Save Waves as Comma-Delimited Text

// SaveWavesDelimited(pathName, filePath, list, delimiter, includeWaveNames, overwriteMode) // As of Igor Pro 6.22, the Igor Save operation can not save comma-delimited files. // It can save tab-delimited (/J) or space-delimited (/G). // To work around this, this routine writes the wave data and then replaces the // tab delimiter in the saved file with the specified delimiter. // The target file is specified using an Igor symbolic path and a file name, partial path // to the file or full path to the file. Pass "" for filePath to get a Save file dialog. // If you are not familiar with Igor symbolic paths, execute this and read the help: // DisplayHelpTopic "Symbolic Paths" // The function returns 0 if successful or non-zero if an error occurred or the user cancelled. // Read the comments for the parameters for further information. Function SaveWavesDelimited(pathName, filePath, list, delimiter, includeWaveNames, overwriteMode) String pathName // Igor symbolic path name or "" if filePath is a full path. String filePath // File name, partial path or full path. "" to get save file dialog. String list // Semicolon-separated list of wave names. String delimiter // e.g, "," for comma-delimited. Variable includeWaveNames // 1 to include wave names as column labels. Variable overwriteMode // 0 to never overwrite, 1 to always overwrite, 2 to display save file dialog if file already exists. // These are used if a Save File dialog is displayed String fileFilter = "All Files:.*;" String prompt = "Save waves as delimited text" Variable refNum GetFileFolderInfo /P=$pathName /Q /Z filePath if (V_Flag == 0) // File or folder exists if (V_isFolder) Printf "Can not overwrite folder at \"%s\"\r", S_Path return -1 endif // File exists switch (overwriteMode) case 0: // Never overwrite Printf "File \"%s\" already exists\r", S_Path return -1 break case 1: // Always overwrite filePath = S_Path break case 2: // Display Save File dialog Open /P=$pathName /D /F=fileFilter /M=prompt refNum as filePath filePath = S_fileName // Full path to the file if (strlen(filePath) == 0) return -1 // User cancelled endif break endswitch else // File does not exist. See if we can create it. Open /P=$pathName /Z refNum as filePath if (V_flag == 0) // The file was created. filePath = S_fileName // Full path to the file Close refNum else // Display a save file dialog Open /P=$pathName /D /F=fileFilter /M=prompt refNum as filePath filePath = S_fileName // Full path to the file if (strlen(filePath) == 0) return -1 // User cancelled endif endif endif // The overwrite parameter was handled above so we can always overwrite here if (includeWaveNames) Save /J /B /W /O list as filePath else Save /J /B /O list as filePath endif // Now replace the tab delimiter with the specified delimiter // Open file and read data Open /R refNum as filePath FStatus refNum Variable numBytes = V_logEOF String text = PadString("", numBytes, 0x20 ) // FBinRead requires this FBinRead refNum, text Close refNum text = ReplaceString("\t", text, delimiter) // Rewrite file Open refNum as filePath FBinWrite refNum, text Close refNum return 0 End



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J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
August 10, 2011 at 08:40 am - Permalink
Nate Hyde
June 3, 2015 at 05:39 pm - Permalink