Dynamic Strswitch Cases

I am wondering if it is possible for a strswitch to have variable cases, such as depending on a text wave's contents. For example, if that text wave (TWave) has elements {A,B,C}, strswitch will return 1 for A, 2 for B, and 3 for C. If the Twave has elements {D,E,F} instead, strswitch will return 1 for D, 2 for E, and 3 for F. I think strconstants may be involved with the process, but don't know how to use them effectively. Below are two of my attempts.
string str wave/T Twave strswitch(str) case TWave[0]: return 1 case TWave[1]: return 2 case Twave[2]: return 3 endswitch
string str wave/T Twave strconstant case1 = TWave[0], case2 = TWave[1], case3 = TWave[2] strswitch(str) case case1: return 1 case case2: return 2 case case3: return 3 endswitch
Thank you.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 27, 2011 at 02:26 pm - Permalink
June 27, 2011 at 02:54 pm - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 28, 2011 at 04:47 pm - Permalink