
            filename = ParseFilePath(0, path, ":", 1, 0)        // Get last element (i.e., file name)
            print filename
            sscanf filename, "%d%*[-B]%d%*[.dat]", pre, field
            sprintf fields, "B%dmT", field
            //  ***HR*** Test return value of ReadHeaderInfo
            // ReadHeaderInfo("",path,lineNumber)
            if (ReadHeaderInfo("",path,lineNumber) != 0)
                Printf "Skipping %s because of error in ReadHeaderInfo\r", filename
                continue    // Continue from "for" statement
            NewDataFolder/S $fields
            // Add commands here to load the actual waves.  An example command
            // is included below but you will need to modify it depending on how
            // the data you are loading is organized.
            //LoadWave/J/M/D/A=wave/K=0 path
            LoadWave/J/D/W/A/K=0/L={lineNumber-4,lineNumber,0,0,3} path
            GnuPlotToMatrix(measVgate, Vbiasdc, GacxCalc)
            Display as fields;AppendImage M_Matrix;DelayUpdate
            ModifyImage M_Matrix ctab= {-0.03,0.1,BlueHot,0}
            SetDataFolder saveDFR
    return outputPaths      // Will be empty if user canceled
//  ***HR*** Change "End Function" to "End". Some day Igor might complain about the extraneous "Function"
// End Function
Function GnuPlotToMatrix(xWave, yWave, zWave)
    wave xWave, yWave, zWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, xWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, yWave
    WaveTransform zapNaNs, zWave
    // assumptions: the x values are monotonic
    // equivalent: the data is row-major (if x dimension = rows)
    variable nPoints = DimSize(zWave, 0)
    // get the wave scaling and the dimensions of the image
    variable dx, dy = yWave[1] - yWave[0]
    variable i, ySize = 1
    for (i = 1; i < nPoints; i+=1)
        if (xWave[i] == xWave[0])
            ySize += 1
            dx = xWave[i] - xWave[0]
    variable xSize = nPoints / ySize
    // make a copy of the z-data
    Duplicate /O zWave, M_Matrix
    // redimension the data to a 2D matrix (image)
    // there's a catch: Igor stores its data in column-major
    // format, but yours is row-major. So we solve that by doing
    // a transpose
    Redimension /N=(ySize, xSize) M_Matrix
    MatrixOP /O M_Matrix = M_Matrix^t
    // finally set the wave scaling
    SetScale /P x, xWave[0], dx, M_Matrix
    SetScale /P y, yWave[0], dy, M_Matrix
//  ***HR*** Change "End Function" to "End". Some day Igor might complain about the extraneous "Function"
// End Function
Function ReadHeaderInfo(pathName, filePath, lineNumber)
    String pathName         // Name of symbolic path. Ignored if filePath is full path.
    String filePath         // File name, relative path or full path
    //Variable dataStartLine        // Output: Zero-based line number of start of data
    Variable& lineNumber
    // ***HR*** Put a blank line after parameter declarations for better readability
    Variable refNum
    String line
    String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"
    fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
    lineNumber = 0
    Open/R/F=fileFilters/P=$pathName refNum as filePath
    if (refNum == 0)            // File not opened - bad pathName or fileName
        return -1               // Failure
        FReadLine refNum, line
        if (strlen(line) == 0)
            Print "File ended without finding anything"
            return -1   // Failure
        String temp = line[0]
        if (CmpStr(temp,"#") == 0)
            lineNumber += 1
        if (lineNumber > 100)
            Print "Searched 100 lines without finding the header width and height information."
            return -1
    return 0
//  ***HR*** Change "End Function" to "End". Some day Igor might complain about the extraneous "Function"
// End Function

You need to use the /W flag with the Display command. Create local variable like this outside your main for loop:
    Variable left=50, top=50, right=500, bottom=400

Use these values in the Display /W flag.

Then add some offset to them at the end of the for loop:
    left += 20; top += 20; right+=20; bottom+=20

Thanks, as always this did the trick! With many graphs the graph browser proved to be a very useful tool!


I don't see any major issues with your procedures but do have some minor comments: Here is a slightly modified version. Search for ***HR*** for my changes and comments.

Thank you for looking through the code and for your comments and additions. It works perfectly!