Killing floating panels

Running aTest(0) from the sample code below produces a progress window which closes upon reaching 100% or upon the Abort button being clicked. If you run aTest(1) instead to make the panel a floating one, the progress window remains even though the abort is handled correctly. (At least on my machine running Igor
How would I kill the panel if I used /FLT=2 instead?
Function aTest( float) Variable float string pname = NewTestProgressWindow( float ) Variable i,imax= 1000 for(i=0;i<=imax;i+=1) Variable t0= ticks do while( ticks < (t0+1) ) UpdateTestProgressWindow( pname, i, imax) endfor DoWindow/K $pname End Function/S NewTestProgressWindow( float ) variable float string myname = UniqueName("progwin", 9, 0) If (float) NewPanel/K=1/N=$myname/FLT=1/W=(629,345,929,442) as "Please wait..." else NewPanel/K=1/N=$myname/W=(629,345,929,442) as "Please wait..." endif ValDisplay vdProgress,pos={5,5},size={290,20},limits={0,1,0},barmisc={0,0},mode= 3,value= _NUM:0 TitleBox titleProgress,pos={5,30},size={54,13},frame=0,title="0/0 complete" Button btnAbort,pos={245,26},size={50,20},help={"Click to end procedure execution"},title="Abort" SetActiveSubwindow _endfloat_ DoUpdate/W=$myname/E=1 return myname End Function UpdateTestProgressWindow( name, val1, val2 ) string name // name of progress window to affect variable val1, val2 // status values DoWindow $name If ( !V_flag ) return -1 endif ValDisplay vdProgress,win=$name,value=_NUM: (val1/val2) TitleBox titleProgress,win=$name,title= num2istr(val1)+"/"+num2istr(val2)+" complete" DoUpdate/W=$name/E=1 If ( V_flag == 2 ) DoWindow/K $name Abort endif If ( val1/val2 >= 1 ) DoWindow/K $name endif return 0 End
October 31, 2011 at 02:06 pm - Permalink
October 31, 2011 at 03:09 pm - Permalink