Saving a path to a procedure file

Hi, I am writing a package which will call a text file which contains values and strings. The text file contains a variety of different "experiments" where each experiment is written in the same format i.e.

Experiment Number: SC9875
Experiment date: November 2011
Beam energy: 14
Beam height: 300
Beam width: 300
Sample width: 0.98

The user interface allows the user to select the experiment number from a popup menu (populated at the package initialization using Grep and FReadLine commands). When the experiment is selected the values are read from the text file for use as global variables which are called during data processing. This all works fine as in my initialization macro I have the path to the text file saved as a string. If however I want to distribute this package among my research group the path would obviously be different.

I could have a dialog to find the path but this would have to happen every time Igor is started. Is there anyway to have a dialog to locate the file once then save that path for future so that the procedure remembers the path even after Igor is closed.

The easiest way is just to manually edit the procedure changing the path specific to the user before compiling but I think what I want to do would be more elegant especially if it is distributed to someone new to Igor.

Many thanks,
Thomas.Dane wrote:
Is there anyway to have a dialog to locate the file once then save that path for future so that the procedure remembers the path even after Igor is closed.

Yes. Execute this for the details:
DisplayHelpTopic "Saving Package Preferences"
<pre><code class="language-igor">